You again?!

What?! We Got Married?! [On Hiatus]


After a long day of work, I massaged my shoulders while trying to walk home.

Suddenly, I felt my knees go weak and I dropped onto the cold asphalt.


.-. Hoya .-. (around the same time)

Hoya loosened the tie around his collar.

Taking a sip of the now cold coffe, he made a disgusted face and threw the cup into the bin.

*Aish. So much work, yet so little time left.*

His stomach rumbled.

"Time for tea break!" Hoya brightened.

His surbodinates had talked about a really nice cafe nearby called Infinite Love.

Putting on his jacket, he told his secretary that he will be out for tea break.

His secretary bowed and Hoya walked towards the cafe.

*Eh? What's that?* He saw an unconscious figure lying on the ground.

Hoya ran over and realized that it was me.

*So she works here.* He took a peek at my uniform.

Without hesitating, he carried me bridal style and rushed to Seoul Hospital. Luckily it was very near or else Hoya would have already been knocked out. (impossible hehe)


"Ms Feisty! Are you okay?" I slowly opened my eyes.

My vision was still blurry and I was lying on something soft, like a bed.

"Phew. You finally woke up." His voice was awfully familiar.

"Mr Jerk?" I asked.

"Jerk?! Me?! I'm your saviour mind you!" Hoya spoke a bit too loudly.

"Well thanks I guess." I muttered.

"You're Lee Raein right?" He asked.

"Ya why?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Nothing. I just think that it's a nice name." He shrugged.

I blushed a bit.

"And you're?"

"Oh pardon me for my bad manners. I'm Lee Howon, you can call me Hoya if you want." He extended his hand and winked, his playboy character coming back.

I rolled my eyes. "Why am I here anyways?"

"Apparently, I found you lying on the ground. Is the ground so nice?" He joked.

"Well yes of course." I said sarcastically.

"I should call you Ms Sarcasm next time."

"And I should call you Mr Brainless." I retorted.

"Wow I can't believe you still have the strength to argue. Didn't expect someone who has fainted due to overworking would say that." Hoya pretended to be surprised.

"Overworking? No wonder." I murmured.

"I advise you not to work so hard next time. Not good for your health. Just an advice. Well, I guess I should go now. Rest well." Hoya said, turning around to leave.

"Wait. About the hospital-"

"I've settled it already. Now don't worry your pretty head and rest. I'll be back if I have time." Hoya smiled genuinely.

"Hoya-sshi, thanks."

"Uh-uh. Call me oppa."

"Alright Hoya oppa. Bye." I waved.

After he left, I sighed.

Just then, the door opened.

My parents walked to my bed, creases of worry etched on their foreheads.

"Raein-ah! Are you okay? Why didn't you tell us that you worked? Do you know how worried we were?" My parents bombarded me with questions.

"Sorry mum, dad. I thought I should help to lessen your burden. I didn't mean to keep this from you." I stared at my fingers.

"Silly, we appreciate your thoughtfulness but as for now, you should focus on your studies! Quit your job, we will find a way eventually." My mum looked at me, tears forming in her eyes.

"Mum, I like my job a lot. Alright. I promise that I'll only work on weekends. Please?" I begged.

My mum knew that I rarely asked for any favors and she nodded, sighing. "Okay then, since you're such a great daughter."

"Thanks mum! You're the best!" I put my hands around my mum's neck and hugged her tightly.

"Oh so I'm not a good dad?" My dad looked at me sadly.

"Dad! Of course not! You two are the best parents any child would wish for!" I laughed.

He arranged the flowers he had bought in the vase on the table beside my bed.



"I told you to quit your job, and now? See what you've gotten yourself into!" Haeyeon chided me lightly.

"You knew?" My mum asked.

"Ah umma, appa! Mianhae!" Haeyeon apologized.

Haeyeon was like my sister, and so she called my parents hers.

"Aigoo. it's okay dear." Mum said.

The doctor came in.

"Sorry to interrupt you guys but Ms Raein-sshi can be discharged from the hospital. Just remember, don't overwork yourself, araso?"


My parents went to to fill in the discharge form and Haeyeon said, "Who brought you here?"

"A jerk." I giggled.

"Jerk? If he's a jerk, he wouldn't have brought you to the hospital."

"I know!" I then explained to her what happened this morning.

"Ahh. I must agree that he's a jerk." Haeyeon chuckled.

"But he's kinda hot." I blushed.

"Oh someone's in love!" Haeyeon teased.

"A-Ani! I will never like him." I crossed my arms across my chest.

"You never know." Haeyeon winked.


2nd chapter! Hehe xD





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theecho #1
Chapter 1: amazing..