Kyungsoo and Waltz

Teach Me How to Waltz


Jongin-ah, you really love to dance, don’t you?

Ne, Kyungsoo hyung!

Hehe, I know it. Your dance is so beautiful, Jongin-ah!

Really? You really think so, Hyung?

Yes of course! I could watch you dance every second if I have the time!

Well then, I will show my dance to you. Only to you, Hyung.


Jongin recalled the conversation he used to have with his dearest childhood friend, Do Kyungsoo. He smiled to remember the moment that they were really close, when they were always playing together. Kyungsoo loved to watch Jongin dances, no matter what kind of dance it is. Whether it’s hiphop, jazz, or his specialty dance; Waltz, Kyungsoo will always watches Jongin’s dance with his most widened eyes full of excitement.

Yet it’s a story of some years ago. Along the growth, Kyungsoo and Jongin don’t met that often anymore, maybe only once or twice a month. In High school also, Jongin often avoids the route where he will probably met Kyungsoo, though he doesn’t know why. The fact that Kyungsoo is one year older than him maybe made Jongin kind of feels isolated from him.

Jongin sighed heavily inside his family’s dancing studio. It’s normal for Jongin’s family to have a private dancing studio considering their occupations; Jongin’s father is a dance instructor, his mother is a ballet instructor, his sister is a hip hop stage dancer, and last but not least, Jongin him self is a secret back dancer for idols. He left his part-time job as a dancer in shadow since he still remembered his words from the past, intended for Kyungsoo. “I will show my dance to you. Only to you, Hyung” He repeated, then he smiled bitterly.


“Gosh, it’s like around 10 years ago… What do I expect from it?” Jongin sighed as he leaned forward to the table in front of him. Just when he is about to take his rest, the doorbell rang, and followed by an intercom made by his mother.

“Jongin-ah? Are you there, Honey?” His mother’s voice echoed inside the dancing studio, ringing inside Jongin’s ears like the buzzing sound of the bees.

“Ne, omma! I’m here!” Jongin replied his mother’s calling half-heartedly.

“Kyungsoo is here, honey. He wants to see you, should I sent him to the studio or to your room?”


Jongin’s heart jumped for a moment when he heard the word “Kyungsoo” mentioned by his mother.

Is it really him? It’s not just my ears playing tricks on me, right?’ Jongin’s mind racing, his heartbeat increases quite rapidly.

“Jongin-ah?” His mother demands an answer.

“Ne, omma! I’ll meet him in my room!”




It was awkward. To see someone you used to be closed of, but not so close recently; standing there before you, face full of smile while grabs for your hands inside your bedroom. Only one word and one word only that could describe the feeling; awkward.

Kyungsoo’s eyes glistening as he nods severally while holding onto both of Jongin’s hands.

“Could you, Jongin?” He asked, his voice is so sweet, too sweet for Jongin to handle, maybe.

“I- I don’t know, Hyung” Jongin said while looking downward, avoiding eye contact with the older one. Earlier Kyungsoo had been asking Jongin’s assistance to help him with his dance, his Waltz, to be exact. Kyungsoo, as the 12th grader who will be graduating in two days, will have a folkdance festival in his graduation night.


And so, Kyungsoo being someone whom hasn’t dance Waltz ever in his life asked for Jongin’s assistance to help him with the steps.

“Please, Jongin?” Kyungsoo put on his puppy face, complete with his puppy eyes and paws in front of Jongin, pleading the younger one to teach him to Waltz. Jongin know this is going to be hurtful for him, since he know that the person Kyungsoo going to dance with, is someone other than him; is not him.


If only Jongin refuse to teach the latter how to Waltz, Kyungsoo wouldn’t be able to dance, and so he wouldn’t be dancing with someone else. If only, Jongin thought, if only, he is able to ignore those luscious lips of Kyungsoo pleading for him to teach Waltz. If only, Jongin could ignore those large puppy eyes staring at him and waiting for his agreement. But he couldn’t. It’s been more than ten years, and Jongin realizes that he likes, or rather he loves, the latter one. He loves to dance in front of Kyungsoo, he loves it when Kyungsoo compliments him, he loves every stare full of amazement given by Kyungsoo, and he knew he had fell for him, for a long time now.


And so, knowing that it would hurt him self to do so, it would break his heart to pieces to teach Kyungsoo Waltz, Jongin still agrees to it. He smiles while exhaling his breath that he had held for some time, emitting that ‘okay, okay, I get it’ looks from his eyes; Jongin agrees to teach Kyungsoo how to Waltz.

“It will be tough, Hyung. I won’t go easy on you” Jongin said, already get in his role as a tutor.

“Who do you think you talk to, Jongin-ah? I’ve killed people with these eyes!” Kyungsoo said jokingly, trying to be fierce in front of his dongsaeng, which is quite unsuccessful as Jongin chuckling endlessly.


“What is that?” Jongin managed to smack the older one’s shoulder as he ends up laughing at the laughable remarks Kyungsoo given. Only to be replied by Kyungsoo’s innocent smile, looking straight into Jongin’s eyes, making the younger one blushing. Jongin really doesn’t understand; is it only because Kyungsoo wants him to teach Waltz, or is it because of another reason? Which it is, Jongin doesn’t really care. The fact that Kyungsoo is able to smile at him is enough to make him happy; it’s not that Kyungsoo is not smiling at him in the school, though. Afraid that he might screwed up the atmosphere by saying something unnecessary, Jongin decides that it’s about time to learn some basic movements.


“Let’s go to the studio, Hyung.” Jongin said, he grabs for Kyungsoo’s smaller hands as he drags the older ones into the studio. They practiced the basic move, in which Jongin leads the Waltz, while Kyungsoo follows the dance like what female dancer usually does in Waltz. Jongin’s hand was on Kyungsoo’s waist; while Kyungsoo’s on Jongin’s shoulder. The posture of the dance itself is quite intimate that Jongin’s heart start to beating fast. But being professional, he shifts those feelings away from his mind, solemnly wants to teach his hyung how to Waltz.


“Here, when I move forward, you should move backward. Understood, hyung?” Jongin explained in detail as they move in synch, though sometimes Kyungsoo would unintentionally step on Jongin’s feet, sometimes.

“Yes, yes, I understand. So all I need to do is leading the dance, right?” Kyungsoo reassure his assumption, some beads of sweat starts to form around his forehead as he trying so hard to dance, and at the same time memorizing the steps.

“Yes, like I do.” Jongin said, nodding his head in agreement.

“Like you do.” Kyungsoo repeat with a serious tone of voice.


“Now, let me try leading the dance.” Kyungsoo suggests as Jongin nods obediently. Kyungsoo moves according to what he knows and what he remembers, a hand on Jongin’s waist while another interlacing fingers with Jongin’s.

“Yes, yes, that’s right.” Jongin reassure Kyungsoo despites his uncertain moves, trying to build the confident in Kyungsoo’s self. Just when Jongin wants to compliment the latter one for his ability to learn fast, Kyungsoo stumbled upon his legs and ended up fell frontward, which is towards Jongin.


They ended up falling to the studio floor with a bumping sound; Kyungsoo fell on top of Jongin’s self, crashed with each other leaving no sound other than Jongin’s heart beating fast. For a moment that seems like an eternity, Jongin could smell vanilla scent radiating from Kyungsoo, Jongin could see how long and frail Kyungsoo’s fingers, Jongin could see how beautiful Kyungsoo’s eyes is. Unfortunately that moment doesn’t last any longer as Kyungsoo moves his self sideway before standing up and patting his kneecap to clean himself.


Kyungsoo let out his hands to help Jongin to stand up while seriousness was emitting from his wide eyes.

“I’m sorry, teacher. Once again.” He said with solemnness that Jongin couldn’t help but to chuckle, as he was happy to see the enthusiasm in Kyungsoo’s eyes.

“Here we go again” And so they spend the afternoon, trying to learn how to Waltz. Being reminded of the time, Kyungsoo finally bid his good bye as he went home at 6 in the evening.

“See you tomorrow, teacher.” Kyungsoo said as he grins innocently at the younger one.

Jongin couldn’t reply anything intelligent to the latter one other than to be blushing all by himself due to Kyungsoo’s irresistible smile, and so he just nodded as he watches the older one walking off of his house.

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the end of the three shot :) I've always wanted to make a scene where jongin's cute self takes over his y side just because it is irresistible for me >.<


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Chapter 3: o god it's freaking cute!
Chapter 3: aww this was cute :)
if you don't mind, may i offer a tip? when someone new talks, make a new paragraph ^^ it makes it easier for the reader to distinguish who is talking, and it looks better :D
but really, this was just asdfghjkl ;; adorable~
shoutsandmurmurs #3
Oh em gee.


So. Frickin. Cute.

Chapter 2: Huhuhu , waeee jongin weeeee! Stop and listen to kyungie first . Omg , please update soon . He blames kyungie for distancing . He's the one who always away from him . This is so sad .