Detention, Bunny Blood and Giving In

Be Ma Girl?


After Onew left, Chanhee just carried on sitting there, going through his scrap book. With his finger he traced every word he had written and he gazed longingly at the pictures of the miniature Byunghuns and Chanhees.  Both of them were so carefree. He missed those days where they obsessed over the most trivial things and neither of them had to worry about school, parents, friends or anything else. But what he missed most was how they used to be able to shower each other in affection and not worry about what anyone else had thought of them. Chanhee didn’t want to admit but as soon as the boys had grown a little and started high school, he had begun to distance himself from his best friend. The Chanhee that is a skinship monster would pull away from Byunghun’s hugs when they were in school and in public. He had suddenly become very conscious of his relationship with the boy and his own feelings magnified the situation.

Chanhee was still lost in his thoughts when his phone began ringing.


‘Oh annyeong Channie-ah.’

‘Rockhyun hyung, why are you calling?’

‘Oh I was just calling to say that I won’t be able to make it to your concert next week. I’m so so so soooo sorry Channie-ah, it’s just that my mum said that my Gran’s suddenly coming over and well you know how it is. I’m so sorry Channie; I’ll make it up to you for sure!!’

‘Ah it’s okay Rockhyun, no worries. Plus it’s not really a big deal, it’s not even a concert, just a small showcase and I’m hardly the main act.’ Chanhee had always loved singing and was talented, a few months ago his vocal instructor had entered him into the showcase, it was sort of like a competition, and he had been practising endlessly for week so that he could show his friends his best because they hadn’t really heard him sing before.

‘Oh and Minwoo can’t come either, or Hyukjin, or Jonghwan. Chanyong and Changbum can’t either. Neither can Sanghoon. Sorry.’

‘Oh come all of you can’t come at once.’

‘I...urm...don’t know about the others but we’ll make it up to you for sure. Sorry Chan-baby!!’

‘At least Byunghun will be there.’

‘Yeah, Byunghun’s always there. Anyway I got to go now my mum’s calling me. Bai Baiz Channie-baby, see you tomorrow! Goodnight!’

‘Yeah, goodnight. Bye hyung.’

Chanhee pressed the end call button and threw his phone somewhere beside his bed. He looked down into his lap and at the scrapbook, then he also threw that beside his bed, flicked the light switch and flung himself back in his bed, drew the covers over his head, to his side and squeezed his eyes shut trying to fall asleep but his head was spinning and the words that he kept hearing were; ‘Byunghun’s always there’ and his own counter to these words; ‘But what if he won’t be anymore?’.

Without turning around, Chanhee reached his arm out and picked the scrapbook up. He brought it to his chest and held it there, hugging it tightly.


Chanhee woke to his alarm blaring. He groaned whilst stretching out and slamming the thing off. He had been up all night and had only been able to get a little sleep when the sky started getting light. He had been wide awake all night; his head was a mess of thoughts all of which concerned Byunghun. He looked down at the scrapbook in his lap and ruffled his hair in annoyance. All he kept thinking of was all the things that Byunghun had done for him and he had demanded from Byunghun yet he had hardly done anything in return but Byunghun had never been anything but nice and faithful. Though Chanhee didn’t want to admit it he had acted like a bratty princess this whole time. The thing that worried him the most though was the fact that one day Byunghun would get tired and leave him.

‘AISH! Pabo Byunghun. Get out of my head!’  Chanhee cried stomping out his room, past his mum and into the bathroom.

‘Aigoo~. Children these days. I swear to God, it’s all those chemicals in that fast food they eat.’ Chanhee’s mum muttered to herself while making her way downstairs.


‘Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Double crap.’ Chanhee said running to his class, he was late.

He slid through the back door just after the bell had rung and just as the teacher walked into class. Immediately he dropped down to the floor and crawled over to his seat next to Byunghun. Once he got there he climbed onto his chair with Byunghun’s help. He looked up and Byunghun smiled at him and Chanhee couldn’t resist smiling back. Damn that perfect smile, Chanhee thought as he straightened himself.

‘Hey, did you not sleep well? You’re eyes are all dark and puffy, plus you’re really pale. Are you okay?’ Chanhee just nodded in reply to Byunghuns questions

The teacher had appeared to have not noticed what had gone on and was taking roll call, so Chanhee relaxed then he lay his head down on the desk to rest. However the teacher suddenly called out for the students to take out their homework and Chanhee tensed. He cursed silently to himself; he had been so preoccupied all last night that he had forgotten to do his homework.’

‘Oh and remember, if you haven’t done it, you’ll have an hour and half detention after school and it’ll go on record.’ The teacher called out as she began walking around to check if everyone had done their work. Chanhee looked around and saw that everyone, including Byunghun, had done the homework apart from him. Oh the embarrassment.

As the teacher approached their desk, Chanhee began sweating. He wasn’t a very timid boy but teachers had always scared the crap out of him, they were strange creatures from his point of view and they were in cahoots with his parents, after all. Chanhee watched as their teacher finished checking the desk in front of him and turned to come towards them and he squeezed his eyes shut and waited to die.

‘Lee Byunghun, what is this?’ that was the wrong name.

Wait, what?! Chanhee opened his eyes, he was sure Byunghun had done the work so what was this woman saying. He looked over but didn’t see Byunghun’s book and was confused. He finally realised what Byunghun had done when he looked down and saw Byunghun’s book open in front of himself. Chanhee opened his mouth to say something but Byunghun cut him off

‘I’m sorry. I forgot.’ He looked at Byunghun incredulously, with his mouth hung open and faintly heard the teacher insult Byunghun and issue him a detention before walking away. The lesson began but Chanhee was still looking at Byunghun in amazement. Byunghun had always been what he like to call ‘bad-’ but he was fairly studious and had never had a single detention.

‘You should close your mouth before you swallow a fly, Chanhee-ah.’ Byunghun said softly and suddenly he reached out and placed a finger under Chanhee’s chin and gently shut his mouth. Chanhee blushed and looked away. They didn’t speak through the rest of the lesson and hardly spoke during lunch; Chanhee didn’t know what to say. Thankfully, Chanhee didn’t have any more classes with Byunghun that day. He spent his last lesson spaced-out and chewing over thoughts of Byunghun. He had his lesson with Jo Kwon, another of his sunbaes, who prattled on endlessly so it was okay if Chanhee was unresponsive, the words the other was speaking to him were just flowing in through one ear and out the other, literally, he was processing nothing the other was saying.

‘... Natalie Portman, Black Swan was some messed up movie and isn’t Kiera Knightly scary skinny, you know what I really like that song for Breaking Dawn Part 2, what is it called...ah! A Thousand Years, hey that reminds me of SHINee’s new Japanese song, it’s really nice but the videos kinda sad and they were all black kitties in it at one point. Omg, did you watch the last episode of Merlin, it was SO bloody sad!! Oh and the new Doctor Who episode, AWEZOMEZ! But they changed the Tardis’s interior again. Oh mai gawd did you hear?!? Psy’s ending Oppa Gangnam Style, hmmm so sad, it was totally my style. Oh I can’t wait to watch Les Miserables, it looks so coooool, I watched the Life of Pi the other day and it was like WTF but it was awesome. Yeah and I really love wearing dead puppies and drinking kitten blood but you know what, it’ll never beat bunnies blood...Byunghun..’

Suddenly Chanhee was at attention and he sat up looking at Jo Kwon curiously. Out of all the boy had said, Chanhee had heard only one word, ‘Byunghun’. Instead of flowing through his head like the other words, it seemed to have gotten stuck, probably clumping onto the other ‘Byunghun’s’ floating around his head.

‘What did you say, hyung?’

‘Oh about how Gain and I seem to be getting it back on, isn’t she cute?’

Chanhee sighed and lay back down on his desk, turning away from Jo Kwon, he was going crazy. ‘Yah Lee Byunghun, is it comfortable up in my mind? Didn’t I tell you to get out?!?’ Chanhee mumbled to himself and tugged his hair in frustration. Jo Kwon, unknown to Chanhee, smirked at his dongsaeng. ‘Ah young love~’ he sighed before going back to speaking nonsense.


It was the end of school and Chanhee was being out of the school and through the gates by the masses of student. He was absentmindedly being pushed along, he was still thinking about Byunghun. He was nearly out the gate when he suddenly decided. He began pushing against the stream of students and finally he was out of the crowd, he paused to breath and then began running back into school. He knew where Byunghun would be because he had detention, because of him. He ran into the classroom and saw Byunghun sitting with his head down and their teacher lecturing him.

‘What is it Chanhee?’ the teacher asked, sounding slightly annoyed.

‘Urm, I-I have something urgent to tell Byunghun. From his parents.’ Chanhee said not looking at Byunghun.

‘Urgh, fine, hurry up.’ Said their teacher, now definitely annoyed but then in a mocking and teasing way said ‘I have the next hour and a half with him anyways.’ Chanhee bowed then walked over to Byunghun, who, to Chanhee’s surprise, was smiling at him brightly. Chanhee didn’t want the teacher to overhear so he leant in and whispered into Byunghun’s ear.



‘I’ll do it.’

‘What?’ Byunghun whispered back, a tint of playfulness in his voice.

‘You know what.’

‘I don’t think I do.’ Definitely playfully

‘Don’t push your luck L.Joe. I said I’ll do it but you sort it all out.’

Byunghun chuckled and nodded. Chanhee stepped back and Byunghun noticed the pink tint on his cheeks. Cute.

‘Okay, okay, you’re done. Now leave unless you want to stay too.’ Their teacher interrupted

Chanhee nodded and left still blushing, the tickling feeling of Byunghun’s breath on his skin felt like it was still there, he could also still kind of feel the warmth that had radiated off Byunghun’s skin but he wasn’t sure if that was just his blushing. For a split second Chanhee felt like squealing but then he was scolding himself for acting like a love-struck, teenage girl. He stomped out of the school, the thought of what he had agreed to do made him angry. But he had just lifted a weight off his shoulders and so he paused, looked up at the sky and smiled. 

'You can live in my mind for now Byunghun as long as you don't cause too much trouble, got it?' he whispered to the air around him.

He would do anything so that he wouldn’t have to lose Byunghun.

Author's Note: I'm so sorry I haven't updated in years but I've been having some problems at home. Anyhoo please tell me how you think this went, I know I'm stretching this out a bit too much.

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elien23 #2
Chapter 4: ASDFGHJKL >_< Chunji calling L.Joe Oppa.. <333
Chapter 4: SO GOOOOOOD!
ILoveYou_Forever #5
Chapter 4: OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE NEXT UPDATE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Please update soon!!!! Byungie is seriously naughty..... I LOVE THAT!!
Chapter 4: gahhh akdsjhkahsdkjasd ouo i couldnt dhkdhkajda contain feels ; ; aksjdkahkdjasd -waits patiently-
Chapter 4: lol wtheck, if Chanhee's going to wear heels, wouldn't he be towering over Byunghun? I mean, he's already a little taller than him lol
Chapter 3: awww <3 Chunji finally gave in! Chunjoe is just too cute ^^
ILoveYou_Forever #9
Chapter 3: OMG OMG OMG ByungHun had done sooo much for little Channie! Such a caring and sweet boyfriend!! Aigoo!!!! Channie and his mind... LOL That was really cute!!
I'm really excited to find out the favour that made Channie blush!!!!! Hehe!!
Fighting author-nim! And no, this is not stretched!
Chapter 3: wow what favour what favour!! ahhh love this x