Different Teaching Material

Afraid to Say 'i love you'

It has been a month, and the four weeks have been painfully long for Kyuhyun and Yesung. Siwon had finally left them alone followed by a few threats that came from Heechul so that wasn't the problem. Kyuhyun and Yesung were kept away from each other most of the time, since the two teacher couples were having some arguments with ways they taught. It was also to create a huge pool of desire for each other in their hearts, or so Heechul said. And his theory did indeed work. He kept the two away from each other while he taught Yesung everything he knew. While he did that the Minwook couple did their best with their lessons. Minwook and Heechul had made a bet with Eunhae on who would confess first, Yesung or Kyuhyun. All in all the past four weeks of April was quite horrid. Kyuhyun's failed attempts at talking with Yesung normally, without any hidden schemes that Minwook had, always ended up with him getting a face full of an angry Heechul. Then there were Yesung's constant fails to do things as simple as asking Kyuhyun for a pencil, he ended up blushing madly everytime due to Heechul's loud whispers next to his ear reminding him about the lessons on pleasing men. The both of them simply yearned to be near each other again. Not even as lovers, no they didn't even need anything as complicated as that (even though it would be nice), Kyuhyun and Yesung only wanted to be friends again. Ever since Heechul and Minwook had began their lessons they finally realized how agonizing it is to not see each other each day, and when they do it grows too awkward.

"Now let's review things. This is Yesung's head, where all his weird, awkward thoughts roam around. It's quite big so he must think alot. These are his eyes and nose. Remember that he has deep eyes so make sure to capture those when you confess. And don't forget that he had plastic surgery on his nose. Now, this is his mouth, and those, his lips. We will review how to kiss in a minute once Sungmin brushes his teeth." Ryeowook pointed at the whiteboard with a stick where the projector had casted a picture of Yesung on the board.

Kyuhyun groaned for the umpteenth time. It was their daily lesson and Sungmin and Ryeowook had borrowed a classroom again so they could teach afterschool. That wasn't was ticked Kyuhyun off, what ticked him off the most was he was being taught about Yesung's body! He knew everything about Yesung's body already, he knew where he tickled and where it hurt, he knew the scars and he knew the special birthmark below his belly button. Kyuhyun knew everything, he espicially didn't need Ryeowook to teach him about that.

"Now, these are his abs. He has a six-pack, a really well toned chest. And below that is little Yesung junior. If we must give you lessons on that then you'll have to wait till Sungmin gets back from brushing his teeth, I'm not too uncomfortable on the topic." Ryeowook coughed already looking slightly comfortable.

"You need me don't you Wookie?" Sungmin appeared at the door of the classroom before sauntering in and taking a seat next to Kyuhyun making him grimace.

"Ah Sungminnie, thank you for finally coming back! Aish, we have to teach Kyuhyun how to kiss. Pretend Sungmin is Yesung and kiss him." Ryeowook turned off the projector so the room was dark with some light from the windows. The teacher walked over to Kyuhyun and Sungmin who had stood up to stand in the middle of the room, and he placed his hands on their shoulders.

"Remember, this wasn't my idea so once Sungmin's done I'll take his kisses back away from you. And don't you dare stick that tongue in deep places or I will skin you alive." Kyuhyun shivered from Ryeowook's threatening tone. The boy was pretty overprotective. It had taken alot of persuasion on Sungmin's part to get Ryeowook to approve the kissing training. Kyuhyun on the other hand hated the idea. He doesn't want to kiss that weird Sungmin, espicially in place of Yesung.

"I don't even want to kiss him anyways." he said with a look of disgust only to have Ryeowook growl at him resulting in Sungmin pulling them apart.

"Okay, imagine Yesung is in front of you. You slowly walk up to him." Kyuhyun began to tune Ryeowook's annoying high voice out.

Maybe he had been seperated from Yesung for too long that he was growing desperate. The short blonde Sungmin that stood before him began to morph into Yesung. His eyes came first, they were deep and carried the usual assasin-like aura. Then the bright red hair came next, it looks soft yet anime/manga like. Kyuhyun's eyes trailed down to Yesung's lips. His face had changed completely and was no longer the Sungmin that he thought he saw. But those lips. They were plump like Kyuhyun always imagined and they seemed to be luring him in every second.

The temptation plan of Heechul's and Minwook's to win their bet was working. Having four weeks of not seeing each other had driven Kyuhyun up the wall. If he had time to just stare at those lips every day then he wouldn't be so desperate now. Before he knew it Ryeowook was screaming at the top of his lungs about cheating boyfriends. The sight before him infuriated him. Kyuhyun was practically devouring Sungmin's face and everytime they broke apart for short, very short, breaths Kyuhyun wouldn't stop panting Yesung's name. It took quite a few punches, kicks, shoves, and ball-smashing kneeing in the crotch to seperate the two. Ryeowook pulled a dazed, confused looking Sungmin into his arms and apologized over and over again. Kyuhyun stood in shock as he blinked his eyes rapidly. Yesung had morphed back to Sungmin and the realization that he had kissed Sungmin and not Yesung hit him in the face. 

"You went too far!" Ryeowook snarled but Kyuhyun completely ignroed him and rushed out of the classroom. He had to find Yesung, and fast before he goes crazy after another second of not seeing his face.


This was completely horrid. I was growing frightened the more items Heechul pulled out of his magical bin.We had been lucky enough to borrow the nurse office for lessons today and I didn't enjoy it one bit.

"Today I will introduce you to lingerie and different cosplay types." Heechul grinned as he held up a maid costume and a cat costume. I shivered, why would he have things like that? Oh, of course, it's Heechul. 

"Why can't we have more innocent classes like Minwook does?" I groaned. At first I thought the idea of having classes like this would help me with my predicament with Kyuhyun. But once they began to push Kyu and I apart rather than together I was beginning to get ticked off. That and Heechul's weird methods of teaching. Now I just want things to be back to normal. Surprisingly, I miss seeing Kyuhyun's annoying face everyday when he would tease me then help me out in math class. I missed when we would awkwardly end up sitting together at the lunch table and he would shove apples to me, it seemed ilke it was all he ever ate now.

"Minwook, I swear, those two are anything but innocent. I tell you that Ryeowook kid watches so many dramas but rumors are they're pretty ual kind of videos. And Sungmin, he looks cute and aegyo on the outside but on the inside he is a hidden masochist. You're lucky to have me." Heechul scoffed and turned in circles in the mirror while he sorted through the different cosplay costumes.

"But their ways of teaching Kyuhyun is better." I whined.

"Hush boy, we're both doing the best we can for the both of you so be grateful we're even providing some help." Heechul shushed me making me growl as my legs stopped dangling off the small patient bed.

"What do you mean, I don't need help with my relationship issues." I lied.

"You may not but Kyuhyun does." Heechul chuckled causing me to freeze at his words.

"What do you mean?" the way he had said it made it seem like there was more to it than it seemed.

"Psh, your little friend's leaving right after graduation to go to Seoul with some thugs 'cause his parents screwed up in life." Heechul snickered as if there was some inside joke but all I could do was freeze and let his words process through me.

"What? Heechul explain to me." I begged suddenly getting serious. Heechul looked at me suddenly realizing what he had said outloud and seemed to regret it.

"No, forget what I said, let's try on this mermaid costume." he tried to distract me unsuccessfully.

"Heechul tell me now before I kill your cat." I threatened and he gave in.

He told me the redhead Hankyung guy told him everything. Kyuhyun's parents had passed away but it was mostly known that they committed suicide when running away from who knows what. But they owed a group of thugs alot of money due to an accident with some financial problems. After his parents' death, Kyuhyun was left as an orphan and coincidentally found by the group of thugs' leader. The leader took him in and let Kyuhyun work with them, stealing business after business until he could finally pay off his parents' debt. He had ran away from them and was in big trouble now. Heechul said that Kyu was promised enough time until graduation before returning to Seoul.

The words went in one ear and out the other as if flowing water but I managed to soak it all in. Everything came rushing in. That was probably what explained everything, almost every single thing. I turned my head to the calendar in the nurse office. It was May 1st, graduation is next month. I only have a month left with Kyuhyun according to Hankyung. Knowing what I must do I bolted out the door, ignoring the angry comments from Heechul.


Kyuhyun and Yesung ran through the school campus. Both were desperate to see each other again, it was like the old days again when they were such close friends and possibly more. Kyuhyun couldn't get the fact that he had grown so crazy to kiss Sungmin in place of Yesung. And Yesung couldn't face the information that Heechul just told him. It was too much to accept. Their footsteps slowed when they saw each other right ouside their classroom building.

"Kim Yesung." Kyuhyun breathed as he tried to catch his breath.

"Yes, Cho Kyuhyun." Yesung couldn't help the grin that broke out on his face.

"You are torturing me. I see you everywhere these days. You pop up in front of me when you're not really there, you show up in my dreams when I'm dreaming about something completely unrelated, you appear in books and cellphones or whatever I'm looking at at the time. Do you know how annoying that is!?" Kyuhyun snapped but they both knew very well he was simply stalling his time.


"And, I can't seem to get you out of my head..." Kyuhyun blushed a faint pink and scratched his head wondering if he should continue. Yesung wondered what he should do. If he was to leave in a month then what will happen to them? Should he enjoy the time while he can or just completely deny it so it wouldn't hurt anyone?

"So...ummm..." Kyuhyun stutttered. He had repeated what he was going to say over and over again in his head when he ran here. He knew very well what he wanted. At first when he arrived in Incheon all he wanted to do was to make sure Yesung was doing well and then officially forget him. Now, he couldn't get rid of him, it was too hard to get rid of Yesung.

"Will you go out with me?" the one that said the few words shocked them both. Yesung blushed all different shades of red as he looked up at Kyuhyun waiting for the answer, just like how he did a few years ago.

Panda: woaaaa longg dang chappy im so sleepy TT TT alleriges kickin in waaaaaa well i hope i didnt disappoint anyone iwth a confession kinda chappy here hopfully hahaha nd so sorry for all the errors nd typos nd such


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Cenya14 #1
Chapter 26: Happy they got to be together in the end. Great story
Chapter 26: Beautiful story i loved it ..... ♡
Chapter 9: hahahahahaha XD those farts XD hahahaha i can't stop laughing XD

KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA~!!! It kinds crept me out, learning that the "GREAT" Heenim had a twin brother. HAHAHA XD

Kyuhyun is really an idiot. ERRRR !!! He's killing me !!! He's ruining everything... How about my Yesungie ?? T^T *just don't mind the nonsense rants* HAHAHAHA XDDDD

Author-nim/dongsaeng, I really love the way you write ^^


THIS !! WAHAHAHHAHAHAHA !!! XDDDD Sorry if I comment too much XD
Chapter 11: "I don't deserve the sweet ones."
- Kyuhyun


Dongsaeng, this is getting more interesting :DDDD kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~!!! :">
Chapter 9: FARTING AHJUSSI ?! SERIOUSLY DONGSAENG !! WAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA !!!I am literally rolling on the floor, laughing and holding my stomach. XDDDDDDD
camacchiato0620 #8
Chapter 26: yayyyyy..happy ending~^^
thank you for sharing this fanfic..
will always waiting for your kyusung fanfic.. XD
Chapter 26: Gah that was so wonderful and the drama at the house was super interesting! haha i really really enjoyed this story, i am very sad that its over. Actually my friend Erika will probably be sad too, she know the whole story line even though she doesnt read Suju fics ;D
Thank you so much for always writing such fantastic fics! ♥ you!! *Hugs*
Chapter 26: Yaaaah!! >.< why did u end it soon?!! OMG! you Re breaking my heart!! :'( I wasn't expecting this!! When I saw the update this morning, I was like: 'Cool, an nee chappie! :D' and then I read 'complete' and I was like: 'huh O__O what happen?!! :o'... well stop beginning an Tifa... am not really complaining! '^^ Or am I?! :D aiiishhhh u know how I hate it when an amazing story like yours end!! :( *feel like crying* :( actually I didn't even cry in this chappie!! O.o weird cause I easy sure to do it for Hee! '^^ I think it Because u didn't really developed this part of the story (even if I was sure that something like that will happen.. I mean Hee saving his twin... :'() He sacrificed himself for his bro... poor him! But am happy that my Chulie is okay!!... I hope he is fine, well sure he need time! And now he has Hannie and all his friends around him!! Am happy that they all look happy, crazy EunHae and MinWook !! :)
I laughed a lot at Kyu response to Minnie when he asked him about Wookie, hihi he is so naughty evil my Kyunie!!:p but we have the so nice Yeye to answer such question with a direct clear answer!! XDDDDD Those two are just perfect for each other!! :D
and now Sungie is like discovering a new side of his boyfriend!! That's cute!!!!! *.* so breaking cute! ^^ I loved those 10 minutes!!! They were like in heaving wrapping himself in each other warm talking sweetly and kissing lovingly!! :) awwwww awwwww awwwww KyuSung all the way!~ <3<3<3
Thanks for the happy ending sweetheart:!! Thanks a lot for the beautiful story, one of your interesting works!!! :D
I can't wait for more fics, really!! ^o^