I Can Wait Forever p.1

I Can Wait Forever



You look so beautiful today

When you're sitting there it's hard for me to look away

The day Hyukjae met Donghae was just as casual as any other one. Except for the fact that Hyukjae was pissed and Donghae… Donghae was just plain sad.

Hyukjae was a red-haired guitar player. He had small dark eyes, an odd looking face, had muscular arms and abs and was a tad bit taller than Donghae. Donghae had short brown hair, cute eyes, along with a cute face, wasn’t as muscular as Hyukjae and tad bit shorter than him.

Hyukjae’s band were busy recording a new album but things weren’t going that good. He being their composer had no inspiration whatsoever hence he couldn’t come up with good lyrics. Today a song he worked in for days got rejected because it just wasn’t good… at all. And Hyukjae was pissed.

Therefore, he walked to the nearby bar and placed himself in one of the stools in front of the bar. He turned around and some stools away from him there was a man that had a small smile on his face but his eyes looked pretty sad.

Hyukjae grunted and walked up to the man.


So I try to find the words that I could say

I know distance doesn't matter but you feel so far away

“Hey” Hyukjae said to gain the man’s attention. The man looked up to him curiously but before he could answer Hyukjae continued “listen, I’m Hyukjae –better known as Eunhyuk from Blue Sapphire- you look pretty sad and I honestly need inspiration and sad stories are the best topic for songs, so… care to tell me why are you sad?”

Donghae blinked in surprise as Hyukjae finished and then he burst out laughing. Hyukjae raised up an eyebrow questioningly.

“If… if your group… is c-called Blue Sapphire… why is your hair red?” the man blurted out between fits of laughter. “And and what kind of name is Blue Sapphire? May as well go bye: Green Emerald or Fire Red” and Donghae burst in laughter again.

Hyukjae narrowed his eyes at Donghae.

“Well at least I’m a famous musician… who are you?” Hyukjae smirked out satisfied sitting down on the stool next to Donghae.

“Oh no one, I do this and that, live a pretty comfy life” Donghae said playing with the straw of his drink.

Hyukjae snorted.

“Yeah, yeah a comfy life huh? Then why do you look so sad?” Hyukjae said taking a sip from his drink.

“My fiancé left me today at the altar” Donghae said sadly.

Hyukjae found it kind of hard to gulp down his drink.


And I can't lie but every time I leave my heart turns gray

And I wanna come back home to see your face tonight


Donghae was checking his reflection in the mirror adjusting his white suit as best as he could, he had the brightest smile someone had ever seen on him. There was a knock on the door and Heechul –his best friend since childhood- entered and smiled at him.

“You look stunning Hae” he said complimenting him.

Donghae looked down a little embarrassed.

“Are you ready?” Heechul asked and Donghae nodded “everyone is waiting” Heechul said walking out of the door. One last glance at the full length mirror and Donghae left the room as well.

He was doing this, for the second time he was doing this.

He was frightened, and nervous, and he wanted to throw up, and he had a bright smile, and all he wanted to do was scream, but then again he wanted to dance. He walked with steady feet towards the entrance of a door and his mom joined his side and he was given a bouquet of flowers.

The music ringed through his ears and Donghae smiled wider if possible.

Then the doors opened.


'Cause I just can't take it

“I’m really sorry… I didn’t mean to” Hyukjae said apologizing to the brunette.

“It’s ok… I should have seen it coming anyway, last days she didn’t seem all happy with the wedding… I should have known something was wrong” Donghae answered taking a sip of his drink.

“Do you know why did she leave you?” Hyukjae asked.

“She had someone else” Donghae answered simply, removing the straw and taking all of his drink in one go.

Hyukjae ordered a new round for both of them and he quickly emptied his own drink.

“ouch” he said simply.

“yeah” Donghae laughed bitterly “are you going to use that for a song?” he asked looking at Hyukjae.

“Are you kidding me? I’ll write the whole album based on that, relationships going down… hey… that’s a good title” Hyukjae said to himself.

“No, it ” Donghae said smiling “as much as your group’s name” Donghae added.

“Stop it, it wasn’t our decision our company just came and told us ‘you’re now Sapphire Blue… be happy’ and even though we protested they didn’t listen so hey, could be worse” Hyukjae said.

“Really? How could it be worse?” Donghae asked amusedly.

“There’s a group that’s called The Six Internal Organs it’s about to debut” Hyukjae said and Donghae burst out on laughter.

“A-are they 6?” he asked still laughing

“Yes” Hyukjae answered, liking Donghae’s laugh. Donghae kept laughing.

“You know? They could dress up as the organs and do performances like that” Donghae said calming a little “and the fans can be called the organ they represent, like brainics or something”.

Now it was Hyukjae’s turn to burst out laughing.

“Don’t give ideas… they might do it” Hyukjae said and Donghae laughed again.

And that’s how that night was spent.


Another day without you with me

Is like a blade that cuts right through me


“The idiot did call it ‘Relationships going down’” Donghae face palmed as he saw Blue Sapphire’s new album on sale. He didn’t know why he bought it but oh well, what could he loose?

He got to his car and put it on the stereo. The first song was a really happy one and romantic that was about dating and stuff. The next was a proposition of marriage, next the time that went between the proposition and the wedding, then the wedding, then the leaving, then a really depressing one talking about the time without her, a bitter one regretting the choices the guy made and blaming her, then a calm one were the guy realized he had to move, the last one about letting go and moving on.

After all it was a really good album, Donghae had to admit.

Once he was home he saw through the band pictures, they had a cute bass player with short black hair and he seemed to be the shortest, he seemed… delicate… to delicate to be on a rock band, at least it seemed like to Donghae. The drum player had sandy hair and an angelic smile with one dimple; he too didn’t seem like the kind of people to be in a rock band. The lead singer was a tall man and he did seem like he was a rock star, his hair was between brown and red, he wore eyeliner and he posed with a smirk, Donghae had to admit the guy had an amazing voice. Then there was the rhythm guitarist that had shoulder length black hair and several tattoos, he had muscular arms and was rather fit.

“Well two of them look like rock stars” Donghae said and then he saw Hyukjae’s pictures and his jaw dropped, sure every other member had gotten at least one picture of them shirtless but Donghae hadn’t thought nothing about them however he had to admit Hyukjae was hot.

Though Donghae didn’t want to admit that out loud.

He went through the lyrics and thanks too and stopped at Hyukjae.

Besides my band, family and fans; there’s only one person I want to thank and that is the comfy-life liver that had the misfortune of being the inspiration for this album. I’ll see you again in the bar someday.’

First thing Donghae thought was: OHMYGODIT’SMEAROCKSTARTHANKEDME

Second thing was: I never told him my name…



But I can wait, I can wait forever

Donghae kept going to the bar in hopes to see Eunhyuk-Hyukjae again. He watched his performances there, liking it more in the comfy silence of the bar rather than in the screaming crowd of the show. Hyukjae looked like a pro while playing, winking and smirking at the camera occasionally and making Donghae’s heart skip a beat with that action.

Seriously, didn’t the bastard know that he was hot and then he did that?

That was unfair.

For the fangirls of course, he could control himself.

Even if after the performance he caught himself leaning against his hand staring lovingly at Hyukjae.

Donghae quickly coughed and composed himself.

He only liked Hyukjae because he had made him laugh and forget the day Yoona left him.

And he only thought he was hot because he was deprived.

Or that’s what he told himself.


When you call my heart stops beating

When you're gone it won't stop bleeding


Donghae walked down the aisle with his mom’s arm in his and the bouquet in his hands, he stared right into his fiancé’s eyes smiling strikingly at his direction, as the other returned the smile. They reached the end and Donghae let go of his mom to take his fiancé’s hands in his.

As the first words of the speech started realization hit him.

This was happening, this was real, he was standing in front of the person he loved while everybody watched them, he had his lover’s hands in his, he was happy and his lover was happy and everything settled in place.

He was getting married.


I love this song *---* it's absolutely one of the best lovesongs ever.

It's I can wait forever by Simple Plan (go listen to it)

here's part 1 because I need to go to sleep and I won't be able to update until Friday so I wanted to leave an update c:

comments makes me happy c:

Merry Christmas to you all c:


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This story was so beautiful where donghae is hyukjae's inspiration and even carved that onto his ring ahhh so cute! And i love low un-cliche the story is :)
Chapter 3: i read this while im at the hospital, and goooodddd, the gloomy atmosphere just vanished just like that when i read this... :DD not to mention, i love the song to death kkkkk :))

this is pure LOVE <3 :))
171 streak #3
Chapter 4: Great~ it was good good good.... I really like Simple Plan. And i think this ff is cool~ ^^
Chapter 3: *take a deep breath* what a sweet fic.. truly amazing..!! ^^,
Chapter 3: It's beautiful! I love the story! live happily you two ^^
Chapter 2: whoah..! *it's all I can say, hahah*
okay, this fic is awesome, same like your other stories, I just love it..!! >___<
I'm waiting for the next part..! hehe. I get surprised by many things : the reason why Donghae was sad *it's really breathtaking*, his Job as a woman (?), and hey..!! the second marriage..! am I miss something? aah I'm seriously getting curious..! >x<
I believe you put the plot back-forward *I don't even know whether it's the right word* I catch some part is flashback, while the other talking about future.. am I even right?
I'm sorry for blabbering too much, hehe, but this is really a good story..! I love it..!! >____<
Chapter 1: I'm so excited to read the next part! Some details were missing at the first part! and Happy New Year!