
Don't Go

Minah woke up to her phone ringing.  She searched for the phone on her side table.  Groggily, she answered it.  "Hello?"

"Morning Minah~" she heard on the other end.

"Minseok oppa?" she asked, her mind still waking up.

"Yes, it's me," she heard him chuckle on the other line.  "Did I wake you up?"

"Yeah, kinda," she admitted.

"Well, I'll be home in a minute.  I just wanted to let you know so you won't be alarmed."

But she was alarmed.  Minah was alarmed because there was a handsome man sleeping next to her who her best friend may or may not like her dating.  Minseok is very understanding and usually doesn't care about whatever the hell she does, but he's made it clear that boyfriends were under his eye.  After all, even though he wasn't that much older than Minah, he's her older brother in the end.  She doesn't think he cares if Kris is his best friend or not.

Besides, Minah suspects that there was something up with Minseok.  He's a bit too overprotective about anyone putting their hands on her.  LuHan had once wrapped his arm around her while watching a movie and Minseok had been shooting daggers at him the entire time.  And forget about all the times when Sehun would be all touchy-feely whenever Minah took him out for bubble tea.

Minseok oppa...Does he like me? she thought to herself.  It was a possibility.  He wanted her all to himself, he never let the other boys touch her, and he never laughed whenever Kai would flirt with her.  It made sense...

A groan shook Minah out of her thoughts.  Beside her, Kris was waking out of his slumber.  His eyes fluttered open.  "Good morning aegiya," he groaned in his deep y sleepy voice.  It gave Minah butterflies in her stomach.

"Morning, jagiya," she responded with a smile.

He smiled.  "Give me a morning kiss?"

Minah remembered Minseok was going to be home any second. "No," she responded bluntly.

Kris thought she was teasing him.  "Jebal~?" he asked with as much Aegyo as he could muster.

She swayed a bit.  "Mm...no," she replied stubbornly.

Kris got an evil smirk on his face.  "No?"  He pulled her closer.  "You said no?  I'll just have to steal one myself."

"Kris, no-mmf!"

She was cut off when he crushed his lips against hers.  His hand was strongly holding the back of her neck to prevent her from escaping.  As much as she tried to resist, she found her resolve crumbling every time he moved his lips.  Eventually, Minah gave in to his kisses.  She had been waiting too long for him to kiss her with such love and passion to waste any of it.  She wrapped her arm around his neck and tangled her fingers in his hair.  Kris smirked against her lips when he had finally broken through her.

It didn't last long though.  Minah heard the door open suddenly.  She remembered that Minseok was home.  "Kris," she mumbled against Kris' lips.  He didn't respond.  "Minseok's home," she quickly breathed and broke free of his lips, only for him to trail down to her neck.

"Minah~!  I'm back!" she heard Minseok yell.

"C-Coming, oppa!" Minah shouted back, wavering because of Kris nibbling on her neck.  Trying not to moan, she hopped out of bed before Kris could catch her again.  She was panting to catch her breath while Kris was smirking at her.  "Come on, get up," she pulled on him.

"I'll be down in a few minutes," he mumbled,  turning around and closing his eyes again.

"Lazy ," Minah teased, but headed down on her own anyway.

"Hey meímei," Minseok greeted with a smile.

"Hey oppa," Minah responded.  "Did you you eat at Jongdae's?"

"No, it's 11 and I haven't ate yet.  I'm starving!" Minseok complained.

"Oppa, you're always hungry," she shook her head.

"Says you," Minseok pouted, his cheeks puffing out.

"Baozi~" she sang teasingly.  She got a few plates out and prepared breakfast for both of them.  Bread was toasted and eggs were being fried in a pan.  After everything was ready, the two sat down to eat.

"So, did anyone come over?" Minseok asked.

Minah froze.  She really didn't want to lie to him about Kris.  He was bound to find out he stayed over.  After all, he did say that she could invite someone over.  Who said that she had to tell him that they were in a relationship?  "I invited Kris over," she stated.

Minah swore she just saw Minseok freeze for a moment.  "Just the two of you?"

"Um...yeah, just us," Minah said, not meeting his eyes.

"......Did you guys do anything?" he asked.

"No," she responded simply.

"Then why is your hand wrapped in gauze?"

Minah looked down at her hand.  Right, she thought, mentally facepalming herself.  "Um...I kind of had an accident."

"What kind of accident?" Minseok asked.

"I had a...'visitor' come over...and tried to kill me..." Minah said uneasily.

"Someone busted in?!" Minseok cried in alarm.

"Yeah...he kind of did..." Minah whispered, quietly wondering what happened to the guy's corpse that was supposed to be on the front yard.

"Minah I'm so sorry, I should've been more careful.  I didn't think that someone was going to come, I shouldn't have left you alone," he babbled on.

"It's not your fault, oppa, don't worry.  Kris came at the right time," Minah assured him.

She regret adding the last sentence with the look Minseok shot her.  "Kris took care of the guy?  And I suppose he wrapped up your hand too?"

Cursing and facepalming herself mentally, Minah nodded.  She had just basically explained everything she wanted to hide.

"So, I thought you and Kris weren't on good terms.  What happened after that?" Minseok asked with narrowed eyes.

Before Minah could answer, Kris came clobbering down the stairs.  "Morning everyone~" his voice rang out as he joined the two.

"Morning Kris," Minseok said bitterly.

Kris sat down next to Minah.  He took a slice of her toast and bit into it.  "Mmm, this tastes good," he praised.  "Good job aegiya."

Then he kissed Minah's cheek, right in front of Minseok.

Minah cringed when he came in contact with her.  To say that Minseok was murdering Kris with his eyes would be an understatement.  If looks could kill, Kris would have died at least ten times under Minseok's stare.

"Aegiya?  What's going on here?" Minseok asked through gritted teeth.

"Last night, I saved Minah from a nasty burglar, told her I loved her, I kissed her, and now she's my girlfriend," he said happily, not paying attention to the death glare Minseok was giving him.

Minah couldn't believe how straightforward Kris was being.  Did he want to get his nutsack chopped off with a chainsaw?

"Is that so?" Minseok asked looking at Minah from the corner of his eye.

Oh god, Minah thought panicked.  I'm dead now!  Thanks a lot, Kris!

"Yup, it happened like that," Kris smiled happily.

Shut up you idiot!  You're going too far now! Minah screamed inside her head, hoping that Kris would get it somehow.

Minseok was quiet for a minute.  He stared down at his breakfast.   The silence was agonizing.  Minah felt like she was ready to sweat buckets.  "Alright," he finally said simply, and went back to eating his breakfast

Minah blinked at him.  Did he just say 'alright' and then let it go??  What???  What is he planning??  She suddenly didn't feel hungry anymore.  Kris swallowed up the rest of her breakfast.

After clearing the table, Minah did the dishes while Kris went back upstairs to brush his teeth anne take care of himself.

"So," Minseok started.  "You got a boyfriend huh?"

"Umm...Pretty much..." Minah hesitantly said.

There was silence.  The only sound lingering was the rushing of water from the faucet.  After Minah turned off the water, she dried her hands.

"Minah, look at me."

Biting her lip, she turned around to face Minseok.  His arms were crossed in front of his chest.  He was obviously not happy about the situation.

"So, Kris tells me you guys kissed.  How much of that is true?" he asked carefully.

"All of it," she admitted, knowing her secret was out and there was no use in trying to hide it anymore.  She stared down at the floor in shame.

"...Do you love him back?"

Her eyes widened and he head snapped up.  What kind of a question was that?!  Do I love him back?!  Why else would I be his girlfriend??!!  Minseok oppa you're crazy!

"Answer the question," he pressed.

"Of course I-" she was about to answer, but she stopped herself.  Why are you second guessing this?  Of course you love him!  Spit it out already! she scolded herself.  But she couldn't bring herself to do it.  Yes, she loved Kris with all her heart, she could feel that, but facing Minseok while saying it was too hard.  He was giving her a hard look, but it wasn't the sternness in his eyes that prevented her.  It was the pain.  She saw genuine suffering and heartache.  Minah knew that Minseok loved her the same way she loved Kris, and she knew that she should make herself happy and Minseok would get over it soon, but Minseok meant the world to her too.  She was incomplete without him, believe it or not.  But it surprised her when the next words came out of .

"No oppa, I don't really love him."

Minseok looked surprised at this.  "What?"

"I don't love Kris.  It was all an act.  I don't feel the same way for him as he does to me," she repeated, losing control between and her brain.  Her mind was saying "STOP STOP STOP" while her lips kept moving and feeding lies.

"What about the kiss?" Minseok asked, trying to hold onto the little details.

"It wasn't really.  It was fake.  I toyed with him and he believed me.  I'm not really in love with him, oppa."  Forgive me, Kris, she prayed silently.  I'm so sorry if you hear all of this before I have the chance to explain.  Please don't believe me.  I'm fabricating lies here to save us.

"Well..." Minseok was shell shocked.

She gulped, waiting for the outburst.  Minah heard Kris thundering down the steps.  Avoiding her, he wordlessly went over to the door and exited, effectively slamming the door shut.  Minah jolted.  Torn by the two choices, she looked at Minseok, then the direction of the door.  She decided to run after Kris and try to convince him to listen to reason.

Kris was outside, his hair in frustration as he usually did.  He was mumbling angrily to himself.  Minah was scared to face him.  She remembered a few years back when she was still here.  Kris had been so angry that she was leaving that he punched a few holes in his wall in rage.  Minah felt like she was going to cry, but she pressed on.  "Kris," she said feebly.

"What?" he spun around and faced her.  She flinched.  His eyes were boiling, threatening her to dare to say something again.  "Do you want to feed me more lies?  Lead me on more?"

"No, Kris listen-" she tried.

"No!  I'm not listening to you ever again.  I don't know if what you're telling me is just lies!  I heard what you said to Minseok. You think I didn't hear?  I did!  And I'm done!  All of that was fake, just an act!  What, were you trying to lead me on for your own entertainment?  We're you mocking me behind my back?  Was I just an experiment to you?"

Minah's eye welled up with tears.  "No...I was just-"

"Don't even say anything."  He cut her off.  "I knew this was going to happen.  This is why I never told anyone I loved them before.  Because they would lie to me and they're all fake!"  He kicked the side of the house, causing Minah to yelp in fear.  Kris softened his tone.  "But I thought you were different.  I felt something special for you.  And then you just crushed it to ash, disregarded it.  I never expected that from you.  I was wrong, again."  He got into his car.  "I hope you’re happy because you just broke another heart.  I gave you the best show of your life."

And just like that, he was gone.

As soon as he was out of sight, Minah let out a breath she never knew she was holding and fell to her knees.  A tear slid down her cheek.  "No...I lost him," she whispered to herself.

It hurt a hell of a lot more now than it did when she left years ago.  For one, she was the one that left in the first place.  Secondly, they hadn't been together before.  And three, he didn't think that she was a liar back then.  This was a lot worse because she had actually told him she loved him, really meaning it, and she messed it up less than 12 hours later.  She recalled a statement she had heard before.

"If you love someone, set them free. If they come back they’re yours; if they don’t they never were."

She choked on her tears when she remembered the last part.  "If they don't they never were."  She feared that Kris wouldn't come to his senses and realize that she was in love with him and she wasn’t pretending to love him.  Knowing that it wasn't possible because of how stubborn he was, she curled up onto the grass, balling herself up so she almost couldn't breathe.  Minah just left herself to cry there as the same words mocked her thoughts.

"If they don't they never were..If they don't they never were...If they don't they never were..."

Minah sobbed her broken heart out onto the grass, basking in her own misery and stupidity.

* * * * * * * *

Minseok drove through the cold, dark night.  He didn't know where he was going, he just drove.  He just needed to escape, to get out of there.  He didn't care that there was a thunderstorm advancing, he followed his gut and kept going.  Suddenly, he saw a familiar car in the corner of the road.  Minseok pulled over on the opposite side.  He saw the owner come out, pissed off as usual.  Minseok got out of his own car.

"Hey!" he barked at the man.  He was ignored.  "Kris!" Minseok tried again, his patience slowly draining.

"What?!  What do you want?!" Kris finally answered, obviously cross.

"What did you do to my sister?!" Minseok snapped at him.

Kris scoffed.  "More like what did she do to me!"

"Shut up!  You did something to her and now she's depressed about it!  What did you do?!" Minseok nearly yelled.  "She was fine up until you left this morning!"

"She's not your sister, Minseok!" Kris snapped.  "You're not blood!"

"I don't care!  She's like a sister to me!  I protect her from anything that threatens her and her life, and that's you!" he screamed as a clap of thunder sounded, making him sound more viscous.

"I'm the threat?!" he screamed back.  "Do you know the whole story?!  You were right all along, Minseok, she loves you way more than me.  She just proved it today!  What more do you need?!"

"She didn't say anything that was truth, Kris!" Minseok countered, annoyed at Kris' stubbornness.

"Don't I know it!" he retorted, scoffing.

"No, it's not what you think, Kris.  She's in love with you!  She said those things to spare me and my feelings!"

"Bull!" Kris cursed as thunder sounded again.  "She's a liar!  A traitor!  I'm never going near her again!"  He turned around and started walking back towards his car.

"So you don't care what happened to her after you left?!" Minseok yelled after him.

"No!  I don't give a about love anymore!  I'm done, I'm so done!" Kris screamed and never looked back.

"Really?" Minseok taunted.

The next words that were spoken was scarier than any any thunderstorm anyone would ever experience, more painful than anything Kris would ever hear even if he didn't know it.  Everything he did, everything he said, he regretted as soon as the words were out of Minseok's mouth, no stutter or stumble included.

"You know, she's in the hospital, right?!"


Ok uh, like I said in my last chapter: dramatic, dramatic, dramatic.  I told you guys that there was some angst involved~.  Yup, so overly dramatic that I don't even wanna read this over again.  I was scared to even proofread it!  What the hell goes on my my mind I don't even know why such things happen.  This story is really going a little bit off of what I expected...well just a little bit...not the last part though, I was planning that.  Don't ask why I'm overly dramatic, it's part of my genetics.  I'm half Indian and I've been watching those overly dramatic and twisted crazy 5-hour movies since I was in my mother.  They're a part of my blood now.  I'm so sorry you have to experience this OTL OTL OTL.  Forgive me~~

Did I at least achieve my goal of creating a suspenseful cliffhanger?  I hope so cuz I failed at everything in this chapter T^T Goes in the corner and hits myself with a baseball bat while questioning my sanity and purpose for living

But for those of you that actually enjoyed it *cough*none I love you extra much~~  You're all crazy drama queens like me~~ Oh boy... -_-'

Oh I almost forgot!  Happy New Year guys~~  So I started school again on Wednesday (boohoo TT_TT) and I wanted to update Tuesday night but I only finished half of it before I fell asleep.  Then I finished the rest of this chapter on Wednesday night (staying up until midnight FTW!! god I need to sleep...) and edited it today so yay~.  My New Years resolution is to learn Korean more, Mandarin, Persian (my dad's native tongue), Cantonese, and Hebrew (at least learn to read it :P).  Then I also wanna publish more FanFics eventually.  I have a whole blog post about that here if you're interested in seeing upcoming projects and fics.

By the way, if any of you are from Indian descent (like from India and you're Hindi or something) and you watch a lot of movies, PM me or post on my wall so we could chat, I kinda need it for an upcoming story...

I love you guys~~  Tell me what your resolutions are if you have any!  And tell me what you think of this story!  I don't really like it tbh, I wish it could've stayed in my head cuz it seemed so much better in my head...

Bye~~~~~ Saranghaeyo lovies~~~~~~ Mwahhhhh~~

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[Don't Go] New chappie~ ^_^


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Chapter 3: So much drama =___= I know she loves him and all, but going this far is seriously crazy. And she hurts Kris too if we think of it, even thought it was just to protect Minseok feelings... She is just a crazy girl who can't support any break-up. But it's still an happy end so it's okay ^^
My favorite is really Minseok this time ♥

For the poll I choose the one with KrisxOCxSuho, we stille don't have the full story wich will probably explain many things but I remember how crazy I was about it when I read it XD
Chapter 2: After the cheesy chapter, here comes the angsty chapter XD Totally opposed but makes the story so dramatic. Poor Minseok & Kris, I was sure that Kris will hear everything when she doubt about what she was saying... OF course she likes, no she loves Kris, but she don't want to hurt Minseok; and I understand her but still. She should have take Kris feelings in consideration -____-"
Now what is Kris going to do ?!!
EXOticMelody #3
Chapter 1: Yah! Chingu great story! XD Update soon! ;)
Chapter 1: That's so cheesy. Even a I little too much for me.... But I can still accept it. I mean it's well written, in a poetic way not too fluffy like in a 'child way' (that when I hate explaining myself in english what I'm saying does not make sense --') and yeah they wait for each other since... I don't know ^^' but Kris stop their contact at first because he was afraid of blurting out his feelings for her beçause they were bestfriend. So he likes her since a long time. And after such an event she needs comfort, so as things goes on he was so afraid to loos her (again) that he tells her everything and she does too. That's logic.
Plus flufiness don't kill ;)
I wan't Kris to speak french too ** I'm sure that if he said : "I love You" in french, he would be so rawr~
Waiting for your next updates !!

ps : I'm still not a stalker !
Update soon please.
takaky #6
waiting for ur update !
sounds interesting :3 waiting for your update
wait for your first chapter <3
Snooring #9
can't wait for this! ^^