OH NO!!!!!!

You Totally A Jerk


"y y yo you you what?" you ask eunkyung. 'oh i'm doom right now if junhyung oppa know about this.Oppa absolutely

will kill them when he know what happen here. Aigoo na ottokae?' you thought

"i'm doojoon oppa little sister,and why did you scared so much?" eunkyung said and looking at you weird..

"then did you told oppa what happen to me yesterday do you?" you ask eunkyung but eunkyung just grinning at you.

"hmm nope. i don't tell oppa anything about you and he didn't know that i will school in here besides

if i was you too i will not tell them either because i know what they will do to them that bully you or me. Oppa and his friends 

absolutely will kill them if they know about this right?" eunkyung said and you just be silent thinking what you 

should said. "hmm that's right but why didn't you go to the same school as your brother?" you ask eunkyung.

"hey it's me the one that should ask you about it but for me it's just because i don't like people to know that i'm his

little sister and being in the centre of attention." eunkyung said and she looking at you and waiting for your answer

"me? maybe same like you but i don't like people see me as junhyung oppa little sister,

 i want them to see me as me not junhyung oppa little sister is that difficult for them to see me as me and not

because i'm a nerd but truthfully this is the way i am being a nerd and don't want to talk to somebody

else beside you and the other member of B2ST". eunkyung can feel the way you feel right now but all she can do is just hug you

and comfort you. "well let's promise each other that we can't tell our oppa about this Promise?" eunkyung said and she held her

pinky promise and you reach her hand and do the same. "promise hehe" you said and she pinch your cheek 

because she can see that you are so cute "aigoo you are so cute but you can call me unnie because i'm older than you by

4 months earlier hehe if you want to?" eunkyung said "hmm that's okay for me to calling you unnie and i like you too"

you said and both of you go out from the bathroom and go to your class as your class is about to start.



"everyone i would like to introduced you guys to the new students. Boys you can come in now." Mrs Kim said and she welcome

our new classmate and they is..........

"you guys can introduce yourself now" said Mrs Kim to the boys that one of them have a blue hair and the other one

have a red hair..

"hello i'm ricky" the blue hair one said "and i'm changjo" the red hair said..

"you guys can go to sit at your place right now and we can continue our lesson today" said Mrs Kim.



'hmm today we have another new students' you thought and when you look at the new students you seems 

surprise and scare because they the one that bumped into you in front school.

' i'm doom again and why is it in many class in this school have to be mine and the thing is they are two person will be

in this class' you thought and let a big sigh.

"_______-ah they seems familiar to me don't you think so? ask eunkyung and she sit beside me..

"unnie they the one that bully me earlier" you said and you keep your head down..

"oh really why didn't you tell me?" eunkyung said and you still keep your head down..



When you still keep your head down Ricky and changjo walk beside you and sit behind you.

"changjo-ah don't you think that the girl sit in front of us seems familiar?" ricky said and he look at your back..

"molla let just be quite and i want to sleep" changjo said and he put his head on the table and sleep.

then the class continue like always but you still can't focus on the lesson.




"hyung why didn't you bring your car instead of riding bus?" ask yoseob and he run towards junhyung..

"my key lose this morning and i can't find it anywhere and ________ said i should ride bus with her". junhyung said and he still

frustrated because of his car. "hyung seems like he will burst anytime when he like that right doojoon hyung?" said dongwoon

and he want to avoid junhyung or he will get punch by junhyung..

"junhyung-ah you should be happy that _______ still be with you and you're not alone in the bus." said doojoon but junhyung 

just silent and let out a big groan and it make scare to be near him..

"hyung i think it must be _______ hide his key bacause she want hyung to get punish because of yesterday don't

you think like that?" said gikwang and everyone rolled their eyes at him and it means that he should keep his mouth shut.

"okay i will shut up now" gikwang said and he go to yoseob playing games with him.. 

'aish i need to let out my anger so i can relax' junhyung thought..

"hyung i need to go somewhere and i will be back later maybe not." said junhyung and he go out from their hideout..

"i bet that junhyung want to do something that he can let his frustrated out or he can't stay relax and not do something" 

yoseob said and they follow junhyung behind him without he realise.



KRIIINNGGGGG recess time. You and eunkyung go to the loker and keep you things first before they went to the canteen but 

someone block them.

"where did you think your going nerd?" said eunhye the queenka at that school..

"move eunhye i don't want to pick a fight with you so just leave me alone" you said and she look 

surprised because this is your first time to go against her..

"wow wow wow look everyone the only nerd in our school fight back for the first time to me" eunhye said in a loud voice.

Everyone stop and looking at you and eunkyung they laught when eunhye said that..

"what is your problem _______doesn't even do something to you but why did you always want to make a  mess

with her?" said eunkyung and she hide you behind her..

"aahhh now i know where that nerd learn to. It must be from you, ohh girl how could you teach our poor

nerd to go against me" eunhye said with sarcastic voice... "it's not her that teach me, that because of i can't stand it anymore

when you always bother me when i don't even do anything to you" you said and that make other students surprised with your

word. Without you guys realise it Teen top was there too and watching a fight between you guys and that amuse them

when you the nerd know how to fight back.

"now i'm warning you to off or i will make you off with my own way" you said and that make your anger boiled and 

eunkyung can see someone else inside you that she can't realize it. 'oh my i need to control my anger or not it will be worse'

you thought.

"how dare you to talk like that to the queenka in this school" she said and she want to slap you but you can catch her hand

before she can slap you.

"looks like i've give a damn about that" you said and you throw her hand at the locker that make her surprise and winch a bit

because you throw her hand so hard..

RIIINNGGGG the bell ringing and it means that recess time end..

"now look at what did you do i can't even get my lunch just because of you" you said and walk away with




"i don't know that you have your brother attitude and it makes me surprise so much" eunkyung said..

"shussshhh slow down your voice or people will know about it" you said and close so she can't talk anymore..

"yahhh.. How dare you do that to your unnie?" eunkyung said and shove your hand from ..

"unnie you are too loud that people will hear you and they will know about it.." you said and it makes eunkyung realize it..

"ohh mianhae i forgot about that" she said..

'gosh i need to learn how to control my anger.. Thanks to you oppa because i got your attitude' you thought and let a big sign.



When i want to go to the canteen and eat my lunch i saw that everyone were gather and it's look like there is someone fighting.

Just when i want to walk away i saw the nerd girl this morning at that place.

"hyung don't you think we should watch first. It's a big opportunity for us to watch girls fighting right?" Ricky said and everyone

agree with him. I've seen that nerd girl can fight back to the queenka and she even hurt her. She has the skill to fight

but why is she being a nerd. 

'wow i don't know that nerd like her can be like that but her face look so familiar' ljoe thought 

' think i will play with her after this and look how she react with that?' ljoe thought and smirk.

"hyung what did you thinks? you must been have something in your head when smirk like that?" 

ask niel and he just ignore him. "let's go to the class guys and ljoe don't fight again. Yesterday's fight still

hurt me and i don't want to fight till my bruise disappear and i want to gain my energy back." said CAP he walk to his class.

'aish this hyung how he can be so weak?' ljoe thought.

"yeah hyung yesterday fight still make me hurt and till then i will take a revenge on them. What they call them monsters or 

BEAST whatever it is their name ." said Ricky.

"fine fine but it's not like i will fight with the men but i want to make a mess with that nerd girl since she make my hand that 

hurt yesterday become worst" said ljoe and they don't want to know about it because they know when ljoe want to do something

he will do it no matter what and it's useless when they say not to him  because he will do it anyway.

"whatever ljoe-ah but don't hurt her she seems nice" said chunji.

"hyung did you like her already?" ask ljoe and he rolled his eye on chunji.

"no, why should i like her? she's a nerd and i will not like her" said chunji and he went it his class.

"hyung i want to go to the class now bye" said niel and so do ricky and changjo..

"just go but i want to skip class today because i'm so boring" ljoe said.



"wahh school end already and i want to go home with my brother since he did not bring his car today" you said

and stretch your hand and unfortunately your hand land at changjo head and it makes he up from his sleep.

"aigoo i'm so sorry i forgot that you guys sit here" you said and you immediately stand up and bow to him..

"aish this nerd how dare you to touch my hair?" said changjo and he stared at you..

"i'm so sorry i didn't realize it. Please forgive me" you beg him and he just stand up and walk away.

'huh that's so close and i think i will dead again' you thought and you pack your things.

"_______-ah what did you mean that you will be back with your brother today and what if they see you with

junhyung oppa" eunkyung ask you.

"because i hide his key and i keep it in my pocket hehehe.." you said and show her your brother key..

"but why did you do that?"eunkyung ask..

"because i was punish him unnie. Yesterday they got into fight and they sleep at my house with bruise at their face"

you said and make eunkyung surprise. "so that is why oppa doesn't come home yesterday because they have fight and

he stay at your house?" ask eunkyung and you just nodded.

"not even like that they always go to my house when school's end and they always hang out at my house too unnie" you said 

and chuckle when you see eunkyung face..

"i want to go to your house today can i?" ask eunkyung

"of course you can come unnie" you said and you guys go to the bus station..



"i bet that oppa already at home right now because i can see so many shoes at my front door" you said and you bring eunkyung 

inside. "urmm ________-ah what happen to your house now?" ask eunkyung when she step into your house.

















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hunmi94 #1
Chapter 51: Update please...its makin me crazy...huhuhu...hope that will get her reward next time...i really want to punch that ,it make me annoyed...anyway,please update...byee
Chapter 51: How about if Eunhye accidentally meet Junhyung? They fall in love to each other. First sight love, maybe. Eunhye know about junhyung is gangster in group Beast but she did not know that he is ___'s brother. While for Junhyung, he did not know that girl is dongjun's dongsaeng from ze:a and she is the one who hurting his beloved dongsaeng.

For example, Eunhye had to go to Jeju. Why? Maybe for class trip...for queenka. Hahaha, just kidding. ^_^ .
Not class trip but having fun there. For two days, one night. With L.Joe only. Without Beast, Infinite and Teen Top. Or anyone that know about L.Joe and Eunhye. Eunhye 'kidnap' him to have there. And of course, no one from those three gangsters group do not know about this.
While having fun there, Junhyung and Doojoon are in Jeju too. For company problems and work.
At night, after dinner, eunhye and LJoe go watching firework... just imagine where you want and how.
While watching firework, LJoe ran away from eunhye silently. She love fireworks!
After the fireworks end, she look around. LJoe is missing. She sighed. She know L.Joe's heart is for ____. She just felt jealous.
Why ___ the nerd got close and being love with hot gangster guys?
Having crush with a member from Beast make her life hard. Her brother's group, Ze:a is enemy with Beast. How she want to survive? Then L.Joe and Teen Top were moved to her school. Tried to distract herself from liking her crush, she found LJoe look alike with Junhyung. A bit..^^
But then, L.Joe love ___.
Her heart broken.
Why this happened to her! She want L.Joe no matter what. Actually why dongjun is helping her for her revenge, that is because dongjun like _____. It's not all girl can fight with a gangster. Dongjun found out it's amazing. But of course he will not telling anyone including zea. They will mock him..

What do you think? Sorry, I'm just bored. >_<
Salam perkenalan utk awak kalau awak org Malaysia.

16 February 2015~~waiting for Niel Teen Top debut as a solo singer.
Skatergirl #3
Please update i really enjoy to read your story! But i miss the old font it was easier to read ; )
KpopAddict28 #4
Chapter 51: please update soon !!! I LOVEEEE YOUR STORYYY !!! :) :) :)
kimsumin #5
Chapter 51: unnie sorry to say.... No matter how goos youe story plot is,i think u should focus more on your grammatical errors.... Sorry if i'm being too blunt because that is my natue...
Btw, love your fic
Chapter 51: Huwaaaa,, what's gonna happen next??
Author-nim, where is junhyung oppa? miss him. Hahhaahha
love ur story ^^
Chapter 51: Please update soon...... Keke :)
I like this story very much and I also wonder how she is going to react when she finds out that L.Joe was just pretending.......:)
Sitinuraisyyah #8
Chapter 51: ohhhh please update pleaseeeeee :c
SHINeewolrd #9
Chapter 51: Please update !! ^^