Be My Waltz

Teach Me How to Waltz


“Jongin, we’re going to have our dinner, okay?” Jongin’s mom said just enough loud so his son could hear her from the other side of the door. “Are you sure you won’t tag along with us, dear?” Mrs. Kim asked his beloved son with quite an apparent concern from her voice.

Jongin, who had slumps his self into his bed since this afternoon limply walked to his bedroom door. With his sleepy face, and rubbing his eyes, he opened his bedroom door just to see his mother. “No mom, I don’t want to disturb your date with dad” Jongin said lazily before yawning effortlessly. “Aish, Jonginnie! You haven’t took your bath, have you?!” Mrs. Kim pinched her son’s cheeks just to warn him to take his bath despites her son’s tired expressions.

“The time I closed this door, I want you to take your bath! 3, 2,-“ Mrs. Kim started her countdown and right before she managed to finished off her countdown, Jongin shooing her away. “Yeah, yeah, I get it mom. Have a nice date!” Jongin gently pushed his mother away from his bedroom entrance so that he could completely closing his bedroom door, planning on continuing his sleep. “Ya you insolent-“ And Jongin closed his bedroom door before Mrs. Kim managed to finished of her sentence.


Jongin walked limply inside his dark, dimmed room before slumping his self once again into his comfy, cozy bed. He throws himself into his bed, landed on his bed with a perfect, painful thud. “Ouch” He rubs his temple, wondering if he might have bumped into something hard enough to break his skull. Jongin reaches for his table lamp; supposedly making his dimmed room has a bit shine of light.

The light shone over his room, though not all of the sides and vertex had been shone; yet it is enough for Jongin to see the reason behind his pain. It was a quite big carton box, wrapped with a beautiful light purple colored paper completed with a light pink ribbon decorating its package. Jongin wants to open the box that mysteriously appeared on his bed, however he discouraged his self and decided to take his bath first. He thought his mom was right; he’s being a little bit too careless of his appearance since that moment he ordered Kyungsoo to go home.

After a nice, warm bath, Jongin went back into his room, switching on his light switch and take a clear glance over his room’s condition. It was very untidy, very messy. He discouraged his self from opening the package once more, and started cleaning up his room. By the time he finished his cleaning session, the clock strikes five times, making it five o’clock in the evening. Two hours to go for Kyungsoo’s graduation night party, and Jongin still counting down the hours, despites his quarrel with Kyungsoo the other day.


Jongin sat down in front of the present he receives earlier. Its size was fit enough for clothing, and so Jongin wonders if his mother was giving him some new clothes to wear. Though, he really doesn’t get why would his mother giving him the clothes beautifully wrapped inside the carton box. Jongin gently opened the present without getting the wrapping be rustled, moreover being torn. His eyes widened to see a set of dark grey suite, complete with its ivory colored shirt and same dark grey colored tie. He searched for notes inside the box, and was surprised to found nothing. Jongin was curious to know who is the sender, and what is he or she intended to do or say.

It was not a moment later that Jongin realized that today is his birthday. He has been very busy with his dance practice that he forgot his own birthday, and sadly, none inside the house remembered his birthday either. He sighed in despair, gazing hazily at the cloth in his hands. The cloth was so smooth and somehow it emits the fragrance he really is familiar of; his favorite fragrance, the smell of Kyungsoo. He flinched at the thought since, he was surprised that he could be this desperate that everything he smells, everything he thought, all referred back to Kyungsoo’s self.

“What a fool, I am.” Jongin said, smiling bitterly as tears started to brims on the edge of his eyes, threatened to fall down to his cheeks. “Kyungsoo…” He calls miserably; it is the most unfavorable birthday moment for him. He got to spend his birthday alone, without any family or even any love. Jongin laughed satirically at the thought, laughing at his self in regrettable manner. If only he had been truthful with his self, if only he had confessed his feelings to Kyungsoo, if only he didn’t get mad at Kyungsoo yesterday…


While Jongin was lost in his thought, the doorbell ranged loudly making him flinched in his place. Unenthusiastically he stood up and gently wrapping those clothes inside the box, then walking down the stairs to open the door just to greet the guest who has disrupting him with those loud doorbell. Jongin yawns as if he wasn’t interested as he opened the door, it might be some delivery guy who has got lost in the neighborhood. However, Jongin’s imagination was proven to be false as he choked his self in the middle of his yawning.

A bouquet of red roses was apparent all of the sudden, hiding its sender’s face from Jongin to view. Though, he doesn’t really need to see the sender’s face to know who sent these roses. It is definitely Kyungsoo, as only him and him only who would always associates red roses with Jongin. Jongin received the bouquet still with his unbelieving eyes; he thought he might be dreaming right now. How could the sweet, lovely hyung of his get him a bouquet of roses as if he’s a lady’s man? Kyungsoo’s beautiful heart shaped smile was apparent on his face, as Kyungsoo kneeled down before the younger one.

“Would you waltz with me?” Kyungsoo asked ever so romantically that Jongin was convinced Kyungsoo does not feeling so well right now. Since he knows, Kyungsoo and romantic don’t stand together. “H-hyung, how…?” Jongin was dumbfounded as he took Kyungsoo’s hand, his face shining bright red as he saw right into Kyungsoo’s big, wide, and glistening eyes. Though his acts just now are manly, his beautiful face still couldn’t hide his feminine sides. “I think it is the right time for us to take a further stage in our relationship right, Jongin? I don’t want to only be your childhood friend forever…” Jongin was shocked; he couldn’t even imagine that Kyungsoo had the same thought as he has in his mind.


“But- your graduation-“ Kyungsoo smile as he closed the door and went into Jongin’s house. Jongin has never even guess this coming; now he was quite unsure about Kyungsoo’s real intention of learning Waltz from him, not that he dislikes it. “Did you get my present?” Kyungsoo refers to the suite Jongin got earlier; he nods slowly though he still couldn’t get a grasp of the actual situation.

“Why don’t you wear it then? Now, go change. I will wait for you in the studio, okay?” He smiled his beautiful heart-shaped smile before skipping his way into the studio Kyungsoo and Jongin usually practiced their Waltz.

Jongin went as fast as he could to change his clothes to the one that Kyungsoo had given for him. Checking his appearance in the mirror, he tried to smile as he always did, before finally went into the studio they used to rehearsal. Jongin’s heartbeat increased rapidly, he inhales and exhales slowly to make his nervousness eased at least a bit. His hand reached for the doorknob, but his heart still was not ready for what coming next.


Whether he finally become Kyungsoo’s boyfriend, or whether Kyungsoo finally confessed to him, Jongin’s heart beating erratically out of his control. ‘Come on, Jongin. This is the moment you have been waiting for.’ Jongin pushed his self to the edge of his self-confidence; he really has been waiting for this moment to come. Whether it is him or Kyungsoo who confess first, this is really the right time to do so.

Just at the right time Jongin pushed the door, someone else pulled the door unexpectedly. Jongin stumbled his self forward, fortunately Kyungsoo was there readily catching him. Jongin fall into Kyungsoo’s smaller figure, he was embarrassed that darker shades of pink appeared on both of his cheeks. Jongin stands up straight, trying to struggle himself free from Kyungsoo’s hug.

However, Kyungsoo doesn’t let go of the younger one’s hands and waist. “Would you be my boyfriend? If you do, waltz with me” Jongin’s face couldn’t be reddened more than it has already been. He nods sheepishly, his cute self was overflowing, making Kyungsoo’s heartbeat increased dynamically too. Kyungsoo smiled his beautiful heart-shaped smile for the last time before waltzing their way inside the studio, while Waltz of the Flower was played to accompany their waltz.


Jongin doesn’t even remember to confess; he doesn’t even mind about their relationship issue anymore. Because the waltz itself was enough to clarify their status, sweet and loving just like they are.

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the end of the three shot :) I've always wanted to make a scene where jongin's cute self takes over his y side just because it is irresistible for me >.<


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Chapter 3: o god it's freaking cute!
Chapter 3: aww this was cute :)
if you don't mind, may i offer a tip? when someone new talks, make a new paragraph ^^ it makes it easier for the reader to distinguish who is talking, and it looks better :D
but really, this was just asdfghjkl ;; adorable~
shoutsandmurmurs #3
Oh em gee.


So. Frickin. Cute.

Chapter 2: Huhuhu , waeee jongin weeeee! Stop and listen to kyungie first . Omg , please update soon . He blames kyungie for distancing . He's the one who always away from him . This is so sad .