10; Luhan

Powers Are A Pain In The

10; Luhan


"Are you moved?"

"Well, yeah, considering you're controlling me using your mind."

a. Hazard


Walking around in the dorm is a bit like treading on a minefield—you literally have no idea when something's gonna hit you. And usually, courtesy of Luhan, it comes from the back and hits you hard.


Sehun stepped out of bed, half asleep. They had a schedule two hours later, at the ungodly hour of six in the morning, and Sehun direly needed his beauty sleep. He trudged into the living room with his eyes half-closed, making his way towards the toilet, but something hit him. Literally. And he was immediately a lot more awake.


"Ow! What the ?" Sehun yelled, looking around angrily while rubbing the back of his head. He spotted Luhan on the sofa, sheepishly smiling at him, while a remote control hovered close by. He could feel a bump rising on the back of his head.


"Sorry, Sehun, I was just trying to get the remote control." The long, black object made its way over to Luhan's hand and the latter grabbed it.


"Could you watch it, hyung? I know I'm sleepy but being hit in the head in the morning is said to also lower your IQ," Sehun grumbled.


"Not like you have much of it, anyway," Jongdae chimed in as he walked into the living room.


"You little—" Sehun lunged at him, but Jongdae merely ducked and went away smiling.


Too tired to go after him, Sehun turned away and started walking to the toilet again, but not even ten steps later did something thwack his head yet again. 


"Hyung! I ing swear, it's not funny!" Sehun growled, eyes narrowing.


"It wasn't me this time! I'm not even anywhere near you! I—" Luhan's frantic explanations were cut off by Sehun throwing himself on top of him, and raining rapid blows on him.


"Ow!" Luhan's pathetic cries were drowned out by Sehun's angry yells. Hidden in the darkness of the toilet, Kyungsoo smiled sinisterly. He had always wanted to teach the brat, Sehun, and the annoying bastard, Luhan, a lesson.


b. Live-in Maid


"Luhan-ah, help me get my face cream, I left it in the kitchen." Luhan lifted an eyebrow and the face cream flew over immediately. Kris grabbed it with a grateful look on his face, and Luhan strode off smugly, feeling like a boss. 


"Hyung, my phone is in the toilet." A fraction of a second later a black iPhone 4 flew into the living room and gracefully landed in Chanyeol's palms. Chanyeol thanked him and immediately went to check his KakaoTalk.


"Lulu, could you please move my laptop over, thanks." A laptop was much heavier, but Luhan had confidence in his abilities. He concentrated on the laptop in the kitchen, and with a considerable amount of willpower, managed to lift it and bring it onto the lap of an eagerly waiting Tao.


"Thanks!" Tao beamed. 


Luhan narrowed his eyes. "Are you watching weird videos in the toilet again?"


Tao coloured furiously, the intense shade of red rushing up to his cheeks. He stuttered out a vague reply and rushed off into the, you guessed it, toilet. Luhan rolled his eyes. 


These were the requests that Luhan got on a regular basis. Most of the time he accepted them, using them as chances to practise his powers. The sense of accomplishment he felt when the others looked at him enviously was also an ego booster. But, as with all privileges, people started misusing it. Luhan was bombarded with demands from members who were just lazy to move. And in the end, with all the physical exhaustion, it took its toll and Luhan fell majorly sick, with a high fever and a terrible runny nose. 


Luhan blew his nose in bed. It . 


After his illness, whenever someone gave him an unreasonable request, he chose to ignore it. After all, he was a busy man with exceedingly important things to do—he shouldn't be treated like a maid! He was an important person! And so, he turned down all service requests, and if the member was persistent enough, Luhan would usually hit him on the back of his head with a book. 


Using his telekinetic powers, of course.


c. Fast money


The idea occurred to him that it'd be much more economical to charge a fee for each object he moved. Luhan spent about five minutes thinking of that idea and the next hour congratulating himself for it. 


He eagerly drew up a table of different fees for all objects ranging from cats to coffee tables. Sticking it onto the wall of his room, Luhan stepped back and surveyed it proudly, feeling very pleased with himself. He was excited at the prospect of making money for himself. The idea was like killing two birds with one stone—he could earn money and yet deter people from finding him for random errands at the same time. 


Luhan sat in his room and waited patiently for his first customer. After a while, Junmyeon came walking in. "Luhan-hyung, I need you to unstick the gum from my shoes for me." He flung a shoe (Nike, Luhan observed, not bad) down on the floor and looked at Luhan expectantly.


Luhan decided not to tell him about the costs involved as of yet. "Sure!" he answered brightly—perhaps a little too brightly—but Junmyeon didn't realise. Using the sheer power of his mind, Luhan stared at the piece of gum and started pulling it from the sole, and little by little the gum began to detach itself from Junmyeon's shoe. The leader looked on in wonder as Luhan then easily threw the gum into the rubbish bin afterwards.


"Thanks," Junmyeon grinned. He was about to leave the room, but Luhan stopped him with his telekinesis just in time.


"Hyung, don't do that," he shuddered. "It's very creepy."


Luhan shrugged and pointed nonchalantly on the price chart on the wall. He expected Junmyeon to show some form of shock, but there was nary a reaction from the latter. Unfazed, Junmyeon took out his wallet and tossed out a card.


"Do you accept credit? I have no spare change," Junmyeon informed him, with a calmness that made Luhan's blood boil.


He almost kicked the out. 


"No," he seethed, restraining himself, "you can go." He glowered at Junmyeon's retreating back before burying his face in his hands. Junmyeon was a stingy bastard. This was not going on as planned. 


His next customer was Jongin, who'd teleported in front of him when he was about to fall asleep, causing Luhan to jump out of his chair in fright. 


"What do you want," Luhan said gruffly. He wasn't in a good mood, especially since Jongin had decided to give him a shock like that.


"Move Kyungsoo-hyung's plant for me, please," Jongin pleaded. "He wants to give it more sunlight but it's too heavy and we can't carry it, Could you move it beside the window?" Luhan responded with a quirk of his brow and a finger pointing to the price chart on the wall. Pay first, services later, was Luhan's mantra. He wanted to avoid a repeat of what had happened previously.


"What the hell is this?" Jongin didn't bother concealing his annoyance. Luhan sighed theatrically, and pointed to the title. Jongin, young and hot-blooded as he was, obviously didn't bother to read. 


"'Price List for the Telekinetic Powers of Luhan the Great," Jongin reads out loud. "Plant, 25 thousand won." His brows creased. He sighed.


"Well I suppose it'll have to do." He handed Luhan five 5000-won bills and Luhan pocketed them with glee.


Luhan focused on the plant and managed to move it to where Jongin has instructed, but with much mental exhaustion.


"Thanks, hyung," Jongin said before leaving the room. Luhan's opinion of Jongin became higher, while his respect for Junmyeon rapidly declined.


Luhan's business dwindled—now he only had an average of one customer per day. The members of EXO complained that he was "bloodsucking and unfair", and they whined about Luhan being selfish. Luhan shrugged off the complaints. He earnt money, so he was happy.


Until one day, when the manager of EXO brought a guest to EXO's dorm.


"Lee Soo Man-seonsaengnim, oh my god," Yixing shouted for about a total of ten times, disregarding the fact that Lee Soo Man probably could hear him. "I need to take a picture with him."


"I'm looking for Luhan. Where is he?" Lee Soo Man asked. The members of EXO scrambled to find him and before he knew it, he was being shoved in front of SM Entertainment's chairman. 


"So... I've heard about your... services." 


Luhan's first reaction was to gape because Lee Soo Man, the Lee Soo Man was speaking to him, and he had only seen the man for about less than five times.


"How did you know?" Luhan asked intelligently.


"Let's just say I have my sources," Lee Soo Man smiled enigmatically. "You're not supposed to have illicit money-making activities on the side, you know. It's illegal."


"But I didn't know this wasn't allowed," Luhan begged, afraid that he had broken some law unknowingly and had to go back to Beijing. Hell, he'd move everybody's things for free if he was pardoned.


"It's alright, you have nothing to be afraid of," Lee Soo Man smiled gently, and Luhan relaxed a little. "You'll have to pay taxes of course—about 20 percent of your side income."


Luhan did a few mental calculations and came up with the amount of 30 thousand won. Not too much.


"But with admin fee and extra surcharges the final amount is more like 97 percent," Lee Soo Man smiled apologetically. If anything, he looked slightly pleased at Luhan's jaw dropping in shock. "Also, you have broken the term stated in paragraph 17, line number 226 of your contract. So that's an extra 10 percent." He whipped out a calculator (Luhan wondered where it came from) and pressed a few buttons at the speed of light.


"And your total is 155 percent of your side income," Lee Soo Man announced. By then, Luhan was too dazed to follow the calculations so he just gave him everything in his wallet, 5000 won bills and 10 thousand won bills and coins included.


Sniggers arose from the members of EXO who had been watching quietly from the sidelines. 


His plan had backfired. Miserably.


Luhan innately cursed SM and their money- strategies. 


I'm so sorry I was gone for the longest while >< I was busy writing a Xiuyeol fic, check it out here! This chapter kind of so I'm very sorry (haven't been writing this fic for a while now) and I hope you guys like this update! I'll try to finish this fic soon. Two more members left - comment with who you'd like to see next chapter! :)

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as you may alr know from my profile description, i'm working on a fic for an exchange! i'll be back in august (hopefully) ^^


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Yoshinon #1
Thank you for this fic, I love it so much!
LanaAkiko #2
Chapter 10: Satansoo smiling sinisterly after hitting Sehun is accurate af
Iminthezone #3
Chapter 13: Love this!
Dyemolink #4
Chapter 13: Cool I really love the manager chap more then the rest update soon pls
meemow123 #6
Chapter 3: I laugh at Kris and his crazy flight adventures! And poor Chanyeol being shut down by the members when he is only trying to be helpful. Sehun's powers are mighty helpful, saves the day!

I crack up at these, they're really hilarious! You write crack fics well! Now how am I suppose to sleep when you had me laughing at every turn. Hahaha but thanks! It's such a treasure!
I read this on LJ a long time ago it's still funny xD great work author!
exoration #9
Chapter 13: Daebak kya! Funny n awesome ! Please update soon
Chapter 13: Plain awesome.