Chapter 5: Hurt

Disband of Super Junior

"I really have no idea on what happening now! Hyung! We are Super Junior! We are suppose dancing and singing now! Record for our new album! Rehearsal for our concert!" Yesung is blaming Mika because they have to go into the jungle now...

Mika can do nothing but just carrying her stuff and walk silently...She don't dare to look at she just give him a trouble this morning...the pain of the slap couldn't forget by her...

"Aish...Can you just walk silently?You are so noisy~"said Heechul...

"Hyung~it's a good activity to train our body too~"said Siwon..he love sport.."Mika shi~do you need help?"

"No thanks~I can handle it~"Mika have a tough body since she work at her dad's baker shop for few years..

"I wonder when we will reach our destination..."said eunhyuk...

[Few hours later...]

"Ah!I'm tired.."Yesung seem to be exhausted...As they already walk for few hours..."I'm hungry~"

"And they day is almost dark...i think we should stop and have a rest...just set up the camp tent before the day dark..."teuki start to worry about the night they have to stay at the jungle....

After a while...Siwon , eunhyuk and yesung had set the camp tent up and what left is their dinner...

"Hyung...why we have only 6 bottle of mineral water and 12 buns?"Eunhyuk pointing to the buns and water...

"What?!"everyone was shocked....


"Hey baby~how is it?"Asked Mr.jang by hugging seon seang's waist...

"How?I want to know how is them survive two days in the jungle with only 6 bottles of waters and 12 buns...."she then give out an evil smile..

"And I heard that there will be a thunder rain on today night~Am I a good girl?You said you want them to disappear.."she rest her hand on Mr.jang shoulder...

"What a good girl~"

"What about your promise?"she asked...

"I will give you 2 million if you really can make them disappear~As I promise~"said Mr. jang...


"I really want to know what the hell is going on!"Yesung is bearing his anger by holding a tight fist...

"Hyung...are we still far away from the journey?"asked eunhyuk...

"I'm not sure for long as we follow the map...we will reach tomorrow..this is what seon seang said.."said teuki...

"Hyung..we are following the map but i think we have already walk through here just now...remember the tree that I marked?"Siwon pointing to the tree that he marked earlier when they pass through this place....

Heechul like sense something weird...he grab the map from Siwon's hand and have a look on it...

"!The map is fake!I should realize it earlier that she is going to play us like a dumb!!"Said heechul by tearing the map apart...

"Do you know something?"asked leeteuk...


Before they go into the jungle...

"Seon seang..."heechul is calling her...


"Why are we going to the jungle?"asked heechul...

"I have already answer just is to train--"she haven't finish her words..

"I mean the real reason..."heechul walk near to seon seang and look at her eyes...

Seon seang is avoiding his eyes..."What real reason?"but she remains cool and calm....

"There is many other way to train us but why must go into the jungle?"he asked her with a strict tone...

"I'm your trainer..I have my reason to do everything..."she is fighting back...."and you should obey me..."

"Why should i?"

"Or else you want me to write a report that Super Junior failed this training program and end up by disband..."she give out a smile that make people feel uncomfortable...

"I'm not afraid of you..but if you try to harm Super are going to get it from me..."heechul sound like intimidating her...

She hold her smile and walked away..she purposely bang heechul's shoulder as a sign that she told heechul she is not afraid of him....

"You better cooperate well or else..don't blame me when you are going to diaband..."she threw the last sentence and walk away...

[end of flashback]

"Serious?!Is she insane?!She give us the wrong map and provide us only a little of food!How are we going to survive?!We are already lost!"Yesung start to nervous...

"Hyung...what if we cant get out from the jungle?! are we going to die here?!"Eunhyuk start to panic too...

"Stop getting panic...We have marked every path that we walked...We can trace the mark and find the way back..I think we should just have a bread tonight...we have to save one for tomorrow...and the water...i think each of us can have only one bottle..."teuki is comforting them...

While Mika is just standing there silently..she carry her heavy body and walk for the whole day...she is hungry now...but she can only have a bun tonight...

The night has come...they boys had made a camp fire...they can't see stars tonight...the dark cloud are on top of them and the temperature of the surrounding is dropping.....

"!Mosquito!"because of the itchiness...yesung is scratching every part of his body...

" stars tonight..."eunhyuk is looking towards the sky....

"I'm still hungry..."Siwon's stomach is calling for food...

"Aish!"yesung start to feel impetuous..."It's because of who we are now falling into this kind of situation!"he stare at Mika...

Mika remains silence and keep her head down..

"Why are you looking at the ground?! Feel guilty?! Look what have you bought to us!"Yesung start to scold his temper is already hot while facing a lot of trouble...he is trying to vent on her...

"Lost in the jungle! No food! You bring bad luck aren't you?!"Yesung almost lost his mind and keep scolding her..

"Yesung sunbae...I apologize that I cause a trouble for you at the morning..But can you stop venting on me?"Mika feel uncomfortable on his word and trying to fight back...

"So you know I'm a sunbae! Why are you fighting my words?!It's a manner for the younger one to lecture by the elders! Your mum didn't teach you this simple manner?!"He thinks that Mika words is no manner and trying to lecture her...

"You better just get out from my sight! You such a pain!Why are you here?! You will just drag us into the trouble...With a big eat more rather than helping!"said yesung...

Mika doesn't want to talk anymore..she bear her tears in her eyes..she never lift her head up and just walk away silently...

"Ah~now better~"said yesung...

"Hey! stop this!it's irritating!"heechul is trying to stop yesung...


"Did i do anything wong?Just because I'm fat?I don't want to be fat too...I can't control my keeps heart is feel so pain..."She didn't bother anything but just keep walking...

She didn't realize how long she walk..then she reach a place...there has a beautiful pond...the view is so beautiful...she walk near to the pond...look at herself reflection on the water...

" look like a ugly duckling now..nobody loves you...peoples are hating will turn into swan one must turn into swan!"she is talking to herself....

After resting at the pond side for a while...she is planning to go back to the camp tent..because she is already tired...

Suddenly...she heard thunder....

"What?!Is it going to rain?"raindrop start falling on her head after her words...

[Mika's POV]

!it's raining!I start to run because i don't want to get myself wet..i keep on running without notice the direction is right or not...until i realize and stop...i look at my surrounding...

!!WHERE AM I??!!I'M LOST!!!!!!

I start to be afraid...the rain is really heavy and i'm totally wet...i had nothing on myself...and it's really cold...I'm just wearing a t-shirt and a long pant...How am I suppose to do now??

I try to remember the path that I have walked just now..but...all of the tree around looks similar...and I have no more idea but just keep walking...I start to feel regret!

Babo!why did I run away just now..If I have more patient...I will not be like this now!what yesung sunbae said are just nothing..why am I so stubborn...babo!I keep knocking my head...

I keep walking and hope to be lucky to get the way back to the camp...the road is dark and slippery...out of a sudden...I step on something and I fall down on a slope that slip me down...

"OMMA!!!!!!!!"I can just shout for my mother when I'm scared....


"'s raining...Mika haven't comeback yet..."eunhyuk start to worry...

"She just don't want to come back...her size is so big and this camp tent can fit all of us if she is sleeping here.."yesung siad it irony...

"The rain is really she lost?"Siwon is worry too....

"Did she go far?it can't be some accident happen on her right?why don't she comeback?it's raning..aish..."teuki is hoping her to comeback soon.....

"What for she back?I don't want to see her face..."yesung is lying and going to take his rest...

"yah!Can you shut up?!it's because of you!that's why she walk away!Now it's raining heavily outside!And you are not even worry about her!"heechul is fed up because of yesung's attitude...

"Who ask her to go?'s already she stupid?what for staying outside?"yesung start to worry too...he look's dark and cold..."yah...she will comeback right?"he asked and looking at other member...

"Is she lost?"Said Siwon...

"Maybe..."Said eunhyuk..

"I think I can't wait anymore...don't care whether she lost or not...I'm going to find her..."said heechul..and he is wearing his shoe and going out...

"'s raining...the road is slippery and will dead of coldness..."said yesung...

"So?She is a girl!Alone in the jungle and walking in dark and slippery surrounding!You don't think she will die too?!"heechul wear his jacket and walk out...

"I'll go with you.."teuki want to follow too...

"No..just stay in the camp...I can go by myself..."

"no!it's too dangerous!"teuki insist to follow...

"I can't take care of you!just stay here with others!Wait for me!this is an order!"heechul said it seriously..

"Be careful.."Teuki pass him a torch light..

He take the torch light and start searching....


"hyung...she will be alright right?"yesung is nervous now...he feel that Mika lost is because of him...if she dead...he is going to be guilty for the rest of his life...

"Now you start to's too late!Mika is lost!I hope she will be alright kid..why don't you just be silent?she is just a girl..why are you insulting her?"teuki is blaming yesung too...

"Aish..I just lost my must be alright!!"yesung start to pray.....


[Mika's POV]

OMG!!I'm trap by the branches...I sprain my leg and my hand is bleeding...I can't walk...It's too pain...

It's really body is shivering...and I can feel that my body had gradually lost perception....I can't move...and I feel my eyelid is so heavy...My eyes are going to I going to die here?I don't want to die...I still have many things to do...I want to be a singer...I haven't reached my eyes is totally breath become calm and slow...



Is there someone shouting my name?I used all my energy to open my eyes...


I can see some light..someone coming!Finally!!

"Yah!Mika!!"it's heechul sunbae...He quickly run to me...

"Mika!!wake up Mika!Don't sleep!!Mika!!"he keep shaking my shoulder to wake me up....

"Don't worry...I will bring you back!"


I have fainted after that...I just know that heechul sunbae had found me and the rest was blank in my memory........


-to be continue....-

sorry for the late update...and sorry for giving a lame chapter..mianne...*bow*

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great story! good work!
When are you going to update again???????<br />
PLEASE UPDATE SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
i will try my best to update as soon as possible~^^
Awww... when will you update????<br />
sujunme #6
update soon...
tritera #7
I want to apply. Keke^^
i dont like it.. i love it =D
kamsahamida~^^~i will try my best to write it~
soshigirl #10
nice i would like to apply....^_^