Chapter 3

Honey, You're my Bacon!

The night is cold and I can't sleep.

I sit up on my bed as the moonlight spills from the window beside me, casting a faint light in my dark room.

I look around. My room is quite empty aside from some of my things that are on one of the two desks. But most of my stuff is contained in one of the two drawers. 

There is two of almost every furniture in this room. I am suppose to have a room mate, but I don't because there is no one that can be my room mate. Every room has two girls except mine.

I sigh. It doesn't really matter. It's nothing new that I am alone.

A gust of wind blows in from outside and I shiver as I pull my blankets closer. 

My woolen sweater is no use. It is simply too cold.

With a struggle, I stand up.

The floor is cold but so are my feet.

I walk towards the closest window to the foot of my bed to shut it. My room has three other windows but all of them are closed.

I am about to shut it till I see the beautiful scenery outside.

The moon shines above as a few dark clouds pass by.

The lights shimmer down the lake beside the school, sending light down its ripples.

I gaze at the scene for awhile and sigh.

A memory of my childhood comes to me and I recall the times before my father's divorce, before all the loneliness came to my family.

But no. I shake my head and bite my lip in regret. 

It was an illusion, I remind myself. There is no happiness caused by love.

Because there isn't love. I do not believe in it.

I close the window with a thud and step away till something catches my eye.

A person, a figure is sitting down on the shores of the lake. 

I squint and step towards the window again.

His hair is short and he looks down at the water as if is waiting. Watching for an answer. 

It is a boy, obviously. 

I breath a laugh.

What is a boy doing in the middle of the night sitting beside a lake when it's freezing cold?

I do not bother and close the curtains shut and walk back to my bed.

Then darkness takes me and I fall asleep.


*                     *                       *


I wake up to the bright sunshine that shines on me through the thin, see through curtains.

I check the clock and get ready for the day. 

Not once did I stop and even think about last night.

Once I am ready, I grab my bag and put my shoes on. Then I exit my room and lock it.

The hallway is filled with girls shuffling out of their rooms and walking down towards the stairs.

I end up behind all of them because my room is at the very end of the corridor. The last one on the floor.

I hasten my pace and manage to go through all of them, semily running down the stairs and making my way first out the door before the rest.

I burst out the doors and the wind welcomes me as it blows against my face and makes my hair messy.

But I do not stop and just walk on.

The pathway is sorrounded by a fine line of trees on each side. Each of every one of them are balding, their shedded leaves scattered around. 

The sun blares down on my and I shade my eyes with my hand as I make my way to the main building.

By the time I draw close, I am surrounded by countless other students who make their way with their friends. Some in a group and some in pairs.

None are alone except for me.

Suddenly I hear whispers and murmurs and everybody is talking about somebody and glancing around suspiciously.

"There he is!" A girl says and beckons her friend to lower down so she can continue. "Byun Baekhyun! Just look at him!"

"He looks so handsome." The other says with a sigh. "Too bad he's taken."

"Don't be silly!" The other one exclaims a little loudly. Heads turn toward her but she still doesn't notice. "They broke up remember?! He cheated on her!"

Silence rises. Her voice, her last words seem to echo as the others just stare at her and then look toward the boy. I look at him too.

It is true, he is quite good looking. But what does it matter? It is just is outer appearance.

The girl who was too loud realizes her mistake and covers in embarrassment.

Baekhyun looks at her pointedly.

If he is the cheater they say, he surely would be a jerk. And jerks don't pull off when insulted.

But he simply stares at her for a few seconds and then looks away, walking like nothing ever happened.

The girl sighs in relief. I raise my brow.

But I too continue walking with one thought in my mind.

I'm pretty sure he was the boy at the lake last night.

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baconliner #1
please update this story author-nim. i really want to read the next chapter ;)
Chapter 1: Bby hurry up and update e'rry thang ok?