Jongin and Dance

Teach Me How to Waltz


“One, two, three, four. One, two, three, four.” Jongin mumbled while practicing his movements, trying to perfect the flawless dance movement of his. He’s smiling every time he remembered of how things went out of his control yesterday. ‘Kyungsoo, Waltz, hands on waist, fell on top of me…’ those words keep on repeating itself inside Jongin’s mind like chanting of a hypnotizing spell. “Agh, Kyungsoo-ya I love youuu” Jongin said, almost squeals, while he twirls around in delight.


“Jongin-ah~ Kyungsoo have come again to see you.” Mrs. Kim’s voice echoed the studio room; her voice is full of joy. Somehow Jongin never likes what came after his mother’s sweet melodious voice. “Say, Jongin-ah. What happened between you and Kyungsoo lately?” Mrs. Kim’s voice does emit a bit of teasing tone that Jongin believe is intentionally intended to him. “W-what? N-nothing’s happened, Mom. What’s wrong?” Jongin stuttered, replying his mother’s question while wiping a trail of his sweat. “Sheesh, you’re not fun, Jongin-ah. I thought maybe something interesting would happen.” Jongin laughed awkwardly to hear her mother’s right-on instinct. “Something interesting? Like what, Mom?”


An awkward silent fell just right before Jongin stepped out from the studio, and Jongin stopped his footstep, waiting for his mother’s answer. “Maybe you and Kyungsoo are falling in love, or some kind of that thing” Jongin choked on nothing but his mother’s answer, coughing endlessly on what his mother said. “Mom! What are you thinking of?!” Jongin rolls his eyes, annoyed simultaneously feels embarrassed, since his mom is right; in a way. “I’m going to cut off the intercom.” Jongin said as he immediately puts on his jacket and walked away to pick Kyungsoo up.


“Ready to try again, Hyung?” Jongin asked as he ushered Kyungsoo into the studio, smiling brightly and invisibly as he walked in front of Kyungsoo. “I guess so, Jongin. Tomorrow is the big day!” Kyungsoo replied excitedly. Jongin laughed softly to hear how excited Kyungsoo sounds, but deep inside he felt empty. ‘What do I expect from all of this?’ Jongin thought with a bitter smile plastered on his face. Jongin was once again being reminded that Kyungsoo would be dancing Waltz with anyone other than him. And that fact itself seeped deep into his heart with a heartbreaking burn in his heart.


“Jongin?” Kyungsoo waved his small and delicate hands in front of Jongin’s sight, which succeeded in making Jongin knocked back to his senses as he gasped in surprise. “Ah, let’s get started Hyung.” Jongin immediately said as he stood, letting out one of his hands for Kyungsoo to grab on. He was expecting for his hyung to reply his hands, but Kyungsoo shook his head gently while refusing Jongin’s hand. It really shattered Jongin’s heart into pieces, yet what came next should’ve fixed his heart to normal once again.


“I want you to just look today. No leading; leave the leading to me.” Kyungsoo said, standing up gently while smiling his heart shaped smile towards the now reddened Jongin. Jongin’s heart beats rapidly to see his most favored smile from the one person he favored the most. He watches as Kyungsoo offered his hands; now for Jongin to take. Jongin slowly took the older one’s hand, thousands of jolts sent throughout his whole body just from the touch.


“Watch me” Kyungsoo smirked; he might not noticed this, but the smirk is so and the way those eyebrows wiggling playfully… Oh Jongin might just faint from Kyungsoo’s action to the point that he actually forgot all about his conflicted mind. Kyungsoo leads the dance quite gracefully that Jongin was almost shocked to see how fast Kyungsoo could learn in one night; he was sure Kyungsoo would do great tomorrow at the dance festival. Kyungsoo moves here and there; his facial expression is completely at ease; doesn’t really show that he is memorizing the dance steps with much difficulty.


This amazing man leading the dance; is someone dear for Jongin’s heart. This cute-looking, petite man who always seems to pretend as if he’s the cute one, the one who will be the uke for a gay relationship, is the reason why Jongin has been dancing for his life. This man, the uke who turns out to be more seme than Jongin can even imagine, is the love of Jongin’s life. Kyungsoo, is the only one that has been occupying Jongin’s heart ever since their childhood days. And Jongin never regrets spending his whole life until today without loving someone else other than Kyungsoo. He’s more than content to be able to do so.


By the time the dance ended, Kyungsoo grins towards Jongin who had been led throughout the dance. Jongin was mesmerized to see that childish but sweet grin that is plastered on Kyungsoo’s face. “How was my Waltz?” Kyungsoo asked with a bit of hesitation apparent in his voice; he seems to be nervous waiting for the expert’s comments of his dance movements. Jongin smiled warmly to hear the ridiculously cute question, asked with such an adorably awkward manner. “You did very well, hyung.” Jongin put out his thumbs up to Kyungsoo who’s jumping around happily throughout the studio. “I’m proud of you” He concluded as he offered a glass of honey lemon for Kyungsoo to drink.


Kyungsoo took the glass from Jongin’s hand and gulped it down in one shot; supposedly making Jongin’s heart flutters to see his manly side he rarely showcases. He flump his self to the chair next to Jongin’s, looking satisfied to both his self and his skills. Jongin follows every movement of his hyung, smiling occasionally just enough to hide the pink blush that seems to be apparent of his cheeks. “You know, Jongin… I could make it because of you” Kyungsoo said without looking at Jongin, instead he is looking at his now-emptied glass, which had been turned around in his hands. “I’ve always loved it to see you dance, ever since our childhood days.” Jongin couldn’t resist smiling; unable to hide his smile he lowered down his gaze so Kyungsoo wouldn’t be able to see the smile.


“And to think that you’re perfect as a teacher, I couldn’t be more proud of you than this.” What is Kyungsoo doing? Praising Jongin, unintentionally making Jongin blush and warm. Unknowingly making Jongin’s heartbeat increased erratically with his sweet words of compliments. “I’m proud to be your childhood friend, Jongin. I know you will be popular someday, and when that day comes…” Kyungsoo stopped talking in the middle of his sentence, allegedly creating anxious atmosphere hanging low on the studio’s circulation. “I don’t know who I am to you anymore, I guess.” Kyungsoo laughed softly, he just doesn’t know what he’s saying, does he? Jongin frowns, literally frowns when he heard what did Kyungsoo just say about his presence before Jongin.


“What do you mean by that, Hyung?” Jongin unintentionally raises his voice, clearly showing his anger towards Kyungsoo. Because, how could Kyungsoo do this to him? How could Kyungsoo say that Jongin’s the one who will be taking distance from him? How could Kyungsoo, the one and maybe the only one person that is very close to Jongin, talk like that as if he’s nothing for Jongin? It’s impossible, for Kyungsoo is everything that Jongin has got. “Go” Jongin said as he turns his back from Kyungsoo; walking distance away from him. Never in his life he would ever turns his back on someone he dears the most, not even a single thought would passed by his mind, ever. Yet now Jongin is too tired, too disappointed of Kyungsoo.


“Jongin, I don’t mean-“ Kyungsoo realized that he did, or he said, something wrong. He tried, really hard, to fix his mistake. Kyungsoo stood up just to reach for Jongin’s hand; just maybe, this could buy him some times to explain. “Just go” Jongin cut Kyungsoo’s words off, at the same time shrugs Kyungsoo’s hands from his, he seems to be hurt from Kyungsoo’s words. “Jongin, I-“


“You’ve done great, Hyung. I know you would do well tomorrow” Jongin starts to talk with a bitter tone, resisting any tears to fall down from his eyes. Jongin suppress his tears from falling down really hard since he knows, that once he let a single droplet of tears come out from his eyes; he would not be this composed anymore. “Now just go, please enjoy your evening.” Jongin said as he runs out from the studio, tears finally falling down his cheeks.

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the end of the three shot :) I've always wanted to make a scene where jongin's cute self takes over his y side just because it is irresistible for me >.<


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Chapter 3: o god it's freaking cute!
Chapter 3: aww this was cute :)
if you don't mind, may i offer a tip? when someone new talks, make a new paragraph ^^ it makes it easier for the reader to distinguish who is talking, and it looks better :D
but really, this was just asdfghjkl ;; adorable~
shoutsandmurmurs #3
Oh em gee.


So. Frickin. Cute.

Chapter 2: Huhuhu , waeee jongin weeeee! Stop and listen to kyungie first . Omg , please update soon . He blames kyungie for distancing . He's the one who always away from him . This is so sad .