Chapter 2 - Meeting again

Not what you expected~
Second update~

Sorry it took so long! T.T


When you came into the girls toilet, you saw your mom standing there, looking for you.
The moment she noticed you and agry look appeared on her face.
You were really afraid she'd hit you, like she did before when she was angry.
She didn't. She just glared at you angrily until you apologised for leaving and telling her that you'd behave for the rest of the day.
You both went out and tried to act like nothing happened.
Even though you didn't like shopping with your mom, today wasnt that bad.
You bought baggy jeans and a pair of allstars.
When you were walking in one of the main streets, you saw a really pretty pair of heels in one of the windows.
You ran to the window and pressed your face against the glass.
"Moooom!" you whined. "Look at these pretty heels! Can we please go in?"
You were really surprised when she actually agreed, since she barely likes the things and shops you like.
You went in and immediately walked over to the heels.
"Woah, they look amazing!" you squealed.
"I think they'd look amazing on you" a familiar voice said.
You froze for a moment. 'It's him again' you thought.
You turned around, only to see the guy from the toilet before.
You couldn't help but blush brightly as you walked to your mom and dragged her outside with you.
"Huh? Why are we leaving?" she asked surprised. "I thought you liked those heels?"
"They're not that pretty after all" you lied as you walked away with her.
You looked back to the shop and saw the same guy looking back at you, a grin on his face again.
'Aish, I hope I won't have to see him ever again' you thought, while heading to a restaurant to eat something with your mom.
After you ordered the foor, your mom became serious again.
"Dear.." she started. You sighed but listened to her.
"Before we're heading home, I'll show you the place where you and Yongguk will be living?"
"What?" you asked surprised.
"You already know where we're gong to live? How nice that you also discuss things with us" you said sarcastically as you rolled your eyes.
Your mom glared at you beofre continuing what she was saying.
"You'll be moving there in a week, so please start looking for a job. It won't be hard for you, since you're a good cook,
but it will be hard for your brother so help him, arasso?"
'A WEEK?!' you thought, but didn't say. 'That woman is crazy!'
"Arasso" you replied shortly.
After you both finished your plate and paid, your mom led you to your new appartment.
It was in the centre of Seoul.
When your mom opened the door to show you the apartment and you walked in, you noticed that it was really small.
"I'll be living really close with Yongguk then.." you sighed, knowing he wouldn't like it either.
Your mom ignored it and showed you the kitchen and living room, which were actually just one room, two small bedrooms and one bathroom.
"I have to share this tiny bathroom with Yongguk?" you asked frustrated, slightly being a spoiled brat.
Your mom replied with a short "yes".
She grabbed the keys again and said they would head home now.
You followed your mom outside and both went home.
Back home you ran upstairs to do what your mom told you to. Packing your stuff.
Before you went into your bedroom you knocked on Yongguk's door.
He opened the door with hair that looked like he just came from his bed and waited for you to say something.
You coincidentally looked inside his room and saw a lot of leftovers from food, while wondering how long he has been in there.
Yongguk coughed to gain your attention again.
"Mom wants to speak to you" you quickly said and went to your own bedroom.
You could hear him groan as he walked downstairs.
Not paying much attention to it, you grabbed your iPod and played your favorite songs while packing your stuff.
After you where done you turned off your iPod and started your laptop to download a few new songs as you heard some loud yelling,
coming from downstairs.
You secretly went down the stairs, peeked around the corner and saw Yongguk almost threathening your mom.
He threw a glass from the table against the wall and as it shattered your mom shivered, not knowing her son was this aggresive.
You saw your dad coming downstairs too and hid into the toilet, knowing he'd be really angry if he saw you spying on them.
He walked inside and you heard Yongguk and your father yell to each other.
You couldn't exactly hear what they were saying though.
Carefully you came out of the toilet and peeked around the corner again.
You saw Yongguk glaring at your dad, before your dad grabbed him and dragging him out of the kitchen.
You quickly ran upstairs, just before your father and Yongguk could see you and you saw your father dragging Yongguk into the garage with him.
You went to your bedroom and stayed there until you heard someone coming up the stairs.
Wondering about what happened, you opened your door and peeked outside.
You saw Yongguk walking upstairs with a nose bleed and scratches and bruises on his arms.
He glared at you before walking into his own bedroom.
You hesitated for a while. Even though you were actually afraid of him, you decided to go to your brother.
You were also mad at your parents anyways.
He didn't open the door when you knocked on it, so you just opened it and walked inside.
You saw him standing on the balcony, walked to him and stood next to him.
You stayed silent, but you looked up to him and saw him smoking a cigarette and having swollen eyes.
'Probably from crying' you thought.
You both didn't say a word and looked straight in front of you until he sighed and turned to you.
"I guess we just have to do it"
You nodded, agreeing with him.
He looked straight in front of him again and said: "Maybe we're better off without hem".
You shrugged, not really knowing what to say.
After a while Yongguk held up his package of cigarettes, offering you one without saying anything.
You hesitated but then you thought: 'Oh well, who cares..' and grabbed one, putting it inside your mouth after asking for the lighter.
You didn't smoke before, so you immediately started coughing as you inhaled, but after a few times you actually starting to enjoy it.
After another while of staring in front of you and smoking the cigarette you told Yongguk he should pack his stuff soon before you stopped smoking and walked inside, back to your room again.
It was already quite late, so you decided to sleep.
Not that you could fall asleep though.

End of the chapter~ ^^

I don't really know a title that include all the things that happen, so I just called it 'Meeting again'. ;P

I hope you enjoyed it and I guess I'll update soon, since I already wrote the next part on my phone xD

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Marciakslp #1
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^