I'll Definitely Audition

Sparkling Love


I won't pass this chance!


That was the promise Yoona was swearing to herself while heading to the Audition's waiting room. She peeked and poked her head trough the waiting room's door, inspecting the room's interior.


She noticed two things.


One. The interior was big. It delighted her. At least she won't be sticking in claustrophobic space. And two, the occupants were all boys.


Yoona held her breath as the boys in the room looked at her, staring as if wondering. She can't understand why she can only see boys. Some were even shirtless and were reveling their extremely masculine body. Some were busy fixing their hair.


Were there any girls here? She asked herself.


Just then a hand grabbed her wrist, pulling her away from the confused stares of the men in the room. The hand forcefully dragged her away from the commotion, pulling her to the entrance where no one can see them. She already knew it was although she kept on wishing it wasn't him.


The guy who interferes with her relationship with Nichkhun.


The good-looking yet bad-mouthed bestfriend of Nichkhun.


Lee Donghae.


ert! Molester! Let go of me!”


Shut up Yoona!” Donghae hissed as he let go of her already swollen wrist.. “This isn't the place to make a scene!”


Yoona gulped upon actually seeing his face. He was good looking as ever yet in her heart there's only one. And we all know who that is.


“Bad-natured guy!” she muttered under her breath.


“That's Donghae!” he exclaimed. “Donghae!”


Suddenly, a voice echoed over the distance. The voice she wanted to hear for a long time. The voice of the man she's admiring. The voice of...


“Hae-ah, what are you doing?”


Yoona's eyes sparkled upon seeing him. He was handsome as usual, with his blond hair falling carelessly on his forehead. He smiled upon seeing Yoona then slightly frowned upon seeing Donghae somehow abusing her.


“Nichkhun.” that's all she managed to say. She quickly huddled towards him, touching his hand. “Sorry for ruining your concert.”

Now, this girl knows how to apologize. Donghae thought.


No, it's fine.” answered Nichkhun, wearing a smile. “It happens all the time.”


Don't say things like that!” squeled Donghae, not believing that Nichkhun would let this pass on. She then turned to Yoona, who was now prettier than ever. “And more importantly, why are you here?”


Yoona summoned her most beautiful and adorable smile. “I'm here to try out for the audition.”


Both looked at her in disbelief.


“Are you kidding?” mocked Donghae, giggling. “This contest is just for boys!”


It was just a sentence. Yoona knows but somehow she felt a weight in her arms, as if she bore the world. She paled and almost fainted. Good thing she managed to grab Nichkhun's arms before landing in the floor.


“That means I can't audition.”


Donghae's eyes narrowed as he glared at her. “Yes. If you think you will be like us, dream on. All you can do is just bother.” He straightened himself and prepared to walk away. “And one more thing. Never come back again.”


He put his hands on his pockets and headed away. “Let's go Khunnie.”


“Donghae-ah. You're being mean!” he remarked then turned to Yoona. “Sorry Yoona-ssi. Donghae said some mean things to you.”


Yoona, feeling the gentleness behind Nichkhun's voice just nodded.


“But I'm happy that you came.” he continued.


Yoona blushed as Nichkhun bid her goodbye. After the disastrous happenings earlier, Nichkhun managed to say that. She wanted to jump high but thought of it better. It was embarrassing if she'll do that so she just smiled as Nichkhun walked away from her sight.


A bother? She thought. I would never cause any trouble now.


Then she remembered Nichkhun's words.


But I'm happy that you came.”


I don't want to cause more trouble than I already have.


Then a sly smile formed in her face.


But I will definitely audition.




I have to stay calm for the audition.” said a guy to himself as he kept on pointing to his chest. He was a teenager, a little younger than Yoona with thick eyebrows and dark eyes. “I am going to pass!”


He waved his hand repeatedly, hitting a guy on his side. The guy was dressed on a light hooded jacket and was carrying a bag on his shoulders. He was a little smaller than Thick-eyebrowed guy but he was nonetheless hot.


That hurt you shrimp!” He complained as he glared at the guy with thick brows.


Thick-Brows faced him and apologized but was stopped momentarily upon seeing the guy's face.


And to the guy's surprised, Thick-brows blushed.


Eh?” he raised his eyebrows.


What am I getting excited for? Thought Thick-brows. He's a guy!


And with that, the guy left, heading to the audition registrar.




...And with that, Yoona left thick-brows and headed straight to the audition registrar.


This will be good as long as I look like a guy.

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clasicoustic- #1
Chapter 5: Can't stop laughing xD
Lol XD
Btw, Khuna please!! ^^.
KhunAFanatics #2
Chapter 5: please update soon authur.....i t5hink it will be good if you continue it....
am is Yoona disguise as a man to see nickhun?
sanscoeur #3
Chapter 5: Yoona disguise herself as a man?
sanscoeur #4
Chapter 1: KHUNA till the end please??! ^________^
blastoise #5
Awesome haha
yoonhae please~~~~ -uses aegyo-
yoonhae please :)
Khuna...besides most love stories start by bumping into each other right???

KHUNA PLEASE... there are already a lot of yoonhae fanfics in this site..it's lacking khuna fanfics...
please update soon!