who knew wrapping presents could be fun?

Orphans Under the Mistletoe

Yoseob gently shook you awake, “Allison, Allison wake up” he called softly and your eyes fluttered open. You gave a cute little yawn and rubbed your eyes like a child, causing Yoseob to laugh. You pouted “Don’t tease me so early in the morning Seobie!” you were soon drowned out by more fits of giggles from the latter. He wiped small tears of laughter from his eyes and you tried your best not to smile at the adorable sight before you, *I’m usually grumpy first thing in the morning, but here he is making me smile…* you thought to yourself as you hauled yourself out of your warm bed. The chilling air that hit your skin after you removed your blankets practically screamed at you to get back into your cosy bed, but you resisted the temptation only to find your ribs feeling a familiar but annoying sensation; Yoseob was tickling you. In your mind he had gone from a sweet boy to an insufferable ingrate in seconds, you pivoted on your heels ready to give the older boy an earful when you saw his insufferably perfect smile, he was giving you a cheeky grin that meant he knew he was pissing you off…and he was enjoying every second.

You pursed your lips at the tall boy and raised one perfectly arched eyebrow, your eyes flashing him a silent warning to back off, he caught on pretty quickly. You had always hated being tickled, but it was more than that. Since you had been beaten by the men that murdered your parents you had hated being touched at all, it was a stretch to even hug people but Yoseob was helping you through that phobia. The memories of all the broken ribs, other fractured bones and deep cuts you had suffered still haunted you; something you wish you couldn’t remember. But even through all that pain you never cried and since then not a single tear has escaped your pain filled eyes; ever. Yoseob sensed something was on your mind but let it go “Allison, what are we doing today?” he asked trying to lighten the mood. His question made you smile, banishing your previous dark thoughts from your head as you answered “Wrapping presents”

It was 6:30 in the morning and you were hungry, your stomach wasn’t exactly being shy about admitting that fact either as it promptly let out a low growl and right on cue, Yoseob let out a laugh. He told you to wait there and he rushed downstairs, you busied yourself getting out the wrapping paper and other things you needed. Ten minutes later, Yoseob returned holding two plates; each laden with pancakes. You grinned *wow, he can cook too* you thought while eying the delicious stacks on the plates, “Well come on, dig in” he said playfully when he noticed the source of your staring (sort of disappointed you weren’t staring at him…for once) So you happily sat up and started eating, all the while chatting about the things you had to do that day (Mrs Lee had given you two a day off chores so you could wrap all twenty one presents)

When you had finished every last crumb of the pancakes Yoseob had made, you set about deciding what to wrap first and you suggested that you should the larger presents first so that you would know if you needed to buy more paper (which was unlikely since you bought seven rolls) Yoseob had this serious look on his face…he was tying a ribbon in a bow, ‘the perfect bow’ (or so he said) In all honesty he looked adorable; brow furrowed in concentration, the tip of his tongue sticking out and you couldn’t help but let out a chuckle. He looked up at you with a tiny pout threatening to tug at the corners of his mouth, he was almost bursting with cuteness and you were trying your best not to squeal, “Whaaat?” he asked, unleashing a fully fledged pout. You burst out laughing “I’m sorry, you just looked so cute” you managed to say between giggles and you saw his face flush bright red.

*Damn it! Why does she have to be so cute??* He thought frustrated as he returned to his ribbon problem, “What would you like for Christmas Yoseob?” Yoseob blinked and looked up at you “What do I want for Christmas?” he repeated and you waited patiently for an answer “You can think about it, you don’t need to tell me right no-” “Any chance of a second date?” he blurted out, *Crap! I wasn’t supposed to say that out loud! Stupid, stupid me!* he silently cursed himself and was so self absorbed he almost didn’t hear your small “Sure” He looked up forgetting he had flaring red cheeks that matched your own and smiled “R-Really?” he stammered and you giggled at his adorable awkwardness “Yeah, I will” you smiled. “Um what about you?” he asked, you were confused “What about me?” you asked, he sighed “What would you like for Christmas?” he tried again. “Oh…um, just something arty I suppose” you said timidly, “Okay” he grinned and you both went back to wrapping the presents.

You had been wrapping for two hours now and you were about halfway through, you and Yoseob discovered that decorating the presents with simple things like ribbons and beads could be quite fun (but a little time consuming) you felt something moving in your hair and you were about to turn around when Yoseob said “Don’t move, just hold still for a minute” you did as you were told and waited to see what he was up to. A few seconds later he told you to go look in the mirror, you stood up and walked over to the small dressing table across from the bunk bed and picked up a hand mirror. You beamed “Seobie I love it!” he had taken a bobby pin and taken two ribbons, blue and green and stuck them together. In the middle over the knot he had stuck a bead that looked like a pearl surrounded by little diamantes, you had never really been one for girly pins and things like that but you genuinely liked his little creation. Yoseob grinned and went back to wrapping present and didn’t see you walk up behind him, very tentatively lifted you arms and wrapped them around his waist in a light back hug, he gave a small flinch but then put one of his arms over yours and smiled to himself *If I’m not careful, I really will fall for her…Then again I probably already have* he mused *Will she ever like me back?*

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Chapter 8: Dongsaeng, you have such awesome readers!
I just reread the entire story..... it's so great~ <3
I miss your updates too dongsaeng... T^T
Saranghae~~~ <3 <3
I miss you update (T ^ T)
Chapter 8: This is honestly one of the best fics I've read so far!!! You're a great author!!
Chapter 8: Loving this <3
GDraseob #5
Chapter 8: For, real, I'm just enjoying the reading I am doing each time that you're uptdating.. I can't wait longer but take your time... This is so wonderful!! ;)
Chapter 8: I missed ur updates
Chapter 7: awww....seobie....wae you so cute~~~ :3
b2strockz #8
Chapter 8: lalala where did Yoseob go anyway? would there be drama soon? lol i'm guessing~
Chapter 8: ............
I. Missed. You. So. Much. DD':
I'm crying tears of happiness right now, dongsaeng.
When I saw this was my story update, I smiled like an idiot for like, 10 minutes. It was so amazingly cute. I love it, and you <3 <3 Saranghae~~ And I shall look forward to he 20th. That's when I'll be able to talk to you all the time again!!! <3 <3
Chapter 7: Please update soon!!!!!!