
Don't Go

Just to be clear on something, the print in pink is flashbacks

"You know, she's in the hospital, right?!"

Minseok's words rang in Kris' ears.  He stopped dead in his tracks.  His mind went blank and his breath hitched.  His heart stopped beating out of fear.  Kris didn't know he still cared about Minah.  Throughout the day, he had persuaded himself to believe that he didn't have any feelings towards her anymore, and he thought that it had worked.  Clearly, he was mistaken.

"You know why she's in the hospital?  Because she almost died. You know who's fault that is?  It's all your fault!" Minseok screamed at Kris.

Kris was too frozen to even retaliate with a witty comeback.  He was having a difficult time processing this.  Minah...in the hospital?  No, that can't be true, he thought.  He wanted Minseok to shut up and stop talking so he can have time to digest this news instead of having to listen to his accusations.

"You wanna know how it happened?" Minseok spat.

"Shut up, Minseok!" Kris snapped at his older friend.

"No!  You're going to feel sorry for ever harming my little sister!  You're listening to the god damn story like your life depends on it!" Minseok snapped back.

Kris turned around and looked at him with eyes masked with regret and guilt.  "Please gēgē, don't tell me what happened," Kris pleaded.  He already felt guilty for costing Minah's life because of his actions and his ill temper.  He didn't want to have to listen to the whole story.

Minseok almost pitied Kris enough for being stupid and acting unwisely to the point where he would have stayed quiet.  Almost.  He still continued, only on a softer tone.  "After Minah went outside after you, I was curious as to why she was out there for more than an hour.  I went outside to investigate."  Minseok's eyes were unfocused as he got a distant look in his eyes.  "There she was, curled up on the ground, sobbing her heart out onto the grass.  I swear to you Kris, I could see her heart breaking into tiny pieces right before my eyes..."


Minseok couldn't believe the sight in front of him.  It was so heartbreaking to see his little sister, who was usually so overconfident and strong, look so broken, fragile, and forlorn.  He's always had a soft spot for her since they met, so seeing her like this pained him immensely.  Minseok gently scooped her up off the ground and held her in his arms.  She was mumbling to herself in her sleep.  "He was never mine...He was never mine," she mumbled over and over again.

Minseok's heart dropped when he heard her sleepy words.  No doubt that she was dreaming about Kris.  Minseok was no fool; he knew that Minah was in love with Kris no matter how many times he would try to convince himself otherwise.  He knew how difficult it must have been for her to full-mouth lie about not really loving someone to save their relationship, only to have your heart ripped out of you and taken away.  Yes, he knew all sorts of pain, which is why he sympathized with his little sister.

Minseok carried her sleeping body inside the house and set her on the couch.  He brushed away a few stray strands of hair from covering her face.  He admired her like this.   was slightly agape, her eyelids softly shut, and her features were relaxed.  Minseok smiled gently, adoring how peaceful she looked when she slept.  Suddenly, her eyes scrunched up and pressed into a hard line.  She to her side.  "No...Kris don't go..." Minseok heard her mutter again.

Suddenly, her body jolted, causing her to emit a muffled groan along the lines of "Stop it."  She wasn't awake though, Minseok could tell.  He thought of what to do now.  He didn't want to let her out of his sight while she was having nightmares of the sort.  He settled on watching TV while she slept.  Turning it on carefully, he lowered the volume so Minah wouldn't wake up.  Every once in a while, an incoherent mutter would escape her lips.  Each of them stung Minseok like a sunburn.  It pained him to see her hurt by anyone, especially Kris.  He sighed.  Minseok knew that Kris was a stubborn guy, so he wouldn't listen to a word Minah says to persuade him that she does indeed love him.
If only you had fallen in love with me, Minah, he thought to himself.  I wouldn't have broken your heart like Kris did.  He ripped your heart out, yet you still love him.  Why not me?

At around three in the afternoon, the mumbling subsided and Minah slept peacefully again.  An hour later, she fluttered her eyelids open.  She rubbed her eyes sleepily.  Minseok turned his head and smiled gently at her.  "Hey there."

She glanced at him.  Her eyes were still clouded with sorrow.  "Hey, oppa," she responded, sighing.

"Are you ok?" Minseok asked.  She simply nodded, but he wasn't buying it.  "How was your sleep?"

"Terrible," she admitted.  Minah sat upright and leaned into Minseok.  "It was all nightmares, oppa.  They were terrible, terrible nightmares."

Minseok softened more.  He her hair.  "I know you're depressed about Kris.  I'm sorry it had to happen."

She shrugged.  "It's not your fault, oppa."

"I know it isn't," he cooed.  It's his fault for being blind and stubborn.  "Minah?"

"Hmm?" she hummed in response.

"Why did you try to trick me into thinking it was fake?  That you didn't love Kris?" Minseok asked.

Minah was silent.  She bit her lip.  "Because I wanted to save what Kris and I had.  I thought you wouldn't have approved of our relationship."  She twiddled her thumbs.

Minseok blinked.  I made her lie?  "Why would you care what I thought?"

"Because you're my oppa, Minseok.  I thought that you would've been overprotective because I've seen you whenever one of the other guys flirted with me or touched me.  I thought you would've punched Kris out the window if you knew."  She laughed a little at the end.

Minseok's heart cracked.  "So you would sacrifice your happiness to appease me?"  She nodded, and his heart sank.  Minseok hated it when she was upset.  He believed that Minah was at her best whenever she was happy.  That's all he ever wanted her to be.

"Minah," he took her hand in his.  "As your big brother, if I were to disagree with your relationship, you should knock some sense into me rather than go behind my back without me knowing and carrying on.  I just want you to be happy, because that's all that matters.  If you were really happy with Kris, I would've budged and let you guys be together.  I wouldn't have complained after that."  It would hurt me, but you're happiness is more important.

"Really?" Minah looked at him with surprise.  Minseok nodded.  "Ok, oppa.  Thanks for understanding."  She smiled slightly at him before turning her attention to the TV.

A few minutes passed in silence.  "Oppa?" she said softly.  Minseok hummed in response.  "...Do you...love me?"

Minseok held his breath.  He knew that this day would come eventually, but he wasn't prepared for when the question would arise.  He sighed.  He had to tell her the truth, it was inevitable.  "Yes, I'm in love with you, Minah.  That's the reason why I hate it whenever one of the guys flirt with you.  It's the only thing that would make me agree to your relationship with Kris; because your happiness is more important than my own.  I'll be willing to just be your big brother if it means making you happy."

Minah blinked and stared at Minseok.  His gaze was expressionless and serious.  She imagined all the times that they shared close moments with each other, how it must hurt him to live with the fact that his love is unrequited   Minah looked down, deep in thought.  Then, she looked at him and leaned towards him.

At first, Minseok was confused.  Then, his eyes widened when he realized what she was going to do.  As much as he wanted to submit to it, he placed his hands on her shoulders to stop her. "Don't do that, Minah.  It's worse enough that I have to know that you don't mean it the same way I do.  Besides, I want you to go back with Kris so you can be happy."

"Minseok, it'll make me happy if you feel what it's like to be kissed by someone you love," she argued softly.

Minseok hesitated.  "But...you don't feel the same way."

"Just do it, Minseok.  Please?  For me?"  Minah broke out into pleading eyes.

Minseok thought for a moment.  "Are you sure it's ok?"  His resolve was breaking slowly.  Minah nodded.  Minseok decided to go for it.  He removed his hands from her shoulders and she continued inching towards him.  He met her halfway and pressed his lips to hers.  Both of them closed their eyes.  Minseok's heart was beating quickly in joy.  Despite the circumstances, he was relieved to have finally kissed Minah after wanting to for so long.  He lost himself in the moment and wrapped his arms around Minah to bring her closer.  She didn't complain, she was staying true to her promise to let Minseok experience his kiss with someone he loves, she just knows when to draw the line.  But after a while, she started imagining that Minseok's soft lips belonged to Kris.  That's where the trouble started.  She wrapped her arms around Minseok's neck and kissed him deeply.  Her mind went back to the kiss she had with Kris in her room last night.  It was shameful of her to think such a thing while kissing her best friend, but she was distracted at the moment.

It wasn't until she opened her eyes for a split second that she snapped back to reality.  Minah immediately pulled away after seeing what she was doing.  Minseok blinked before looking flustered.  "I'm sorry, I kind of lost myself a bit."

"No Minseok, it wasn't you, it was me.  I...I just...I don't know," she bit her lip and buried her face in her hands.

"What's wrong?" Minseok asked, worry crossing his face.

"It's my fault.  I went too far too, and I thought the wrong things, Minseok," Minah admitted shamefully.  "I'm sorry, it's my fault."

"It's ok, Minah," Minseok cooed.  "You were thinking about kissing Kris, weren't you?"

"How did you know?" she asked.

"Because you wouldn't have kissed me like that if you weren't," he smiled sadly.

"I'm sorry oppa, I'm really sorry."  Her eyes teared up.  I'm sorry about a lot of things; breaking your heart, thinking of Kris while kissing you, making you hurt inside, making you swallow your happiness for me.  "I'm gonna go shower Minseok."  She got up.

Minseok nodded.  "Ok."

She left for her room to get her towel and headed to the bathroom.  Once she was in the bathroom, she thought of taking a bath to clear her head.  She the faucet to start the water.  She froze when she saw the garbage can.  Tilting her head, Minah made her way towards it.  Sitting right on the top of the pile was the long, thick glass piece that had cut her hand last night.  Her mind flashed with memories of all the events of the previous night.  It made Minah's head hurt.  She took it off of the top and held it in her hand, examining it.  She turned off the faucet when the tub was filled up enough and stared back at the piece.  Ironically, it nestled in the same hand that was wounded because of it.

"You sick little bastard," she mumbled to the shard.  "If you hadn't done anything, none of this would've happened."  She looked at her bandaged hand.  "It must've made you happy to see me bleed, huh?"  Next thing she knew, she had taken off the bandage and the gauze to reveal the dry blood and the wound itself.  "See what you caused?  Stupid piece of glass."  Suddenly, she had jammed it back into the same exact spot, only now, it was a lot deeper.  The blood escaped and started dripping down into the bath water.  Minah was urging back a scream.  "God damn, this hurts."

Minseok was still watching TV downstairs.  His mind drifted occasionally to the kiss that had happened earlier.  He smiled at the thought of tasting her lips after longing to do so.  Then, he would remember how far she had allowed him to go before she started crossing lines too.  He would laugh at himself.  But then his smile would fade, because he would remember that she was thinking of Kris while she was doing it.  He felt guilty for agreeing to do it in the first place.  Minseok should've gone with his first instinct and turned her down politely like he knew he should have.

He then glanced at the clock.  That's funny, he thought.  Minah went to go shower about half an hour ago.  I should go see what's up.  He made his way up the stairs and walked in front of the bathroom door.  He knocked.  "Minah?  You've been in there for a while.  Are you ok?"  He listened.  When he heard nothing, not even muffled sniffling, panic grew inside him.  He turned the knob of the door frantically and swung open the door.  He nearly fainted.  Fully clothed was Minah, her arms dripping with blood, and her head was hanging face up over the tub, just barely touching the blood-infested water, thankfully.  Her eyes were closed and was agape.  Minseok ran over to her and nearly started crying.  His first instinct was to check if she was breathing.  He placed his ear on her chest.  He felt it heaving slightly.  He relaxed a little before whipping out his phone and dialing 119 (A/N: Yes people, that is the emergency contact number for South Korea for an ambulance.)  "I can't believe you did something so foolish Minah," he mumbled to her even though he knew she wasn't listening.  He noticed the marks on her arms were carved out in a certain way, so sharp and defined.  He noticed that they spelled something.  Minseok examined them closer.  He gasped as he read them.


"On each arm was a different way she wrote the same message: I love Kris," Minseok retold.  "She had scarred herself permanently in all the languages she knew.  She died in your name, Kris, and now you dare say that you don't care about her anymore?!"  He was angry now, and it was rare to see Minseok really this fed up.  The fact that it was pouring rain and thunder clapped in the background made him look more frightening than any other time he's been pissed.  "I should just punch you in the face right now.  But I won't, because I want you to live with the guilt.  If she loses too much blood and she can't make it, it's all going to be on you.  How do you think you're going to face her now?  She'll probably go running back to you anyway as soon as she sees you.  But she's going to be hurt that you even left her and made her do this!"

Kris didn't say anything.  He just stared beyond everything and processed this.  Tears welled up in his eyes.  He knew everything Minseok said was right, and he felt such a tight knot of guilt in the pit of his stomach.  He had already proved that he still loved Minah with all his heart, and now he was determined to protect her from doing such things ever again.  With determination crossing his features, he stood up from his position on his knees, which he didn't even know he had gotten to, and walked back to his car.

"Where are you going?" Minseok called after him.

"I'm going to see her," he answered back.  He got into his car and sped off towards the hospital.  His mind was clear of everything except that he had to see Minah in her condition.  Kris hurried to the front desk to ask for where her room was.  To his dismay, he had to wait because the doctors were seeing her.  Without much left to do, he sat in the waiting room.  He was very impatient; he kept drumming his fingers on his legs, bouncing his feet rapidly, and twiddling his thumbs.  He just couldn’t stay still no matter how much he tried.  Kris’ mind was in a frenzy, having so many questions, guilt, and accusations of his own.  He just had to see Minah if it was the last thing he did.  He wanted to apologize and make amends.  He also wanted see if what Minseok said was true, if she really does have scars shaped in his name on her arms.

After waiting for nearly an hour, he was pacing when the nurse came to tell him that he may visit her.  The nurse led Kris to the room where Minah was staying.  After bowing politely to the nurse, he entered the room.  Minah had so many wires coming out of her; one for her IV drip, one for the heart monitor, and one for a blood injection.  Despite all of this, he saw that Minah was sleeping peacefully.  Kris quietly closed the door behind him and slowly walked next to her bed.  He leaned down and her cheek gingerly.

He sighed.  “I was hoping you would’ve been awake when I came,” he mumbled.  “I wanted to talk to you.”  Kris’ eyes travelled down to her bandaged arms.  He was curious to see what was underneath.  Even though the fact that there were bandages was proof enough that it was true, Kris wanted to see it with his own eyes.  Curiosity got the best of him.  He reached over and started tugging at the corners to pull them off.  However, Minah started to wake up.  Kris quickly pulled back.  Her eyes tightened before fluttering half open.  She blinked a few times and searched the room before her eyes fell on Kris.

She furrowed her brows together.  “Kris?”  She thought that there was no possible way for Kris to be standing in front of her.

“Yes?” he answered softly, relaxing.

Minah looked at him up and down.  “I’m dreaming, I must be dreaming.  Either that or I’m already dead.”

Kris frowned.  “Don’t say that.  I’m here with you in real life.”

Minah’s eyes widened.  “If you’re real, then what are you doing here?”

His eyes softened in apology.  “I came back when I heard that you were here.  Minseok gave me a lot to swallow, more than I could actually.  He told me that he found you bleeding to death in the bathroom, so he called the hospital and, well, here you are.”

“Yes, well, here I am, but what are you doing here?” Minah asked.

“He told me how crestfallen you were after I blew up in your face.  I believed what you said, thinking that what you said to him behind me was what you truly thought.  Minseok found me and told me everything; how you dreamed of horrible nightmares, how he saw you curled up outside on the front yard, and...how you had cut yourself.” 

Minah looked down at her hands.  “What’s your point?”

“Minah,” Kris tucked a lock of hair behind her ear.  “I’m really sorry that I caused you so much pain.  I was just hurt and confused.  After you said that you loved me, and after we kissed, it was hard to believe that you were lying to me about how you felt towards me.  I couldn’t put two and two together to figure out that you were lying to Minseok just to spare his feelings.  I’m really sorry.  It just hurt me just as much as it hurt you.”

Minah’s eyes teared up.  “Kris, you can never feel how much pain I felt when you were yelling at me.”  She flinched at the memory.  “You crushed me, and I felt like dying.”

“I know, and I’m so sorry that I did it.  If you hate me that much now, I understand if you want me to leave and never see you again-”

She silenced him with a soft kiss.  Kris was shocked, but he didn’t pull away.  Minah pulled away.  “Who said I hated you, let alone wanted you to leave?”

“So, you forgive me?” he asked.

“Always,” she nodded, kissing him again.


Hey guys~~  I'm back after 2 weeks with the last chapter.  Sososososooooooo sorry I slacked off at the end :P.  I didn't want to get anymore mushy than I did already.  And because I took too long to write this, way longer than I should have, but I made it extra long for you guys so yea.  Besides, the main theme of the chapter was supposed to be angsty, so I didn't want to put in romatic fluff to mess up the feel.  I was originally going to put the flashback as a seperate chapter and then fast forward time to Minseok reprimanding Kris, but I just had this idea because I thought it was more creative and I thought it was better.  Besides, if I did that, then the story would be 4 chapters long and you would've had to wait for a long time before this ended.  This is the first time I actually streched a one shot/two shot and this is what happens -__-.  I'm never doing that again.

Anyway, thank you for reading and subscribing~~  I love you all so very much for your comments and lovely stuff (even though there's not many of you :P).  I hope you stay tuned to see when I publish my full-blown chaptered story.  Please answer the poll at the bottom and read this blog post as a reference.  It's for me to determine which story I should start working on first becasue I don't have anymore one shot ideas to wirte as of now although I might have one suddenly tomorrow knowing myself :P

I hope you guys read the rest of my stuff and wait for stuff to come.

사랑해요 여러분~~~  I love you all~~~

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[Don't Go] New chappie~ ^_^


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Chapter 3: So much drama =___= I know she loves him and all, but going this far is seriously crazy. And she hurts Kris too if we think of it, even thought it was just to protect Minseok feelings... She is just a crazy girl who can't support any break-up. But it's still an happy end so it's okay ^^
My favorite is really Minseok this time ♥

For the poll I choose the one with KrisxOCxSuho, we stille don't have the full story wich will probably explain many things but I remember how crazy I was about it when I read it XD
Chapter 2: After the cheesy chapter, here comes the angsty chapter XD Totally opposed but makes the story so dramatic. Poor Minseok & Kris, I was sure that Kris will hear everything when she doubt about what she was saying... OF course she likes, no she loves Kris, but she don't want to hurt Minseok; and I understand her but still. She should have take Kris feelings in consideration -____-"
Now what is Kris going to do ?!!
EXOticMelody #3
Chapter 1: Yah! Chingu great story! XD Update soon! ;)
Chapter 1: That's so cheesy. Even a I little too much for me.... But I can still accept it. I mean it's well written, in a poetic way not too fluffy like in a 'child way' (that when I hate explaining myself in english what I'm saying does not make sense --') and yeah they wait for each other since... I don't know ^^' but Kris stop their contact at first because he was afraid of blurting out his feelings for her beçause they were bestfriend. So he likes her since a long time. And after such an event she needs comfort, so as things goes on he was so afraid to loos her (again) that he tells her everything and she does too. That's logic.
Plus flufiness don't kill ;)
I wan't Kris to speak french too ** I'm sure that if he said : "I love You" in french, he would be so rawr~
Waiting for your next updates !!

ps : I'm still not a stalker !
Update soon please.
takaky #6
waiting for ur update !
sounds interesting :3 waiting for your update
wait for your first chapter <3
Snooring #9
can't wait for this! ^^