Personal Message

The fanfics on here are actually written by two writers. 

Thank you for stopping by! ^^; 


Our favorite groups include : Infinite, Exo, B1A4, SHINee, and Teen Top, but we like a lot of other groups as well. 

So we'll try to have a variety of characters in our writing. 

We are willing to do requests, so don't be afraid to ask! 

About Me

Trinity :

Hi Guys! I'm Trinity. (': 

Thank you for taking your time to actually read our stories ^^ We may not be the best writers, but we try. 

Comments and subscribers are always loved ♥ 

Don't be afraid to message or be friend us! We don't bite. o u o 


Ri Ahn :

Hello, this is Ri Ahn. 

It's just as Trinity said above: We try, love, and never bite.