oo1 - Last Day of School

Unexpected Changes


“Alright, let’s go.” You smiled at yourself for looking extra pretty in front of the mirror before heading out of the house.

Today was the last day of school, and you cannot wait for it to be over with and for summer vacation to start. And besides, tonight, you have plans to go clubbing with your best friend, Choi Eunmi, and just have fun all night.

The chauffer opened the door of the black car for you and bowed as he closed it behind you. Your brother went ahead to school because you took too much time working on your make-up.

“Young miss, your parents will be waiting for you at dinner tonight at 7 to celebrate you and Young Master Sungyeol’s promotion at school. The reservation will take place at Lotte Fine French Restaurant.” The chauffer informed you as he drove on to your school.

You sighed and rolled your eyes. You already had plans for tonight, and nobody can tell you what to do, not even your parents. They’re always gone, right? So why should they care if you attend or not.

Twenty minutes later, the car arrived at Shinhwa Academy, the school of the rich and the elite. Only those of wealthy family businesses can ever attend this academy. Those that cannot afford the tuition were more likely to have earned scholarships for outstanding academic achievements. As for you, it was your wealth and intellect, as well as beauty.

The chauffer got out of the car first in order to open the door for you.

As you stepped out of the black car, crowds of students would look your way and stare, all admiring your beauty and elegance.

‘That’s right; admire all you want, you low-lives.’You innocently threw a smile at the students who all felt smitten from your gorgeousness.

As you entered the school gates, you spotted your friend, Choi Eunmi, sitting on a bench, surrounded by a group of boys. They were trying to persuade the girl to go out with them sometime, but Eunmi seemed to be ignoring their words.

“Hey.” You approached the group of boys.

They were taken back by your rare appearance to them, so close within feet.

“Hello there, Minji-sshi.” One of the boys smirked at you, trying to maintain his cool but obviously nervous. “We were just inviting Eunmi-sshi to go out with us sometime later. You should come too.”

“Oh? Is that so?” You tilted her head and looked up at the boy speaking.

The boy’s face flushed in red as he sees your stunning face before him, seducing him with just a stare.

“Sorry boys, but we already had plans for tonight.” You proceeded to grab Eunmi by the wrist and pulled her away from them. As you both walked away, you turned your head around, winked and smiled seductively at the group of boys then chuckled and walked on, leaving them mesmerized and pleasantly aroused by your beauty.

You two arrived at your lockers which were located next to each other on the second floor of the building.

“So, tonight,” You opened your locker as you spoke. “We’re going clubbing at the Orchid Lounge.”

Eunmi paused from taking her books from her locker. “What? You can’t just go deciding what to do, Minji. I promised to have dinner with my family this evening. Aren’t you going to celebrate today with your family as well? I heard Auntie Sujungand Uncle Jongdae just got back from their business trip in England. You should learn to be more responsible.”

“You’re no fun,” You your teeth. “Fine, I’m going by myself then.” You slammed your locker and walked away in irritation from Eunmi.

Eunmi sighed at her friend. “Lee Minji-ah, when will you learn how to cooperate fairly with people? Your attitude will bite you someday.” She closed her locker and followed after you since you have first period together.

First period English was going by slow for you. The teacher went on bragging about her planned summer vacation to Tahiti and the students just weren’t listening to her blabbing anymore, and some even fell asleep.

You stared out the window in boredom with your chin resting on your forearm. ‘I cannot believe Eunmi won’t go.’You looked at Eunmi who sat across the room from you who was on her sketch pad, sketching as usual. ‘Tch,’you rolled your eyes in annoyance and looked out the window again.

First period ended dreadfully. The teacher was in tears and some students went to console her. You couldn’t care any less and dashed out of the room, ignoring Eunmi and those that said hello in the hallway.

You then went straight to your second class, which was Physics. The class ended slowly as well. Afterward you went to third period Mathematics andfourth period History. Finally, it’s lunch time.

You were greeted by students on the way to your locker, but you would just walk past by, ignoring them. You were tired and irritated of how slow time is ticking and also the fact that Eunmi said no to going to the club with you later.

‘Fine, it’s her lost.’You finally let go of your care. You decided to just have fun by yourself. Let that conservative Eunmi stay home and be a good little girl that she is with her family. She was never any fun at clubs anyway.

As for you, you loved the attention you get from the boys at clubs, especially if they were with their girlfriend. Their girlfriend’s reactions are always priceless whenever the boys gawk at you.

After getting rid of your books, you proceeded to the cafeteria. Along the way, you encountered Hoya.

“Minji-ah!!” Hoya smiled and waved at you.

‘Ugh, it’s one of my brother’s friends,’you bit the insides of her cheek, your irritation building up again. ‘They still keep talking to me like we’re friends.’

“Hello, Hoya.” You fake a smiled. A few students that saw you gaped at your smile.

“I bet it’s hectic in the lunch room,” Hoya walked beside you. “Especially since Sunggyu-hyung and your brother are graduating from Shinhwa Academy.”

“I’m sure it will be,” you sarcastically remarked

You both entered the lunch room, and sure enough, the table which your brother always hangs out around is surrounded by groups of girls. They were all hovering over Sungyeol and Sunggyu, and they could barely move. Some girls even surrounded Dongwoo, Woohyun, and Sungjong asking them questions about where they would spend their summer. Surprisingly, the boys were keeping calm and respectful towards the crowd.

Soon, girls surrounded Hoya as well, and boys started to surround you.

“Minji, where are you going this summer?” “Minji, you should come and hangout with me this summer!” “Hey, invite me over to your house over the summer!” “Minji, let’s go clubbing every night!!”

You ignored their requests, you and Hoya both shoved your way to the table.

Soon, the crowd is starting to get more hectic and many were stampeding their way to the table. But not only was your table the one that is crowded, but another table across the cafeteria from yours is completely surrounded by girls as well.

‘Must be those 4 male model newbies that called themselves B1A4,’ you scoffed.

The cafeteria was packed and was beyond the capacity of students it is allowed to maintain.

The school staff had to send in the student council officers to handle the huge crowd. Many students refused to leave and tried to fight the council members, but the student council members stood their ground and some resulted to physically dragging some girls away by force.

Soon the cafeteria returned to normal, and your table was no longer surrounded by people. The student council members stood by your table and the other table of B1A4 just in case another mob of students would try to suffocate you and your table.

“Ahh, that was tiring,” Sunggyu sighed and rested his head on the table, closing his eyes.

“Well, today is our last day as high school students,” Sungyeol chuckled. “Our fangirls were in tears, makes me kind of sad.”

“Hyung! Why do you have to be so old? You’re literally a college student!” Sungjong teasingly remarked.

“Tch, shut up, Sungjongie,” Sunggyu his teeth. “Young people nowadays…”

“I think they’re lucky to move on to college,” Hoya sighed. “They get to meet mature college women.”

Sungyeol laughed then paused. “Wait, speaking of women, where’s Eunmi?”

You rolled your eyes. You are still not used to the fact that Eunmi, your best friend, is in a relationship with your annoying older brother. Seriously! You still find it weird and icky and it just gives you the chills.

“Oh, this boy cannot handle being away from his girl,” Woohyun teased.

“His Lolita complex really shows whenever Eunmi’s around,” Dongwoo added.

“Oh, you people don’t know,” Sunggyu complained. “This guy keeps whining to me about not being able to see Eunmi every single second during classes. It’s annoying!”

“Yah!!”Sungyeol punchedSunggyu’s arm and cupped his face with his hands as he flushed red.

Your irritation was at its limit and all these nonsensical kindergarten love talk was fueling your anger even more. You slammed your hands on the table and stood up, shocking the boys at the table.

You turned around and headed for the exit, leaving before you smash someone’s head into pieces.

“Minji-noona may be the prettiest girl in the whole country, but she can be very scary,” Sungjong bit his lip.

“Aish, that girl,” Sungyeol shook his head.

Dongwoo patted Sungyeol’s shoulder. “You should become a better brother and control her better, Sungyeol-hyung.” (A/N: Lol, Dongwoo called Sungyeol “hyung”.)

Sungyeol shook his head. “My little sister has always been mean and spoiled; I doubt anything can change her ways now.”


You stormed out of the cafeteria. The last day of school is not going so well. Everything around you just irritated the heck out of you.

Suddenly, you find yourself by the art studio, andstanding and staring right at you was Eunmi herself.

She had on her apron which was splattered with old and new paint smudges and on her right hand was a paintbrush.

“Minji-ah,” Eunmi waved her left hand in front of your face. “Are you okay?”

Your straight thinking was brought back to you and you slapped away her hand from your face.

“Ouch!” Eunmi winced in pain as she held her left hand. “What’s wrong with you?”

You crossed your arms and pursed your lips, staring at her. “Yah, why are you here?”

“Uhm, I’m usually here during lunchtime to paint. Why?”

You sighed. “So you’re seriously not coming with me to the club?”

“Why are you so obsessed with clubbing?”

“Obsessed?” You were appalled by her remark.

“Okay, let me rephrase that. Why are you so obsessed with flirting? Especially with other girls’ boyfriends, are you aware that you’re becoming a ?”

“How dare you!” You balled your fists. “I am not a !!” You were about to slap Eunmi across the face, but stopped yourself because now students walking past by were staring at you. “You know what? Fine, so be it.”

Just then the bell rang, indicating that luncheon is over.

You shouldered Eunmi and headed straight to your locker to get ready for your fifth class. You were fuming in anger, and you just cannot wait to let out all that steam later tonight at the Orchid Lounge.

Again, your classes ended oh-so-slowly as the other classes earlier. But finally, your summer vacation starts.


Your chauffer waited for you at the school gates. Students said their goodbyes to you, but you completely shut them out and walked on ahead, wanting to get out of that place.

The chauffer drove you home and you decided to take a nice long bath to calm your nerves down. Not one of your family members was home. Your parents were out, probably doing business for the Touhou Corporation in Seoul, and your brother is still at school, probably with Eunmi.

Ugh, Eunmi. The thought of her irritated you still and you rubbed your temples, trying to calm your nerves once again.

You finally got out of the bath and went to change and get dolled up. You wore a red tube dress that brought out every curves of your body, and it especially brought out the glow of your pale and smooth skin. Along with your dress, you wore black pumps and carried a black clutch. Your hair was waved on the bottom and you wore red lipstick to match your dress which made you look more mature than how a 16 year old would usually look like.

You walked out of your house, and your chauffer bowed in respect.

“Drive me to the Orchid Lounge,” you ordered.

The chauffer was confounded. “But young miss, the reservation at Lotte Restaurant is in an hour.”

You walked ahead of him, straight to the car. “I don’t care. Drive me to the Orchid Lounge.”

The poor chauffer had no choice but to obey you because you are of higher authority than him, especially since no one older than you in the family is there to order the chauffer something else. He dashed to the car door and opened it for you just in time and you both headed straight to the Orchid Lounge.



Author's Note :

Here's the first chapter! We hope you like it. ^-^ Thank you for reading, and hopefully you'll want to subscribe and comment (':

Until next time ~ xoxo ♥Trinity.

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