Chapter 2

Honey, You're my Bacon!

A few months later...

I pull my sleves down and grasp hold of its ends with the palm of my hands.

Leaves were falling everywhere on the streets and were flying all over the place as the winds carried them. It was Fall in Seoul and it had already been a couple weeks since I moved here. Not that it made much difference. The only thing that I wasn't used to was the fact I didn't live near the beach.

I walk through the school campus till I reach the main building and enter it. Slipping through the door, other students passed by me as they made their ways to their own classrooms. Some in a hurry, others in much more of a lax manner. Nobody notices me as I walk through the hallways, not a soul even glances my way. That is me. I am always just the girl in the side, the one that blends in the wall and nobody ever looks at. 

Is it because that I am too expressionless? Or is it just because I do not have that aura that people are attracted to?

I keep on walking.

I don't really care much of such trivial matters. The only people who want attention are those that seek love from the opposite gender. To find their soulmate and all that crap everybody's so in to.

I roll my eyes and approach my locker. I do not get why people can't just face reality. 

A soulmate doesn't exsist. Nobody can stay with you forever simply because there isn't a forever.

The clock is ticking and time is lost every second. You won't have her forever Eunmi, she doesn't deserve you.

A sudden movement catches my attention and interrupts my thoughts. 

A figure is to the locker beside mine and luckily I stepped back to avoid the door of my open locker being suddenly slammed on my head.

A boy had been thrown by another. He slides down the locker, a bruise forming on his cheek.

"That's what you get Baek." spat the assaulter who was looking down upon his victim with clear anger in his eyes. "Leave. Her. Alone." He emphasized every word threatingly. "Or you leave." He then walked out and disappeared into the group of students who suddenly went quiet and gasped at the incident. 

I find myself staring at the boy who was sitting on the floor. He was looking on the ground with no expression. But I saw a faint glint of something in his eyes which intrigued me. 

It was sadness. That was all. There was no hatred, no anger, no sign of reaction that a man who was just punched would normally have. 

Afterall, men do value their pride.

But all the boy looked like was sad, nearly devastated even. Like a boy who had just lost his mother but was trying to hold his emotions in.

And the longer I stared the more sadness I saw in his eyes.

He stood up, and grasped the locker wall for support. He was breathing heavily, and he wiped his cheek but winced due to his bruise.

He caught me staring and for a brief moment, our eyes met. For a moment I pitied him, but I held it back when I remembered my values, when I remembered what I learned in life. And those words, that voice and that constant face that popped up in my nightmares.

Do not pity me. Pity your father.

I blinked, emotionless at the boy and broke the gaze. Reaching in my locker, I got what I needed and slammed it shut, then started walking further into the hallway making my way to my first class. I did not even bother glancing back.

A sudden chill went through me as I opened my homeroom door and the cool wind whipped across my face.

Do not pity me. Pity your father.

The words echoed again and again.


I updated!


/throws confetti

I hope I get more subbies~

and comments are loved ! ^^

Thanks for subscribing BTW!


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baconliner #1
please update this story author-nim. i really want to read the next chapter ;)
Chapter 1: Bby hurry up and update e'rry thang ok?