Four little Idols

Bang Yong Guk answers to no one....


Four little idols sat alone in the living roomwhile the 'parents' were away; four little minds trying to figure out to the question of: Why they hell hasn't Yong Guk  said anything yet?
The maknae sighed, "how long is he going to pretend that he doesn't love Him Chan?"
The elder three shook thier heads, not knowing the answer. The younger vocalist speaking up, "Do you think he believes Him Chan has already moved on?"
"If he does than he's an idiot," the youngest glared at nothing in particular.
Dae Hyun shook his head, "he's just waiting for 'the right time'. Although he claims that everytime he works up the courage to say anything we act up and ruin the moment."
"But we haven't done anything in a while," the dancer defend softly. Zelo patted his back, "we know, that's why we're all stumped as to why hyung hasn't made a move yet."
"Maybe Him Chan needs another pan," Jong Up smiled.
The elder vocalist shook his head, "as fun as that sounds, it just might scare him away."
"Well then what should we do?" the maknae asked. "We don't have much time, we have New Years to think about."
"Why don't we do something for New Years?" Young Jae asked thoughtfully.
"Aren't we?" the elder dancer asked.
Young Jae shook his head with a small laugh. "I mean we could use the New Year as a cover. We could force them together."
"How are we going to do that?" The elder vocalist asked only to recieve a shrug from the blonde next to him.
"Wouldn't they be drinking?" Jong Up asked.
The maknae smirked, "then why not let the alcohol do the work for us?"
"I don't know, maybe because we're going to be in public," Dae Hyun folded his arms. 
The other vocalist shook his head, "we won't be out the entire time. We never said we were going to get them drunk New Year's Eve. We can have our own celebration when we get back to our room."
"I agree with Young Jae," the second maknae smiled. Zelo nodded, "alright, so we get them drunk and let them have a hot seccion."
"You guys do know we'll have to keep an eye on them?" The eldest asked. The younger three nodded their heads. He sighed, "alright then. What's the plan?"
Zelo looked between the two elders whom just sat on the couch not saying a word. He understood it was late, but seriously? They were not this bad just a few months ago. Did they miss something? The maknae was now even more determined to help bring the two together.
The maknae jumped on the two, "lets watch a movie!"
"Jon Hong, it's late, why don't we all just go to bed." The leader said with a soft smile.
"But hyung, you promised," Zelo pouted. "We haven't really hung out without cameras on us. And this is the only chance we have."
Him Chan sighed, "he's right you know. And you did promise him, so choose a movie."
The elsest sighed,  "alright. Alright, just throw in a moive."
"Yay," Zelo jumped off in search of a movie.
"I'll go get some snacks," the elder vocalist eyes lit up. Young Jae shooks his head, "I'll get some drinks. Jong Uppie can you help make sure Dae Hyun doesn't eat the snacks before he makes them."
"Don't take too long," Yong Guk said tiredly. He looked to his side to see the slightly younger blonde shaking his head disapprovingly. "What?"
"They just want to hang out," the visual spoke slightly angered. "It's not often that it's just us. Let them enjoy it."
"I know, I know," the elder leaned more into the pillows. "I'm just tired."
"We all are," Him Chan pointed out. "Just hang in a little longer, you know we won't be able to do this again."
"I know," he said softly. "Could you please stop pointing that out?"
The four had thought everything was going according to plan. Well most of it at least. They weren’t expecting Dae Hyun to bump into Young Jae, causing him to spill almost half a bottle of vodka into the punch.  They were amazed though that the elder two had not sad anything about the drink, not even bothering to ask them why they wouldn’t touch their glasses.
They certainly were not expecting their hyungs to fight. They didn’t know what sparked the match. Everyone was quiet nothing had been said for almost half the lenght of the movie. The four were simply doubfounded.
“Yah, what’s your problem?” the leader yelled, “She didn’t even do anything to you.”
“I may not seem like it to you,” Him Chan scoffed. “Why are you even dating her? 
Is it just for publicity? Or do you actually like her?”
“I like her okay,” The elder glared. “Why else would I ask Ji Eun out?”
The five pairs of eyes looked to their blonde leader in shock. Four now learning why the two were silent around each other.  
“Tell me Him Chan, why do you have such a problem with it?” The leader asked while the younger four face-palmed.
Him Chan’s gaze grew dark. “Apparently it doesn’t really matter now does it? Why would you care? You should already know. I told you several months ago already.”
Yong Guk didn’t get a chance to qeustion the visual, the younger walked away... Ran away faster than what his mind could think.  The leader continued to stare at the empty place before him, not understanding a single thing.
“Well,” four voices said as one. The elder looked to them in confusion. Shaking their heads they urged, “go after him.”
With a nodd Yong Guk went in search of the Umma, knowing where the younger would be.
“Did you know they were together?” Dae Hyun asked the younger three softly. Each of them shook their heads.
“I thought it was only a rumor,” the younger vocalist said thoughtfully. “What even brought all of this up?”
“Do you think it had anything to do with the alcohol?” The dancer asked.
The three shrugged. Zelo commented, “maybe we should’ve just bought some sort of aphrodisiac or some other type of drug.”
Three shocked voices filled the air.
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I wanted to have this done this week but of course I managed to get side tracked, but I will make a bonus chap.... This was going to be a one shot


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Chapter 3: jajajajaja Yonguk you're a adorable pabo!
Chapter 3: Babo Yongguk ! Really ! Kekeke XD
Chapter 2: Ohhh!!! I'm in shock !!!
Chapter 1: Oh my god lol way to go Yongguk!!!
and Thumbs up Himchan!!!
Chapter 3: Oh god! The last part remaind me of yongguk n daehyun when they made BAP formation in killing camp. Lol my dirty brain....
Chapter 3: It is now a perfect family
Chapter 3: A happy family. with no home wreckers no need to make the other jelly and no need to break up. its all perfect now. :3
Chapter 3: aaaah finallyy !! daehyun just make bang notice that 'her' is just a home wrecker !! woohooo ! banghim ftw
Chapter 3: woahhh it ends >_< haha its rly cute tho,the title of the chapter almost gave me a heart attack cuz i thought Bang didnt do anth & Himchan...well u know. but its ok now haha~i almost thought they're gonna do it outside too,tk u Daejae xD
love this~fighting!!