The Ghost's Wish


Thank you much for the comments also the subscribers. Here's the second chapter ^^

Oh, yeah... from now on I think it will be kinda confusing. But I want to tell you that Kevin and Kiseop--started from this chapter--are sharing the same body. So, when I mention Kiseop's body, that also mean Kevin's body and vice versa. Ok... maybe that's all for now. Enjoy the chapter~~~ ^^

It was the most awkward thing Kevin had done in his life; having a bleeding and pitiful looking ghost as his guest.

Kevin managed to stand up somehow and made a way back into his bedroom and Kiseop tailed behind. Kevin was still uncomfortable with the aura Kiseop had around him though Kevin supposed the ghost couldn’t help it either.

So now, they were sitting on Kevin’s bedroom floor with a coffee table between them. Kevin was about to offer Kiseop tea and cookies, even breakfast, before he remembered that Kiseop was dead already.

“So— so what you’re going to ask me?” Kevin asked. Actually he was still unsure to accept a request from a ghost. Who knows what a ghost would ask you?

“I need to see Eli,” Kiseop said sadly.


“He’s… he’s my boyfriend,” Kiseop blushed saying this and Kevin could see his eyes brightened that made him less death.

“Ehm… a boyfriend, huh?” Kevin couched awkwardly. He didn’t know that there would be a gay ghost. But, well, he should know that. Ghost was actually a death human after all.

“I died when I was about to meet him. That day was supposed to be our first date after we’re officially dating. But… but…” Kiseop started sobbing. Kevin got stuck seeing the transparent liquid fell from the ghost’s eyes though it disappeared right when it met the floor. So ghost could cry as well.

Out of pity, Kevin reached a hand toward the sobbing ghost, wanting to pat his shoulder in comfort. But then he cringed when felt his hand passed the body and a shivering cold engulfing his hand right away. Kevin abruptly pulled his hand back.

“I- If so, I guess I can help you…” Kevin said hesitantly. Kiseop immediately lifted his head and looked at Kevin, amazed.

“Re- Really?” he choked out. Kevin shrugged but nodded.

“As long as it’s in my might.”

“Really? Really? Really??? Oh my God!! Thank you so much!!” Kiseop beamed in happiness and jumped to hug Kevin, forgetting that he was transparent and in the end he just passed the blonde’s body—which made Kevin shivered again—and even half-way sinking into the floor.

“Kiseop!!” Kevin called frantically.

“Ehehe… sorry, sorry. I forgot that I’m not solid anymore,” Kiseop laughed lightly. “By the way… what’s your name?”

“I’m Woo Seung Hyun. But people usually call me Kevin. So it’s Woo Kevin,” Kevin shrugged.

“I see… Kevin, then. So you’re not a Korean?” Kiseop asked curiously.

“I am. Well, at least my parents are. I was born and raised in State until I was ten,” Kevin said. Kiseop nodded, understanding the story. “Anyway, err… could you, perhaps, do something with those blood and bruises? It’s rather… disturbing.”

Kevin walked out of his home after saying goodbye to his mother. The cold wind of autumn greeted him. Shivering a little, he tightened his coat before continued walking.

By the way, Kiseop,’ Kevin said inwardly. ‘Isn’t it a bit awkward?

What so awkward?’ Kiseop replied confusedly.

About you being inside of me’ Kevin cried out.

After Kiseop fulfill Kevin’s request about the blood and scars—that Kevin was stuck again, on how gorgeous the ghost actually was, Kiseop said that he would enter Kevin’s body for the most of the day.

Mwo?!! Waeyo?!” Kevin blinked and clearly disagreed with the idea.

“Please, Kevin. A soul isn’t supposed to be in this earth because it’s not our place anymore. However, because some are breaking the law—like me—the surrounding then somehow can the energy of us, the soul of dead people. If it continues, slowly our energy will decrease and we will be gone forever,” Kiseop whined.

“You mean that, a soul of dead people won’t survive in this earth for so long?” Kevin asked. The ghost nodded.

“It . But a soul has to stay in a body for some times in order to survive longer here,”

“So, I can say that I’m like a charger for you?” the blonde boy frowned, slightly dislike the idea that he could be compare with a tool.

“Please Kevin…”

“Wait. I though you died a week ago,” Kevin frowned.

Kiseop sighed, “I know what you mean. But during that time I always possessed some random people secretly. It wasn’t long, just for some hours. And besides, those people have no idea at all about me taking their body for a while.”

“You’re just like a parasite,” Kevin commented monotonously.

“Yea, whatever,” Kiseop rolled his eyes. “Anyway, I won’t disturb you much. I will enter your body, just like that while you have the full control of it—not like the other I’d once possessed, where I knock their consciousness down. We can also communicate through our mind, so no one can interrupt,” he explained, hoping that way the blonde boy would understand him and he situation.

It’s not my obsession to communicate secretly with a ghost. But, if it can help him, I think trying won’t be hurt,’ Kevin said mentally.

“Alright, I can cope with it,” Kevin finally agreed.

“Yay!! Gomawo Kevin!!” Kiseop chirped happily and immediately entered Kevin’s body. The latter gasped at the new sensation.

“But not NOW!”

So here he was, walking with Kiseop inside his body. From the connection, Kevin could hear Kiseop humming a soft song happily.

Isn’t that ‘Collide’ by Howie Day?’ Kevin asked, seeming interested.

Kiseop hummed. ‘I don’t really know what the tittle is. But Eli told me this song and I like. It sounds beautiful,’ he—though Kevin couldn’t see it—smiled.

Yeah. It’s indeed a beautiful song,’ Kevin commented. He remembered the time when AJ always played that song since he liked it. With his old guitar, AJ would sing the song along with Kevin sometimes. His voice was good though wasn’t as good as Kevin’s angelic voice. His guitar skill was also awesome and Kevin enjoyed every moment they would sing together. Sometimes they would do a duet, sometimes only Kevin would sing and AJ played the guitar. But, well,

That was years ago,’ Kevin thought bitterly.

Huh?’ Kiseop responded confusedly, especially at Kevin’s bitterness.

‘Ani, nothing,’ Kevin smiled. “…even the best fall own sometimes, even the wrong words seem to rhyme…” he began to sing and Kiseop, hearing it, was amazed.

Wow, you have a beautiful voice,’ he praised. Kevin only replied it with a smile and continued singing.

When the last line was sung, Kevin a deep breath. Really, the song brought something back to him,a nostalgic feeling of his friendship with AJ.

‘Ne, Kevin…’ Kiseop called in his head. ‘…can you tell me the meaning of the song?

Kevin paused for a moment, thinking.

Perhaps, it’s about two loves that mean to be together despite whatever circumstances that could tear them apart. You know, something like fate. Fate would always bring you to where you supposed to be,’ Kevin shrugged. He doubted his interpretation actually. ‘Maybe, through this song, Eli wants to tell you that whatever happen, he believe that you two are supposed to be together,’ he added.


Kiseop?’  Kevin called after a few minutes of silent. Suddenly, he felt his tears fell from his eyes. Blinking, he reached those salty liquid. He was… crying? “Ki-Kiseop, are you okay?”

Oh, mi- mianhae, Kevin. I just… feeling a bit melancholy. Sorry,’ Kiseop inside said quickly. And despite he sounded cheerful and laughing, but Kevin could notice how his voice vibrated. He was probably chocking on tears. And Kevin could understand why.

Kevin let Kiseop pouring his heart content. He tried to cover his eyes with is hands as he walked, covering the over-flowing tears though it made him hard to walk. Kevin could feel Kiseop’s pain, guilt and sadness. That was why he let the ghost crying inside him.

Since we’re connected, so we share our feeling. Sorry if it bothers you, but after this, probably it will be a bit confusing; deciding which one is mine and which one is yours. And since we share the same body, so it will react at whatever emotion it feels. Like before,’ Kiseop said gloomily yet apologetically after calming down. Kevin just hummed in understanding. So, he was crying over Kiseop’s pain a while ago.

I’m sorry, Kevin, for just telling you this now. I should’ve told you while ago,’ Kiseop apologized. Kevin hummed again. He wasn’t mad at the ghost at all and Kiseop knew it.

And, thank you,’ Kiseop added.


‘…for letting me pour it all out,’ Kiseop smiled.

It’s nothing, really,’ Kevin sighed. ‘But next time, not in public places, please. It’s rather hard to hide my tears with many people around.’

Kiseop only chuckled shyly.

Kevin stood in front of a café. It was nothing too fancy but seemed nice. 

So, the said Eli is here?’ Kevin thought.

Un, he’s working in there,’ Kiseop said.

Kevin then entered the cafe and was immediately welcomed by a waiter, “Welcome, sir. How many seats do you need for this beautiful morning?”

That’s Hoon!’ Kiseop chirped excitedly inside. Kevin examined this Hoon guy. He was a bit chubby but it made him look cute and sweet. In addition, his face was quite clean and handsome. His body was well-built and Kevin swore many women would adore him.

“Err… one is enough, thanks,” Kevin replied. Hoon then guided him toward a table and handed him the menu.

“I’ll leave you to decide, sir. Excuse me,” Hoon nodded and left Kevin alone. Kevin then examined the café. It was literally empty. Even the employees weren’t much, moreover the customers.

“I don’t think Eli is here yet,” Kevin mumbled. He indeed didn’t see a boy like Kiseop described him; tall, muscular and have golden blonde hair. ‘Maybe it’s still too early.’

No, he would be in this café even an hour before. And his shift for this time is in the café, as the waiter,’ Kiseop inside said.

Kevin was about to open his mouth when Hoon approached him again. “I guess you’ve decided your order, sir?”

Blinking, Kevin abruptly scanned the menu. “I think tea and some sandwich would help,” he said afterward.

Please ask him about Eli’s whereabouts!’ Kiseop asked enthusiastically inside Kevin’s head.

“Err, sorry. But could you tell me about… a waiter here name Eli? Where’s he?” Kevin asked carefully. At once, Hoon’s face turned sad and Kevin plus Kiseop inside him blinked. They got a bad feeling.

“I’m sorry, sir. But Eli won’t be here for the time being. He’s not in a good shape for mourning,” the chocolate-haired waiter said.

“What happen to him if I may ask?” Kevin asked quickly before Kiseop who was already trembling in sadness burst into tears. He didn’t want to be found crying in front of a stranger.

“Just about a week ago his boy— I mean, his lover died from a car accident. He was so sad and not in a good condition. Even until now,” Hoon sighed sadly.

“I— I see. Poor him,” Kevin said sympathetically. “By the way please call me ‘Kevin’, ‘Sir’ is too old for me,” Kevin abruptly stood up. Probably he couldn’t take it anymore. He had been in the edge of tears and all thanks to Kiseop.

“Sure, Kevin. I’m Hoon. Nice to meet you,” Hoon smiled. Out of rush, Kevin only managed to nod before storm out of the café.

“Hey, what about your order?!” Hoon called after Kevin disappeared through the door.

“Kiseop! Just what the hell?!!” Kevin grunted after finding a way to the nearby park and sat himself onto a bench.

‘Mian, mian.I just… couldn’t help it!’ Kiseop cried and burst into tears. Kevin, in panic, covered his eyes so no one would see his tearing eyes. ‘I cause Eli sad!!

Kiseop, it’s just so stupid!’ Kevin cursed inwardly but Kiseop didn’t hear him for he was busy crying his heart out loud. Kevin quietly pitied himself for being possessed by a crybaby ghost. ‘Kiseop, please stop it before someone—

“Kevin, is it you?” a voice approached Kevin which made him tense. He knew who it was.

…—sees me

“Wh- what are you doing here, AJ?” Kevin asked as trying to wipe his tears but it was hard since Kiseop was still crying.

“I should be the one asking you that. What are you doing in here all alone and...crying?” AJ asked worriedly and sat beside Kevin on the bench.

“Not your business,” Kevin answered coldly, still trying to wipe the tears. Kevin felt so stupid crying in front of AJ of all people. But he couldn’t help it after all.

“Oh, Kevin. Come on. We’ve been friend since forever. You can tell me everything,” AJ frowned.

Hearing that, Kevin stopped wiping the tears but a bitter thought passed through his mind. ‘We were friend, until you changed.’ Somehow, Kiseop was attracted hearing this. In result, his sobs slowly faded away which Kevin being grateful so much.

“No, I’m fine,” Kevin mumbled despite the tears kinda betrayed him. Suddenly, he felt AJ’s hand pulled his thin wrist. And the next thing he knew was him being in AJ’s embrace. “Wha—…?!”

“You still haven’t changed, huh?” AJ whispered quietly. “Still the same-old closed Kevin. You never bother to share your pain to other people.”

Kevin wanted to shout at him. But something stopped him to. He didn’t know why but, he felt so comfortable in AJ’s arms and never wanted to let go. He couldn’t understand it. Years ago he vowed to not be too close with AJ, his neighbor as so as his childhood friend. He even vowed to hate him. But it was hard, indeed.

He didn’t know how long he had been hugged by AJ nor did he care. But as soon as his tears stopped, he slowly pulled away. “I’m fine, AJ. Don’t worry,” Kevin said weakly but it seemed like AJ didn’t believe him. AJ then moved his hand to pat Kevin’s head gently.

“Alright, I can see that,” he sighed. “I think you have to go rest now. Let me take you home, de?”

Kevin only nodded.

Holla... hope you like this chapter or at least, could enjoy it. I know it... my english is , soorrrryyyyy XC

This chapter is longer than before. However, the next one would be shorter again ^^'

Thank you for reading. I'll appreciate more comments. I'll do my best ÔwÔ)/

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KimLeeJeevas #1
Chapter 6: I need more please, actualizala
Choivita97 #2
Chapter 6: why so long??! TT
Choivita97 #3
Chapter 1: update plz
Chapter 5: I love this story! It's really sad but also so sweet. I really like the taking-over-body thing. Poor Kiseop and Eli.T~T
cloudy_icyng #5
Chapter 5: please, update
more elseop moment :D
CamiiAusterlitz #6
Chapter 4: Please~update soon!!
Kisippi #7
Chapter 4: I love it.
Chapter 4: I Love it, keep it up, keep it up, this is a great story I love to read it, thank you for sharing