I can wait forever p.2

I Can Wait Forever


But I can wait, I can wait forever

Hyukjae was tired. The album had been a huge success which meant lot of promotions to do. After two months of promotions in Korea the band was leaving to do their tour in Japan.

Just a day before Hyukjae went to the same bar.

It’s stupid; he won’t be here Hyukjae thought entering the bar.

He scanned the bar with his eyes and sighed when he didn’t see the guy he had met two months ago.

I knew it.

Hyukjae sat again in the same stool and order a drink. As the bartender talked to him about how his wife was a big fan of his and such Hyukjae only nodded and stared at the door waiting.

After an hour or so the guy entered and sat next to him.

He did come Hyukjae thought as he stared wide eyed at him.

“Hi” the guy said as he sat down on the stool next to him “I bought your album”

“Really?” Hyukjae asked.

“Yeah… it’s pretty good” the guy said and then he ordered a drink for himself “I’m Donghae by the way, never told you my name” Donghae said raising his hand for Hyukjae to shake.

“So… you liked our album?” Hyukjae asked.

“Well… yeah” Donghae said matter-of-factly and Hyukjae felt like digging a hole and burying himself in it. “Did you… write all the songs?”

“Yeah… though my band mates helped a little bit, they did corrections and stuff” Hyukjae said staring as Donghae took a sip from his drink. “Which one was your favorite?”

Donghae looked up in thought, “mmm I think the last one… talks about moving on… I needed that”.

“You really loved her?” Hyukjae asked curiously.

“Well… yeah but I knew it” Donghae said and Hyukjae raised his eyebrows in surprise “she… she was seeing someone else, and I knew it but I thought, I thought she would come to me in the end that I mattered more, but no she chose him instead.” Donghae finished as he drank the whole drink in one go. “I was mad at me for being such a fool more than I was sad for her leaving me, I think I expected too much from someone that never loved me enough”

Hyukjae didn’t know what to say.

“Why… why did you... why didn’t you leave her instead? If… if you knew” he asked. Donghae asked for another drink and took sip.

“I was stupid… maybe it was also for me I mean… when I proposed sure I loved her a lot but with me trying my best not to go crazy with all the wedding preparations, she not being involved that much because of her work, time, and other stuff lead to fights, fights lead to her seeking comfort in someone else and in me losing my mind thinking it was me the cause of all of our troubles and I might never really know what broke us up but I know one thing” Donghae made a pause to take a big sip from his drink “I did everything I could for the relationship to work”

“Well… you deserve someone better than her” Hyukjae said staring at Donghae. Donghae chuckled.

“I guess” he answered simply. “What about you? Any relationship that went down?”

“No really, I’m not the kind of guy that let’s himself fall too deep for someone until I’m damn sure that person is the right one” Hyukjae answered honestly.

“So it can be anyone? Girls, boys?” Donghae asked curiously. Hyukjae smirked.

“Yeah” Hyukjae answered adverting his gaze from Donghae towards his glass “I thought since young that a man had to be with a woman in order to be happy but then my best friend who thought the same found happiness with a guy, seeing them together makes me jealous, they look like soul mates so yeah I’m definitely open for anything as long as that person makes me happy” he finished taking a sip from his drink.

“That’s a great thought actually” Donghae said nodding in approval.

“what about you? Are you open to anything?” Hyukjae asked.

“Well yeah, I’ve dated both, I… was raised by really free open minded parents that always told me that to be sure of my likes I had to try and see what happens and so I did. It’s really awkward to talk to my ex-girlfriends but my ex-boyfriends turned out to be great friends” Donghae said gaze meeting with Eunhyuk’s.

Eunhyuk nodded and finished his drink, he saw the time on his phone and decided he had to go back home now in order to be able to pack his stuff and rest before his departure.

“I have to go now… tomorrow I leave for Japan” Eunhyuk said paying his bill and standing from his stool.

“Oh” Donghae said face falling a little “good luck in Japan”

“Thanks” Eunhyuk said leaving some tip for the bartender “Donghae-ssi?”


“Can I have your phone number?”


You look so beautiful today

It's like every time I turn around I see your face


As the vows were said he couldn’t keep the tears in his eyes, tears of happiness as he heard the beautiful words his fiancé said. He knew his fiancé’s speech was going to be beautiful but he never imagined how perfect it would turn out. It made his own seems like nothing. Yet he said his vow and more tears escaped his eyes as he saw the tears in his fiancé’s face, the sincere expression of love written all over his fiancé’s face as he heard the speech he had made for him.

He had put a lot of effort into it and all his feelings and emotions. It turned as a beautiful masterpiece according to his fiancé.

And then the priest dared to ask if they would take each other until the end.

How could he even ask after all the time, all the effort it took for them to be here? All those hardships, everything they had encountered and surpassed, and even then the priest dared to ask if they will take each other?

Of course, of course I do.

He said as he nodded uncontrollably.

And then the priest said those infamous words and his heart stopped as his husband leaned down and took his lips on his’.

And as everyone else cheered he could only hear his husband whisper.

“I love you for forever”


The thing I'll miss the most is waking up next you

When I look into your eyes, man I wish that I could stay


Ever since Hyukjae had left for Japan there wasn’t a day he didn’t text Donghae. Their texts were short and if they managed to make a conversation it wasn’t as deep as the ones they had shared in the bar, they were actually about random topics like:

Hyukjae to Donghae: do you like Japanese food? I’m having the best ramen right now.

Donghae to Hyukjae: really? You should take me~~ or bring me some!! I love Japanese food.

Hyukjae to Donghae: I could buy you instant ramen.

Donghae to Hyukjae: I can buy that myself.

Hyukjae to Donghae: Yeah but you need me there so it would be the best ramen ;)

Donghae to Hyukjae: Why would I need you here? Stay there in Japan, jerk.

Hyukjae to Donghae: *sends picture of him eating ramen*

Donghae to Hyukjae: The ramen looks delicious but who is that ugly monkey?

Hyukjae to Donghae: Ouch :c

Donghae to Hyukjae: :P

They had quickly became friends having careless conversations like that, to Donghae, Hyukjae was the fascinating friend of his who would live lots of weird adventures and he never got tired to hear what he had done with his band mates while on tour. And to Hyukjae, Donghae was the normal friend among all the celebrities friend he had, Donghae was his escape to his rock star life, the friend that didn’t care about bragging of their relationship and actually the friend that would joke with him the most.

The two were each other escape.


And I can't lie but every time I leave my heart turns gray

And I wanna come back home to see your face tonight'


Six months later promotions were finally over and the band was taking a break. However, to celebrate their huge success; the staff decided to throw them a party, but they give them the entire freedom of choosing the place where it would be.

And that’s how Hyukjae ended up in front of a host club.

He sighed and entered.

He started searching for the manager but couldn’t find him.

Scanning the area with his eyes he decided that yes it was rather a nice establishment for them to have their party. The club was about two stories with some V.I.P rooms in the second floor, the kitchen and bar being in the right side on the middle, tiled black floor, a stage at the other end of the first floor, and a lot of space to fit people. Yeah, perfect.

As he scanned he spotted a rather particular face, though it couldn’t be… since she was dress in a black short dress with frilly white skirt, white stockings and black shoes with high heels and had long brown hair kept in place by a diadem.

Even so Hyukjae walked towards her, he reached her, tapped her shoulder and when the girl turned around her gentle smile faded and her eyes widened upon seeing Hyukjae. And Hyukjae’s eyes widened too because even with the makeup it was still pretty obvious who she was.


“What are you doing here?” Donghae asked him.

“You work here?” Hyukjae asked back without answering. Donghae looked down embarrassed.

“I… umm… yeah” Donghae answered still looking down.

Hyukjae wasn’t really able to say something because Donghae looked so damn cute in that attire more if he was blushing and trying to hide it by looking down.

Before Hyukjae could have his voice back someone cleared his throat behind him and he turned around to see someone with a Lady Gaga wig dress in a black dress with red boots.

“Donghae is he bothering you?” the person asked and Hyukjae was surprised to know it was a male.

“No, no, everything is fine” Donghae quickly said waving his hands to emphasize.

“Is he your client?” the guy asked again.

“Well he-”

“Am I getting money out of your conversation, Hae?” the guy said with furrowed eyebrows.

“We-well” Donghae stammered.

“Are you the manager?” Hyukjae quickly asked.

“Manager, owner and all that, why?” the guy asked not really interested.

“I… well my band want to rent this place for a party” Hyukjae said which received surprised glances from both the owner and Donghae.

“Then come to my office to discuss details” the guy instructed before walking away.

“when does your turn end?” Hyukjae asked turning suddenly to Donghae.

“It actually ended long ago… I’m doing extra time…” Donghae admitted again turning embarrassed at the ground.

Hyuykjae bit off the need to manly squeal.

“Then… will you join me after?” Hyukjae asked before advancing a little towards the owner. Donghae nodded before Hyukjae walk quickly towards his boss’ office.

I never thought this fic would be kind of long o.o

anyway this is a short update because I didn't want to miss 1/01/13 c:

Happy New Year to all of you ^^ I promise this will be finished by tomorrow and then I'll focus on all my chaptered fics I need to update TwT

Donghae's dress: 

and shoes:

just because I love dresses and shoes though I dress up as a guy

Thanks all for reading :DD

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This story was so beautiful where donghae is hyukjae's inspiration and even carved that onto his ring ahhh so cute! And i love low un-cliche the story is :)
Chapter 3: i read this while im at the hospital, and goooodddd, the gloomy atmosphere just vanished just like that when i read this... :DD not to mention, i love the song to death kkkkk :))

this is pure LOVE <3 :))
167 streak #3
Chapter 4: Great~ it was good good good.... I really like Simple Plan. And i think this ff is cool~ ^^
Chapter 3: *take a deep breath* what a sweet fic.. truly amazing..!! ^^,
Chapter 3: It's beautiful! I love the story! live happily you two ^^
Chapter 2: whoah..! *it's all I can say, hahah*
okay, this fic is awesome, same like your other stories, I just love it..!! >___<
I'm waiting for the next part..! hehe. I get surprised by many things : the reason why Donghae was sad *it's really breathtaking*, his Job as a woman (?), and hey..!! the second marriage..! am I miss something? aah I'm seriously getting curious..! >x<
I believe you put the plot back-forward *I don't even know whether it's the right word* I catch some part is flashback, while the other talking about future.. am I even right?
I'm sorry for blabbering too much, hehe, but this is really a good story..! I love it..!! >____<
Chapter 1: I'm so excited to read the next part! Some details were missing at the first part! and Happy New Year!