Going to the supermarket

Not what you expected~

I'm soooorry for not updating this for a really long time, I forgot about this fanfic, so yeah.. I hope you can still enjoy it (:

A week later, on Friday.

It's been a week since your mom told you that Yongguk and you will be living in a small apartment together in Seoul.
Today will be the day you're going to move in. Of course you didn't look forward to it.
It was great that you found a job easily though. You work as a waitress in a chic restaurant and maybe later you could become a cook there.
Finding a job for your brother was harder though. After searching for quite a long time, you finally found a well paying job for him.
He will be working as a drummer for an orchestra with old rich people, since he's quite a good drummer and they needed one.
Not that he liked it though. He hated orchestra. 
He mentioned that very often and didn't even thank you for getting him a job.
Your mom and dad bought you stuff for in your new apartment so you didn't have to buy it yourself.
'Such nice people' you thought sarcastically as you got ready to leave.
You said goodbye to your friends yesterday and promised them you would visit often and that they could stay over whenever they wanted to, even though you wondered if there would be enough space for that.
Your mom and dad would bring you and your brother to Seoul.
While you were sitting in the car, driving to Seoul, you stared out of the window, listening to music.
Yongguk did the same, but then on the other side of the car.
When you arrived at your new apartment, your mom and dad brought your stuff inside and almost immediately left again.
"Why do they even have children if they just send them away?" you mumbled to yourself as you went to your new bedroom and threw your bags on the bed. You didn't feel like putting your clothes in your closet yet, so you went to the kitchen.
Since you didn't have breakfast yet, you looked inside the fridge if there was anything to eat. 
"Great, mom and dad" you mumbled to yourself again.
There wasn't really another choice, so you drank a glass of water, hoping it'd fill your stomach a bit and waited for Yongguk to come out of his room. When he did, you asked him if he would join you going to the supermarket.
"Ehh.." You could see him hesitating.
"Oh come on. I'm your younger sister and I can't do everything by myself!" You told him.
"Fine" he groaned and grabbed his jacket. You did the same and went together with him to the supermarket.
On the way to the supermarket, you both smoked a cigarette and became more comfortable with each other after some awkward talking.
"I didn't make a list, so we'll just see what we're going to buy." You stated.
"Oh sure." he replied. "I don't think it will be very healthy though." he slightly smiled.
You blinked a few times, being quite surprised. 
It's been a really long time since you've seen him smiling. 
'He looks so much sweeter when he smiles' you thought as you chuckle to yourself.
"What's so funny?" he interrupts your thoughts. "Oh nothing." you replied.
Yongguk just shrugged and continued smoking his cigarette.
You actually had a lot of fun while getting the groceries. Yongguk was funnier than you would've expected him to be.
Also much more relaxed. He was just smoking his cigarette in the grocery store, not caring about anyone.
You actually quite liked the attitude. You were also a lot more comfortable with each other now.
If a stranger would look at you two from a distance they'd think you'd be two really good friends instead of two awkward siblings who barely talk to each other.
Maybe it wouldn't be that bad to be living with him.
You decided to stay positive and give it a chance. 
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Marciakslp #1
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^