Hidden feelings

Because Of Parents


“Do you want a divorce?” Jinki finally asked.


Soojung who tried hard to hold back her tears from falling in front of someone he loved. Trying to find the words to answered. Although, she didn’t know how long she can hold her tears from streaming down. “D-do you?” she asked back- painfully.


“W-why would I?” Jinki quickly denies. He loved his wife so much. Why he should do that?!


“So do I?” Soojung denies too. She loved her husband too much, even though Jinki doesn’t know about it. Same as soojung who doesn’t know what kind of his real feeling to her.


It suddenly went quiet in the usually. Until Jinki decided to stop this situation by saying,

“I don’t know Soojung..You look-…eum…“ Jinki was cut off by himself then, looked deep in thought again.

“I look like what?” she asked-curiously while raising her eyebrows.

“Looks like you suffer living with me… I just don’t want to see you cry again, Soojung…” Jinki explained. Soojung widened her eyes after, hearing an honest explanation from Jinki. He thought I was crying because I live with him?!

Misunderstanding of the feelings that we experience.


“Look jinki, listen to me now. I… I’m happy living with you until Now. So… don’t think I cried-hard because I suffer.” Soojung explained back to her husband who looks like more confused.

“So, what is it soojung? Why did you cry?” he asked the same questioned as before again.

“Do you really wanna know?” she asked to make sure, that he wouldn’t laugh because the answer. In a while, jinki nodded slowly.

“What if I said, I thought the same thing as you? I thought you suffer because had to live with Me.” she answered slowly. Worries briefly. Embarrassing.

Jinki looked surprised after hearing that. He turned to look into her eyes then giving her sweet smile. Soojung replied with the beautiful smile of hers too. Without their knowledge, they actually love each other.





“Soojung,” he called lightly, cringing as his voice shattered the serene, comfortable silence that had previously blanketed them.  He took a deep breath, his grip too tight on the steering wheel as he glanced sideways at his wife.

Soojung looked up, smiling softly and beautiful. Making her look utterly wonderfull. 


“Would you like..t-to go out with m-me?” he stutter-trailed off, losing his nerve, and venturedhis wife's eyes.

Soojung smile grew. She really had beautiful and adorable face. Makes jinki’s heart jumped from the place.


“I’d love to” she answered slowly.  Their faces turned red after, their eyes met for long as a smile entered.

“Well, I'll take you to college tomorrow and we can go after you done it. I mean, I'll pick you up too. H-how is that? “ Jinki asked once again.


“Sounds good!” she agreed with a big smile. Jinki’s too. They’re really can’t wait for tomorrow. Their first date.






The Next Day


Fall is already beginning but the weather isn't cold enough yet that she had to cover herself with bag. She look around nervously at the leaves changing color. Look around,  to find someone she has been waiting. Lee Jinki. Her husband.

When she was about to re-check the time, eventually a bunch of guys walk towards her, swaying from side to side. They’re drunk. And Soojung shivered once she noticed it. Quickly she took out her phone from her pocket, trying to call Jinki. But even before she get it out of her pocket, a hand snatch hers forcefully.

“G-get off! What are you doing?!” growls Soojung, trying to be brave but actually so scared.

“Come on, pretty chic! Come with us to have fun~ don’t worry! We will deliver you home after that…” said one of them. erted look painted all over those drunk guys.

Soojung started to panic and scared when she realized that her strength wasn’t enough to fight back these guys. She’s just hoping that someone would save her right now. If she had been succeed to be brought along with these drunk guys, it’s not impossible that she will never see Jinki again.

“J-Jinki… help me…” she silently cried.

Tears falling to her cheeks when the guys dragged her to a rotten van. She noticed the van and starts to fight back again, pleading to be released. But what can she do… the three drunk guys were so strong compared to herself.






A yell interrupted the three drunk guys. The guys and also Soojung immediately look at the one with the voice, and they found a guy with a caramel brown hair standing straight not too far from their place. 'I-is that Jinki?!' *soojung wishes*


The tears start to fall again even more. But her chest feels lighter once she knew that Jinki is coming to save her.


“W-WHO ARE YOU?! D-DON’T INTERRUPT OUR FUN!” protests one of them.


“In the count of five, cops will come here to arrest all of you! Now you only have two choices. First, fight me and jail still waiting for you! Or, release my wife and I will let you run away from here! You don’t have much time. If you still want to get my wife, you’re still going to go to jail. Because fighting with me will need a lot of time!” offered Jinki.

The three drunk guys looks like they’re going to give in. Jinki didn’t let them to think too long, but the two choices are as bad.

“O-Okay, w-we choose the second choice! Here’s your wife!!” yelled one of the guys as he pushed Soojung away to Jinki’s direction. And they quickly disappeared from their sight.




Without another waiting, Soojung instantly run to Jinki and hug him tightly. Her cry exploded after she got into her husband’s warm peacefull hug. “I-I’m scared…” she mumbled. And her face, obviously showing her extreme frightens.

Jinki took a deep breath. Before finally taking a new step to calm Soojung down with caressing his wife’s back gently. “I-I’m sorry I’m late… it’s better if we go home now!” offers Jinki.

Soojung nods slowly before finally followed Jinki to his car. Before they could enter the car, loud siren could be heard along with the drunk guys’ voice. The police easily could catch those bunch of guys who wanted to do something bad to Soojung.

When Soojung finally succeed to enter the car with Jinki. She took a glance at Jinki who was smirking to see the view from the rear view mirror. Then back focus to start the car and leave Soojung’s campus building.



In the way home, Jinki cant stop worrying about Soojung’s condition. Her face was so pale and her skin was so cold, even Jinki could find her shivering once a while. Rain falling from few minutes ago quite hard. It makes Jinki need to focus on the road but also on his wife.

“Soojung… a-are you okay?” asked Jinki gently as he showed her his worried expression that never left his handsome face.

Soojung could only shake her head slowly to response Jinki’s question. She doesn’t want to make Jinki become worried with her condition. The only thing she really hates in the world is making people worried about her. For her, if the worry appeared, it will bring burden to the people around her. And Soojung hates it too. She doesn’t want to be a burden to people, especially the one that she loves so much.

“I-I’m sorry. It’s because of me we cannot go today…” soojung said guiltily. Her eyes keep falling on her lap. Avoiding eye contact with Jinki. In hear heart, she feels like maybe Jinki was a little bit disappointed of her.

“S-Soojung, the only one who need to say sorry is me. It’s because I’m late. About the day… w-we can do that next time!” Jinki was trying to calm Soojung down with his words.

But still. Soojung cannot forget her own recklessness. Date with Jinki is the thing she wanted so much after they get married. Especially, after Soojung also realized her own feeling to Jinki. How dumb she was, missed all of that because-




Before Soojung could even finish blaming herself, a hand grip her own tightly. The muscular arm was trying to make her anxiety go away. Soojung staring at the owner of the hand and feeling a little bit relaxed when Jinki show her his signature smile. Make her wanna jumped from the high building and die in this handsome guy eyes.

That smile is very heartwarming… so joyful…

“It’s okay, Soojung. Y-you’re okay now…” said Jinki softly. Those words were enough to make Soojung’s body went weak. She went silent for a while to see Jinki’s sudden behavior. Awkward, but sweet at the same time.

Now she’s no longer scared. Because she knows, she’s not alone anymore. She’s with Jinki. Her husband. Anywhere she is, as long as Jinki was with her. She will never feel scared to anything anymore.




Rain still falling hard. Even when they’re already reach the apartment lobby, the weather forced them to get a little bit soaked to reach the lobby.

“Soojung, I will go out first and I will get you an umbrella! Stay here okay~” said Jinki then quickly run away from the car. But before Jinki could step out, Soojung’s hand reach his arm after they held hands not so long ago.

Jinki raised an eyebrow, confused. “N-no need Jinki! Let me go with you, we can get in together.” Explain Soojung.

“But-” Jinki tried to protest. He knows that Soojung’s condition right now isn’t that good. But Soojung still stubbornly want to go with him. And without saying much, Jinki just agreeing her wife’s plead.

He slides out of the car and run to the other side. After Soojung opened the door slowly. Jinki spread his own hoodie above Soojung so she wouldn’t get too soaked. Even though it’s no use, it’s still something very sweet for Soojung.

And they ran inside in a fast pace.




“Here!” shouted Jinki while handing a dry towel to his wife once they reach their room.

“G-gomawo” mumbled Soojung.



Few seconds later, when Soojung and Jinki still busy drying themselves off, Jinki heard Soojung coughing and sneezing. He starts to get worried again and approach her to see her condition.

“Soojung, are you okay?” he asked as he put his palm on her forehead, checking her temperature. And Soojung find it very warming even though it’s just a touch from Jinki’s hand.

Jinki helped her dry her long hair off. Soojung feels like they’re really husband and wife at the moment. (Since when this status is a lie?)But still… it’s real. Soojung and Jinki feel that when they do this, it feels like they’re really in love to each other.


“Seems like you get cold, I’ll get you some medicine after you finish shower! I will be in the living room if you need something okay?” Jinki said softly. His attention really makes her like him even more. Before Jinki could even walk away, she reach out her hand to grab him. Ask him to not leave.

“T-tonight… sleep with me. c-can you?.. p-please?” Soojung begged.

Jinki gaped at the moment, but slowly turned soften. Of course, he will gladly grant his wife’s wish. And it’s impossible to let Soojung alone in this big room when she’s not feeling well.

Besides, Soojung is the only one that he loves so much.

“O-okay. I’ll sleep with you tonight. Now, get showered! I will get you medicines and you can sleep afterwards…” Jinki said softly. Soojung nod slowly then walk to the bathroom.






*sorry for late update, I lost my translator L cause, her laptop is risk! Eum, I will make sure to you guys. I will continue this story, until the end. So, don’t worry and wait for the next update okay! I want your comment too ^o^ *



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Chapter 5: wow, it's simple but so sweet
i can feel their feeling each other
good job, thor^^
rizukawaii #2
Chapter 5: hello ariani!
i've just finished reading ur story, i think u did it well

jujur gw sih bacanya enjoy2 aja, ga terlalu terpengaruh grammar
yang penting penyampaian isi cerita dan plotnya
mauuu dong baca lagi fic onstalmu~
blogmu apa? hehehe
oh, and i hope u won't give up to write more english fic author-nim~
if u weren't confident with ur english fic then i don't know what i'm gonna do with mine, bcoz i think your english is much better than me...
Chapter 5: woww, i think i love this last chapter the most.. you know how to make it interesting author-nim.. there are so much emotion involve in this chapter, romantic, funny, jealousy, sad, n happy just in one chapter..

thanks 4 ur hardwork~
and thanks 4 mentioning me in your note, hihi...
Chapter 4: wowwwwwwwwwwwwww
aww, they share their first time together as husband n wife, i love this kind of story... thanks to their parents, now onew n krystal possess each other completely... waiting for their baby now, he2..
but i'm a little sad knowing next chapter is the last.. but it's okay, just hoping u'll make more onstal story author-nim..
thanks 4 ur hardwork.. onstal ftw..
Chapter 3: love the fic.... hope u update soon ~~
i hope they realize soon that they love each other... i hope they act more like a married couple next chapter.. i mean more romantic scene and more fluff please, he2.. i love this story..
thanks 4 update~
n waiting 4 more update soon please~
Wow! This is nice!
Update soon ....
crystalkey #10
onstal <3
oh please make them together ;__;