oo2 - Orchid Lounge

Unexpected Changes


You finally stood before the Orchid Lounge. The parking lot was filled, but only few people stood outside the club. The sign on top of the place illuminated the cursive letterings “Orchid Lounge” in purple and green neon with a simple cocktail logo on its side.

The people outside glanced at you and gaped at your awe-striking appearance.

You smirked at yourself and flipped your hair to the back, your bare shoulders revealed from your long strands of hair.

You strode into the club and the warm air of sweat and excitement sank into your skin. The loud and upbeat music pumped up the people on the dance floor who all danced dirty against each other and screams and laughter echoed everywhere.

Again, many people noticed your presence and couldn’t take their eyes off of you. You were a total eye-candy to everyone and they lust to gain your attention. You went to go get a drink first because of how irritated you were today; you needed to let out some of that stress. Afterward, you went down to the dance floor and danced. Everyone stopped and stared at how you moved your body; dancing to the beat of the music. They were in awe. Many people came and offered to dance with you and you obliged. You saw that many of their girlfriends were jealous that they were dancing with you, but at this point you didn’t care. You flirted with every single one of them and were just having fun; forgetting all of your worries for the day.

You danced for a good few hours before you got tired and went to sit by the bar again. Many people came and talked to you, girls and boys. Some recognized you as Lee Minji because of how big your family’s corporation was. Some asked about your brother and you replied to them happily because your mood has gotten a lot better. A couple hours passed just with you sitting there. People finally didn’t notice you as much anymore since they got a chance to talk to you.

As you were sitting there alone sipping on a drink, three guys approached you.

“Well look who we have here, it’s Lee Minji.” One of them said.

You looked at them and you recognize that they were a part of the group of boys surrounding Eunmi at school today.

“Who would’ve thought that we would see her here. It’s our lucky night.” One of the boys said to another and they high fived each other. They all sat near you, staring at you intently. One of them tried to put their hand on your thigh, but you swatted it away.

You were tired from all the dancing and hadturned a tint of pink from all the drinking, but still you wouldn’t do anything stupid with anyone.

Another boy got close to your face and whispered, “Why don’t you come back to our place.”

“No thanks.” You shook your head at them and got up. One of them pulled your wrist back and you landed in his lap. He wrapped his hands around you.

“Come on Minji, we know you want too.”

You began to feel uncomfortable and shifted around to get his arms off of you.

“Let me go!” you yelled at them.

He didn’t listen and you bit his arm. “Ow!” he yelped and you used this chance to get away, but someone else grabbed you.

“Nope. You’re not going anywhere.” You looked at the three boys and you saw that lust filled your eyes. They dragged you out towards the entrance while you squirming around, kicking and punching the air.


Eunmi’s POV.

I was sleeping soundly when I heard my phone ring. I looked at the clock; it read 3:37 AM. Who would be calling me at this hour?

“Hello?” I asked sleepily.

“Eunmi dear, is Jinah with you?” I recognized the voice to be Auntie Sujung’s.

“Hmm, no. Why?” I replied, slowly sitting myself up.

I heard her sigh over the phone. “She’s not home yet and I’m getting worried, she didn’t even show up for the dinner tonight. I was just wondering if you knew where she was.”

Right then, I remembered where that girl was. “I think I know where she is, I’ll be sure to get her home safely.” I said to her.

“Thanks Sweetie. You’re such a kind girl and I’m glad my son has someone special like you.”

The tip of my lips crooked to a smile. “No problem! I’ll have her back home soon.” I hung up, got out of bed, put on a hoodie and drove towards the Orchid Lounge.



You kept struggling, trying to break free of their grip. “Let me go!” you ended up slapping one of the boys in the face which made him tighten his grip on you.

You winced in pain.

You were starting to get annoyed now. They totally ruined your night and now you’re getting dragged to who knows where.

“STOP.MOVING.” One of the boys raised their arm to hit you. You close your eyes anticipating the hit, but next thing you knew, they let go and were on the floor groaning in pain. You looked around and found yourself in a dark alley behind the Orchid Lounge.

One of the three boys bent down and cupped your face with his hand. “Now, be a good girl and do what we say,” he smirked and rubbed his thumb on your cheek. The other two loomed like towers over you.

You cringed at the guy’s touch and slapped away his hand. “Ew, get away from me, jerk.”

The boy’s blood boiled at your attitude which made him grab the back of your head, pulling your hair. He turned your face close to his. You gasped from the pain, but suppressed it and glared right into his eyes, wishing he’d burn to death with your stare.

“You’re so feisty, it’s making me quite excited, you know,” he grinned. A strong scent of alcohol came brewing from his mouth. You wanted to puke at the scent because it burned your nose.

“Stop it,” you grabbed his hand, trying to let him let go of your hair, but he tightened his grip even more. You gasped in pain again.

His gaze went from your eyes slowly down to your lips and his left hand went on the side of your thigh, slowly rubbing your bare skin. Your skin prickled with goosebumps and your heart pounded in fear. You can’t get away from his strong grip. You can’t run away.

You closed your eyes, hoping to escape from reality when you felt his grip on your hair released and then a thud and a groan. You opened your eyes to find the guy lying on the ground next to you, knocked out. The other two guys’ eyes were wide open from shock at the sight of their friend. They both looked towards who attacked him and found a short girl in a black hoodie standing before them. You followed their gaze and find Eunmi standing before you, her hood covering her head.

You sighed with relief at the sight of your friend, saving you in time.

“You two,” Eunmi’s voice was icy and cold and her stare sent chills to the two boys, “get out of my sight now before I kill you.”

The two boys backed away scared and dashed away from the scene, leaving their poor friend behind lying on the ground.

Your gaze never left Eunmi. She looked pretty pissed and this made you slightly tremble. Despite being small and fragile-looking, she can kill a person in a blink of an eye if she wanted to.

She looked back at you and her eyes sent chills up your spine. She walked up to you which made your fear escalate even more. ‘I-is she going to kill me now?’ You shut your eyes.

You felt a hand grab yours, pulling you up from the ground. You slightly wobbled, but regained your balance soon after. You opened your eyes to find yourself looking down at Eunmi.

“Tsk, tsk,” Eunmi shook her head in disappointment. You rolled your eyes at her sudden mocking of you.

She then forcefully dragged you towards her car and you two sat in awkward silence for a while when you heard Eunmi sigh.

 “Why didn’t you go to the dinner?” You knew she was going to ask you this.

You rolled your eyes in annoyance. “I didn’t want to.”

Eunmi looked at you in disbelief. “Minji, you have to start acting responsibly. Your mom called me, she was worried and do you have any idea what time it is?” 

You looked at your phone, it was about 4 AM. “So? What’s your point?”

“My point is…” She paused. “Actually, Minji, never mind. Do as you please. I just hope you realize you could’ve gotten into serious trouble back then.”

You sunk into the seat a little. You knew she was right, but it’s not like you’re going to suddenly change who you are. You let pride took control of you and felt no remorse for what happened earlier.

 The ride back to your house was silent.

You opened the door and got out.

“Thank you Eunmi.” You said before shutting it. She nodded at you before driving away.

You saw that the light in the house was still on meaning your parents were still up. They probably were going to lecture you, but it’s not like you wanted to listen. You opened the door to your house and walked in.

“Lee Minji. Do you have any idea what time it is?” you heard your mother ask you.

“It’s 4:29 and I’m going to go sleep. Bye.” You walked upstairs to your room, not even looking back to your mom.

You changed out of your dress and took a warm shower before getting into your pajamas. You heard a knock on your door, but you weren’t going to answer it. You went to sleep but you knew you were going to be in a big trouble tomorrow.   


Author's Note : 

Chapter 2! Eunmi to the rescue (': 

Until next time ~ xoxo ♥Trinity. 

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