
Various EXO Oneshots ^^;

Joonmyun owns many books; most worn out, creased on the corner of the page he is reading, or stained with coffee rings from the times he had no choice but to use the poor books as coasters. Books of all genres cover his dining table, bed, floor, bookshelves, and desk. Joonmyun's favourite genre is without a doubt fairy-tales ("A pathetic excuse for a man... reading that junk." Kai, the man in the apartment next door, tells him on a daily basis). He likes the fact that, somewhere throughout the flawless fairy-tale, there is always a damsel in distress and a brave, handsome man who saves her with ease. Joonmyun longed to be that man; not afraid of anything. But what he longed for even more than anything was a damsel whom he could relieve from distress. That's why, when Joonmyun met you, he began writing his own fairy-tale. 
Joonmyun remembers ever-so-clearly the day the pair of you met at the local library.


You were working at the time, returning old books to their designated shelves, when you came across a handsome boy who looked as if he was right at home - staring at every book in awe as he their delicate stem with his gentle touch. It was as though he was waiting for an electric feeling to run up his arm from touching a certain book. He certainly found that book. As he pulled it off the shelf, dust making him sneeze, you stole a glance at the title: "101 Short Stories," it read.
Even from the first glance you could tell this young boy was different, you could tell it from a mile. Not many boys his age spent their time reading childish stories. Most would be out partying or pashing someone who tickled their fancy. But, as it was part of your job, you kindly approached the boy and asked if he was okay just browsing. Joonmyun had looked up to see the most beautiful girl he had ever laid eyes upon - even prettier than the princesses in his books back at his apartment.
"I'm okay, thank you." Joonmyun showed an angelic smile while sipping his cup of coffee. That smile had been enough to send shivers up your spine and caused your cheeks to flush pink. You then nodded and turned, and started to walk back to the service desk.
"Fascinating," you heard him say from behind you, "how you can travel to the centre of the Earth, or to the moon, to an over-populated city, or an abandoned shack completely free of charge, just by simply opening a book." Ignoring the fact that you were supposed to be working at the time, you turned back and sat opposite him at the table as he continued, noticing the way he gazed into the distance as his chin rested on his hand. "How you can live many different lives in a day, and millions of different lives in a lifetime. It's just... Completely and utterly… Fascinating." Joonmyun gazed into your eyes, mesmerised by the way you bit your lower lip as you had listened to his pointless rambling. His hand slipped from under his chin, knocking his cup of coffee and sending the caramel coloured liquid all over your white uniform shirt.
You stood up flailing your arms around as the hot concoction burned into your light, frail skin.
"Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry! Please, let me help you." Joonmyun looked at you in concern as he grabbed your hand and pulled you out of the library; onlookers entertained by the peculiar scene they had just witnessed.
He lead you to a run-down apartment building just out of town and took you to the third floor, room 179A ("his room," you thought to yourself).
The room that was revealed behind the door was like perfection in your opinion - vintage, old but still homely, and covered in aged, loved books. 
Joonmyun averted your attention to him as he handed you a sea-blue, neatly folded towel.
"Here, wash up. I'll prepare you some clean clothing. I'm so sorry, really," he said with apologetic eyes.
How cute.
After you had showered, you appeared back in the lounge with grey track pants and a slightly oversized t-shirt – not something you would have liked to have worn, but it had to do. Your long, wet hair created a cold path on your back, causing you to shiver at the same time as a sudden, loud clap of thunder bellowed outside.
"Wow, what an unlucky day this has been," Joonmyun sighed as he gazed at the rain-battered window. "I guess you'll have to stay here until the storm ceases, unless you'd rather catch a cold or get struck by lightning, of course." He dryly laughed
"Well... Considering how unlucky this day has been, I'd rather not take the risk," you replied with an eye smile that sent a fluttering feeling towards Joonmyun's stomach (“Butterflies?” Joonmyun thought). "What's your name, by the way?" you kindly asked.
"My na-? Oh! Of course. Joonmyun. Kim Joonmyun, and you?"
"Hana. Kim Hana," you told him. "Thank you for being so kind towards me, it would've taken me over two hours to get home in this weather. Honestly, I am forever grateful, Joonmyun." His name sounded sugar sweet on your tongue.
As the stormy night continued on, you and Joonmyun got to know each other - he found out that you wanted to become a professional writer (a novelist, to be precise), and you found out that he had a passionate obsession with books, although that was not very hard to guess. The storm had grown worse over the hours, which had then caused the power to go out. Joonmyun lit a rose-scented candle and the two of you continued chatting throughout the night. Over time you began to fall drowsy and found yourself unconsciously resting your weary head on Joonmyun’s broad shoulder, his head on top of yours, sleeping soundly.
When you awoke, only a slight drizzle was visible outside on his rustic, four-pane windows.
The two of you had exchanged numbers and arranged to meet up so you could shout him lunch and a new coffee in return for his kindness and also to return his clothing which still had traces of his signature cologne. 
Over time, lunches together had turned into dinners, dinners into sleepovers and sleepovers into breakfasts the next morning. The pair of you became practically inseparable. 
You unknowingly, and definitely without much effort, had become Joonmyun's damsel, always appearing to be in some sort of trouble whether it be stumbling from carrying too many books or not seeing a car coming as you went to cross the road, and Joonmyun became your brave, handsome knight in shining armour, always saving you when you were in need.


With winter came blistering snow and also your long-awaited birthday. Joonmyun hadn’t contacted you all day, giving you a feeling of unusual emptiness. Surely Joonmyun wouldn’t forget your birthday, right? The pair of you had been planning this very day since early January.  
As night came, so did a text from your so-called "knight in (forgetful) shining armour." 





"From: Joonmyun
             Hana, guess what!? I’ve found an
             amazing book, you have to come
             over ASAP, okay? See you soon!

Emotionlessly arriving at apartment 179A with slumped shoulders, you get out the spare key Joonmyun gave you many lunch dates ago. You unlock his aqua paint-stripped door, entering his aromatic room.
No living thing was in sight, not one, although you did happen to take notice of a single rose-scented candle, in the same place it was the first time you entered Joonmyun’s intriguing room.
"Joonmyun?" you call out, trying to find him.
A movement in the corner of your eye startles you as you turn around almost getting crushed by an over-excited Joonmyun.
"It' feels like forever since I last saw you! It's been, what, 26 hours? That's got to be a record, I swear," he jokes as he takes your hand and leads you to the comfortable, worn out couch.
"So, Kim Joonmyun, what's this book that you so eagerly desire to show me?" you say with a bit of attitude, upset at the fact your best friend can't even remember your birthday.
"Ah, yes," he says, running over to the ancient bookshelf and picking out the most tattered book there. "This," he eagerly begins, "is a very special book. You see, I took my precious time to write it. I know, I know, you're the one who wants to be a writ- sorry, novelist, but I just couldn't refrain myself as I had such a wonderful topic to write about!" Joonmyun states with a goofy grin.
You stare at the coffee-stained cover ("typical," you think, looking at the caramel rings on the page). "My Damsel in Distress," it reads.
Although cheesy, you didn’t really expect anything else from him – Joonmyun’s just that kind of guy, and you liked that.
Joonmyun gently grabs your hand and looks deeply into your vibrant, brown eyes. Even after 11 months of him doing that, you still couldn't control the butterflies in your stomach.
"Listen to me now please, Hana. There is one condition," he says sternly. "You must not skip to the back of the book, okay? You must read it front to back, word for word, but no skipping pages. Not one."
You perplexedly nod your head in agreement, not sure whether to be excited or nervous about what this book actually contains, and Joonmyun's face softens back to its natural, angelic state.
"Happy birthday, Kim Hana, my best friend." Embracing you sweetly, he swiftly kisses you on the forehead which takes you by complete and utter surprise. Your face heats up.


Two weeks had passed since your almost-forgotten birthday which turned out to be one of the best birthdays ever, and you were unfortunately nearing the end of Joonmyun's flawless story. Yes, flawless, it's that good!
Turning the last, slightly crumpled page, you find a sun yellow envelope stuck inside. Removing the inner contents, you nervously unravel a neatly folded piece of paper to find the perfectly hand-written words, "Kim Hana, will you be my damsel in whom I have the honour of relieving from distress?"


Later that month, not only was your bookshelf ameliorated because of Joonmyun's novel, but also Joonmyun's bookshelf was also improved by a book written by none other than yourself.
"Fascinating," Joonmyun says, "how books can also be the reason for two people to fall ever so deeply in love."


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Phamtastic #1
Chapter 4: Hi your stories are amazing and please make a sequal to Baekhyun
Bpickle1290 #2
Loved all the one-shots! So great! :) Especially the Baekhyun and Luhan ones.
Thanks for subscribing to my story by the way! Its already written, so hopefully I'll type it out and post it within the next day or two.
WritingDeers #3
Chapter 2: That's so sweet! :)