The Desperate Boy


Hello again, sorry it takes longer to post this chapter. But at least, it's here already ^^

Thank you so much for the commenters/reviewers also for the subscribers and of course for the silent-readers I'm sorry if I don't reply your comments. I'll do it later XC

Anyway, please enjoy my story. I'm sorry about the grammar. English isn't my first language =D

He is drunk,’ Kevin said. Kiseop was still using his body. ‘There’s no way he would recognize you, especially when you're inside me.

I know,’ the ghost replied, sighing sadly. ‘I’d never expected his condition will be this bad,’ he crouched down until his face was in the same level as the body lying on the couch. Eli had been cried for the whole half an hour, hugging Kevin’s body. Eli really didn’t take care of himself lately it seemed. He had strong smell of alcohol coming from him and his appearance wasn’t as nice as usual. Kiseop wondered when Eli last took a bath. And it made the ghost sad even more.

The long, milky-white fingers gently brushed some blonde strands of Eli’s sleeping face. He smiled seeing how peaceful Eli was when sleeping. The handsomeness wasn’t vanished from his face despite he seemed didn’t take a good care of it for some times. And guilt hit Kiseop’s heart as remembering who cause it to Eli.

It’s not your fault,’ Kevin suddenly said in his head. Kiseop blinked. He almost forgot that he and Kevin were sharing a same body, thought and feeling. ‘Death is not something avoidable. So, it’s so selfish if keep thinking that you’re in blame for all of this.’

Kiseop put his hands onto his lap, staring at the ground and sighing sadly, “You’re right.”

Silence consumed them for a moment.

“Hey, Kevin,” Kiseop broke the silence. He had made his decision and although he was sure Kevin could tell what it was through their mind, but still, Kiseop should say it directly to Kevin. “Can I stay with you for a little longer?”

No reply from Kevin yet. Even his mind was hard to be read by Kiseop. The ghost bit his lower lips in anticipation.

‘…to clear things with Eli and to make sure he can move on and kind of it?’ Kevin raised an eyebrow. Kiseop nodded and they were silent again.

Well, I can’t say no,’ Kevin smiled. At once, relief washed over Kiseop. ‘I also pity him. I’ll let you use my body. I trust you.

“Thank you, Kevin. Thank you,” Kiseop smiled happily though moment later his shoulder shook from crying. “Thank you very much.”

Eli woke up hours later by the warm sun shot his face through the window. And he could see the orange sky through the glass window.

Hey, wait. As far as he remembered, he didn’t open the window since days ago. So, how...?

“You’re finally awake,” a voice, that was stranger for him, greeted. Eli tilted his head toward the voice’s owner just to find a boy at his age with pretty face smiled at him.

“Who—…” Eli abruptly sat up from the couch but a sudden pain shot his head. “Argh!”

“Wait, you drank too much yesterday so no wonder the hangover is worsened too. Here, this medicine will make you better,” the boy handed Eli a glass of water and a tablet. But Eli instead glanced at the other boy suspiciously.

“I’m not that stupid to let a total stranger feed me medicine,” he hissed coldly still staring Kevin with those intimidating eyes. However, much to Eli’s dismay, the sarcasm didn’t affect the other male. Kevin just stared back at the muscular boy calmly.

“I’m not a stranger, Eli. I—...”

“I don’t even know you but you just barged into my house?! AND WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING CALLING ME BY MY NAME?!” Eli lost his patience. He shouted at Kevin as standing up, ignoring his thudding head.

“So you prefer to be called ‘Mr. Kim’?” Kevin raised an eyebrow. The reaction wasn’t something Eli was expecting.

“T- That’s not what I mean, pabo!” he growled before sat onto the couch again, greatly irritated and Kevin’s reaction only increase the pain in his head. Eli sighed tiredly and ran his hand through his blonde hair.    

“You have to lie down. I know your head is hurting so much,” the boy advised but Eli ignored it, instead he tsk-ed and turned his face away of Kevin cause the boy to sigh again in defeat. “…my name is Woo Sung Hyun but you can call me Kevin. Nice to meet you, Eli.” The boy named Kevin stuck his hand to be shaken by Eli. Unfortunately, Eli was too angry to even look at him.

“How do you know my name?”

“Err… well, you see… it’s quite a long story,” Kevin rubbed the back of his neck as thinking for the best excuse. “…hmm, it turns out that I haven’t seen you in the café lately so I decide to check you out. Your house is so messy anyway.”

That’s a lame excuse,’ Kiseop commented monotonously in Kevin’s head.

Oh, just shut up!

“You cleaned it all?” Eli finally looked at Kevin then turned his gaze toward the now-clean room. He was amazed by how fast the boy did it, considering how dirty it was before. But still, he wouldn’t let the other male know how… grateful he was.

“Oh, this, err… you can say so,” Kevin shrugged.

“This place is in total mess. No human should live in here,” Kiseop said after he had calm down from his cried. Wiping his tears, he looked around the room in disapproval.

‘Well, he did,’ Kevin said, mentioning the sleeping boy.

“He shouldn’t,” Kiseop huffed in annoyance.

‘Alright... alright...’ Kevin rolled his eyes. ‘So what now—... wait! You’re not going to clean it up all by yourself, are you?!’ he asked in disbelief. Kiseop giggled and rolled the shirtsleeves he wore.

“It’s the duty of a boyfriend, no?”

‘Girlfriend,’ Kevin corrected slowly.

Anyway, are you hungry? I cooked you lunch,” Kevin said with a smile. Eli was about to refuse rudely but his stomach chose a wrong timing to growl. Kevin chuckled then pulled his hand to drag him to the kitchen. “Come on. I’ve prepared a simple meal but I’m sure you’d like it.”



“I don’t want to eat,” Eli said, drawing his hand back.

“But you’re hungry, right? I bet you haven’t eaten for these past days,” Kevin frowned. Eli shook his head and sank deeper into the couch.

“Eli, you’re being childish,” the younger boy breathed out exasperatedly

“I don’t care!” Eli shouted, lowering his head ‘till his hair shadowing his eyes. “I just don’t care anymore… of everything.”

Seeing this, Kevin somehow felt angry. He didn’t quite sure why but he hated the thought that Eli easily wasted his time, his life and his will like that. And right now, Kevin only wanted to punch Eli’s face until the depressed boy back to his sense.

“So you want to die then?” Kevin asked coldly. Eli flinched hearing Kevin’s question and slowly lifted his head to face the now-raging boy.

“You refuse to eat, refuse to sleep and only waste your time in this small and dark room crying over a silly photo while drinking barrels of beer?! Don’t you care about your own health? About yourself? If you keep being like this you’re only killing yourself slowly. Is that what you want?!” Kevin spat angrily. He couldn’t hold this anymore. He hated people who think like Eli.

Eli swallowed hard. Unconsciously, he nodded. "Yes."

This action was enough to pull the last straw of Kevin’s nerve. The next second, Kevin slapped Eli right on his left cheek.

KEVIN!’ Kiseop cried, shock at Kevin’s sudden action. However, Kevin didn’t hear him nor regret his harsh movement. He only stared dangerously at Eli who was in complete shock after being slapped by someone he didn’t know at all.

“You think Kiseop would be happy?” Kevin said in a low voice, barely a whisper. “Kill yourself and then you’ll be in the same place as him, do you think he would be happy for that? Is dying in a pitiful way would make Kiseop happy? Would make you happy? Would make people around you happy?!”

"H- How…” Eli was too shock to even continue his words at the mention of Kiseop's name. How come a stranger like Kevin knew the cause of his misery?

“If that’s what you think, then you’re wrong! Kiseop instead, would be quite disappointed with your stupid choice! He would be sad and feeling guilty knowing his death cause you to die! And people around you, who care about you would be sad too. HAVEN’T YOU THINK ABOUT THAT BEFORE, IDIOT?!!” Kevin yelled the last sentence before running outside. Anger still boiled his head and actually he had no idea why he suddenly said those things to a person he just met today. However he knew, what had he said was true. If Eli died that way, no one would be happy of it, even Eli himself.

Out of rage, Kevin failed to notice how quiet Kiseop had been.

Meanwhile, inside the apartment room, Eli stuck on his spot. His feeling was mixed after being yelled and slapped by someone he barely knew. On one side, he was irritated. How come some random people yelled at him and lectured him about… about something that person even had no idea what was that about. However, deep down in his heart, he knew that that person was right. No one would be happy if he died in that pitiful way. No one.

Groaning in frustation, Eli decided to just forget about the strange stranger. His stomach growled again, louder this time. And despite he had said that he didn’t want to eat, his feet just automatically brought him to the kitchen where the delicious-looking foods laying innocently.

Eli gulped as he came closer to the table. But, as he did so, he noticed something from the foods. They seemed so familiar.

It needed a whole minute for Eli to remember that the foods were the one Kiseop would cook to him every time the pretty boy came visiting his apartment.

“It’s pasta… again?” Eli frowned seeing his friend putting a handful of those long and thin sticks into a pan of boiling water.

“You sound don’t like it,” Kiseop pouted his lips that Eli had to hold the urge to pinch those lips.

“It’s not that,” Eli sighed. Actually Kiseop’s pasta wasn’t bad at all though still wasn’t as the same level as ‘delicious’. It was just nice. However,

“However, if you keep eating it everyday since past weeks, you’ll be bored,” Eli said, emphasizing at the word ‘everyday’. Since Kiseop learned how to cook the said pasta, he became so proud and always searched for a way to show off his capability. And it of course turned out to be him—Eli, his best friend, who should eat his cook everyday. Kiseop’s reaction was to pout even more.

“It’s okay if you don’t want to eat it. I’ll just throw it away!” Kiseop stomped his foot childishly which Eli found cute. He held the snicker escape from his lips.

“Hey, hey... easy, seoppie. I’ll eat it, I’ll eat it. It’s not good wasting foods,” Eli chuckled and moved toward the counter where Kiseop was busily chopping some vegetables. “But at least, let me help you, okay?” Kiseop smiled brightly at the offer.

“Sweet! Now go chop these all while I make the sauce for the pasta,” he chirped while handing Eli the knife. Eli sighed before started doing what he was asked. From the ingredients available, he could guess that they would have a cream pasta and fruit salad for dinner.

Eli choked on his breath. There, laying on his now-clean table, a full plate of cream pasta and beside it was a small bowl of fruit salad. Eli slowly approached the simple meal. It looked exactly like what Kiseop usually cooked. But… there’s no way that Kiseop was the one cooked it, right? Not only Kiseop who knew how to cook  a cream pasta. Who knows that the boy earlier happened to be in the mood to cook these foods too?

Out of curiosity, Eli picked a fork and tasted the food. And it stunned him. He hoped he was wrong but everyone knew he wasn’t. The pasta, it didn’t only have the same appearance as Kiseop’s, but it also tasted the same. The not-delicious yet not-bad taste he longed for the past week.

For the second time of the day, Eli cried again.

“That boy… who is he, actually?”

I know... I know... this chapter is a bit cheesy XC Thanks for reading ^^

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KimLeeJeevas #1
Chapter 6: I need more please, actualizala
Choivita97 #2
Chapter 6: why so long??! TT
Choivita97 #3
Chapter 1: update plz
Chapter 5: I love this story! It's really sad but also so sweet. I really like the taking-over-body thing. Poor Kiseop and Eli.T~T
cloudy_icyng #5
Chapter 5: please, update
more elseop moment :D
CamiiAusterlitz #6
Chapter 4: Please~update soon!!
Kisippi #7
Chapter 4: I love it.
Chapter 4: I Love it, keep it up, keep it up, this is a great story I love to read it, thank you for sharing