▷▷press the reset▷▷ 〖review shop!~〗[[closed]]



▊♛'p r e s s  t h e  r e s e t ...w e l c o m e s y o u ;;


ᴏᴘᴇɴ | ʙ ᴜ s ʏ | ᴄʟᴏsᴇᴅ


▊♛'т н ё я ё a т о я ş

 ş ṵ к ї я a

ų ś є я и a м ёelektroshawol

a в о ų т м ё : Hello!~ My name is Sukira! Vincent and I are the creators of this Review Shop, and it is our first one at that. Personally I'd say that I'm a giant grammar nazi, but other than that I think that might be the only thing I'm strict about. Grammar and spelling are big things for me. Also, I'm all about a good plot and creative language. I accept any kind of stories; be it , yuri, fluff-- anything. And it's probably better for one to request I review stories, seeing as Vincent is a bit weakhearted at the sight of . (haha) ^_^


★ v ї и c є п т

ų ś є я и a м ёN/A

a в о ų т м ё : Hey, my name is Vincent and I'm here with Sukira to bring y'alls a review shop. For all you guys to know, I pay particular attention to Creative and Fun plots along with writing style. I am not particularly good at English seeing as it is not my first language, so I am no person to critisize others for their grammar (I leave that to Sukira), so I tend to pay much attention to storylines in particular. I am not a good reader, nor am I a good reader; I tend to read a lot of angst and specialize in it, so if you need a good angst or non- reviewer; i'm yor guy. Needless to say, just give us the best effort you can! (I do a lot of song reviews on the tumblr too, if you're interested in requesting any songs, k-pop or not, then i'm up for it!)


▊♛'т н ё я ц l є в о о к

    1. If applying, please kindly fill out the form below to the best of your ability in the comment section.

    2. For best results, please subscribe to the story after posting your request. The Reviewers are not responsible for alerting the authors of the completion of their review.

    3. If your story has already been put under the category of "in process", the author may not cancel their request.

    4. If an author would like to cancel their request and their story is not yet under the category of "in progress", please send the Reviewers a private message or post on their wall to inform them of your cancellation.

    5. If your review was not to your liking, and you feel either you were unfairly scored or that you were cheated of some points, please private message the Reviewers with your complaint. Although please, no fighting. The Reviewers are very busy people and do not have time to deal with inappropriate moodswings. Calm conversation and cooperation from the authors is expected.

    6. Just to make sure you're reading the rules, when the author comments with their request, they must place the password at the end of their form. The password is: shampoo.

    7. After recieving your review, please put a link to your review in your story to show your readers how you did! Afterwords, please kindly supply a link to the chapter with the link to the Reviewers (on their wall or by private message). If an author fails to do so within 2 weeks of receiving their review, the author will be blacklisted for a month.     

    8. Lastly, please be patient while the Reviewers grade your stories. They are very busy with school and other activities. 


▊♛'т н ё c я ї т ё я ї a

☆ т ї т l ё (5)

    Your title will be judged on how much it pulls the reader (in this case, either Sukira or Vincent) in past the foreward. Originality is a big part of your score! If the title is boring and leaves nothing to the imagination, your story may be docked some points; be careful! Also, we will be judging on elements such as if the title relates to the story and if spelling and grammar in the title are used correctly.

★ d ё ś c я ї p т ı ợ и / f о я є ш a я d (15)

     Again, your description/foreward will be judged on if it makes the reader want to read more. In other words, does it make the reader want to keep reading? Is it interesting enough that the reader wants to click the 'next' button, rather than go back to the list of stories?

ṗ ḻ ơ ƭ (30)

     In a story, the plot is everything. Since this is true, the plot of your story will be judged on a number of elements. For example: plot twists (are there any?), plot depth (does it make the reader interested and immersed in the world you've created?), as well as the exposition (beginning), (the peak of the story/plot), and denouement (ending, if applicable to your story ;; points will not be taken off if the story is incomplete).    

★ c н a я a c т ё я ś (20)

    A story isn't a story without characters. We will be judging the characters by these elements: did the protagonist/s face any problems?, do the actions of the protagonist/s (as well as the other characters) make sense?, and did the protagonist/s develop throughout the story? (points will not be taken off if the story is incomplete).

☆ f l о ш (10)

    Does the story flow well? Is the writing paced too fast or too slow? Was the reader/reviewer able to keep up with what was going on at all times?

★ м є c н a и ї c ś (15)

     Is all the grammar, spelling, and punctuation correct? Small errors will result in 0.5 points being taken off the final score. Writing style will also effect the Mechanics score.

☆ о v є я a l l ё и j о у м ё и т (5)

    This category is judged solely on the reviewer's opinion on the story. Because of this, the Overall Enjoyment category will not cost many points. Therefore if the reviewer's experience reading the story happened to not be so pleasant, the author will not receive a major blow in their final score.


▊♛'я ё q ц ё ṩ т f о я м

Please fill this in in the comment section.


story title:

story link:


preferred reviewer (optional):

any other comments:



▊♛'н ї g н a и d м ї g н т у

All stories that have recieved 90's and above will be listed here for reference to other authors.

 Unstoppable Marriage - aznphoenix95




▊♛'a f f ї l ї a т ё ş

 totoro review shop


▊♛'Ь l a c к l ї ş т

 и о и ё у ё т ! (Vincent = w =)


Please refer to chapter one for the reviews (in progress, pending, and completed)!


You must be logged in to comment
username: MissyQ

story title: Final Call.

story link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/428461/final-call-oneshot-romance-you-exok-kai-love-jongin

genre: Romance

preferred reviewer (optional): I'm fine with anyone :)

any other comments : You can take your time as I'm not rushing for anything :) I'd like to thank you before hand! <3

password: shampoo.
username: turtle3

story title: Slipping

story link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/371513/slipping-angst-dreams-baekyeol

genre: romance, angst

preferred reviewer (optional): anyone willing and strict

any other comments: its and oneshot

password: shampoo
username: zining

story title: Imagine

story link :http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/360960/imagine-skydragon

genre: dreamy

preferred reviewer (optional): whoever who is free

any other comments: It's just a simple one-shot. :D

password: Shampoo
username: enlightened_

story title: Breaking Point

story link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/361703/

genre: I don't know, seriously. Mystery (I think). Suspense's a better word tho.

preferred reviewer (optional): Vincent/Sukira. I don't mind. ;3

any other comments: It is a bit cliff-hanged! ...I really don't know. It's not mystery. Suspense? Yeah, I'd think that'll fit. English is not my first language either. My tense's dreadful. Yep. Pretty much.

password: Shampoo~
Chapter 4: Thank you for the review, though I think you're being way too generous for some sections. I don't think my characterisation or flow deserves that much...
Chapter 3: Thank you so much for the review...
Username: Aznphoenix95
Story Title: Unstoppable Marriage
Story Link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/242875/unstoppable-marriage-action-comedy-romance-snsd-soosica-taeny-yulsic
Genre: Romance, action, comedy, angst
Preferred reviewer: elektroshawol
Any other comments: English is my second language (note: Australian English, NOT U.S.), but I don't want you going easy on me for that. I pride myself in good spelling/grammar, I do make typos, but if you see anything glaring then you have the right to beat me over the head, after all, you learn through mistakes. Oh and note that the story is rated M, and there is some mature content in it.
Password: shampoo
username: GreenALiveTnS

story title: I'll be

story link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/350294

genre: Romance

preferred reviewer (optional): anyone is fine

any other comments: English isn't my first language

password: shampoo