
You Totally A Jerk


You fall asleep and when you woke up it was already 6 pm and you were late for making dinner for your brother 

before you go to the kitchen you showered first then you went downstairs..

When you were about to enter the kitchen you saw you brother and his friends asleep at the living room

and you saw that their face are full of bruises



"OMG i fell asleep, i should cook for oppa when he gets back from his school together with the other oppas"

you said and you jump from your bed and go to the bathroom.. After that you went downstairs and just when you were about to enter

the kitchen you spotted your brother and the others asleep at the living room..

'hmmm oppa always bring them to his room but why are they sleeping here?' you thought but then you see something on your 

brother's face so you went closer to him and to your surprise, your brother's face has a bruise and so do the others so you wake them up not in a nice way but by shouting at them.

"OPPAS WAKE UP NOW!!!!!!" you shout at them

they are so shock that doojoon,gikwang and dongwoon fall on the ground from the sofa.

yoseob's and junhyung's head knocked the onto table.

"what the ing hell is it going on, i'm tired let me sleep more" said junhyung and you were shocked at him and you smacked his head..

"what did you just say oppa? ing hell? did you curse? and what happened to your face?" said you and you smacked his head one more time..

"you guys wake up too or i will throw you guys out of my house" and they wake up immediately but not your brother..

"aish this lazy oppa. Yong Jun Hyung wake up NOW!." you shout at him and he immediately woke up

he knows that when you start calling him by his name means that you are very mad right now..

"did you guys fight again?" you ask them but they just keep quiet and point at junhyung. 

you rolled your eyes at him but he just gulped and keep his head down.

he knows that when you angry you can become very serious and scary..

"urmm i..i... urmm" junhyung stuttered.

"what is it oppa? say it or you will get punishment from me and you know that it will become worse" you threatened your brother

and he immediately said " they started it first and they even made a mess at my territory. You know that i hate people who make a mess at my place" junhyung said and they nod and agreed with junhyung...

"ohh!!!" there a silent between them but you broke it and ask them

"who won?" you ask with a excited voice then they grinned and told you the whole story..

" of course we did" said dongwoon and he hi-5 with yoseob.

"you know that we are strong and one of them have a bad injury on their hand" said gikwang and he laughed with them..

"hmm that's good to hear that you guys won but you guys still get punishment from me" you smirked and they stoppped laughing after hearing you say that..

"your punishment is you guys not allowed to eat today and junhyung oppa you will not get any food till tomorrow" you said and you wnet into the kitchen. They just stayed silent and made a sad face..

'hmm they must be so hungry i should make them food eventhough i don't like them to fight' you thought as you prepare dinner for them..

"oppa take the other oppas to your room and shower first so that i can put some ointment on your faces " you said and made them to go upstairs..



'aish why is it my sister so scary when she starts to get angry and i even get punishment from her. This is a bad thing'

"hyung your sister is too scary i'm afraid of her just now" said dongwoon and sat on junhyung's bed..

"i know right and i don't know where she got that attitude from" junhyung said and scratched his head.

All of them look at junhyung and they made a ' dude are you serious that you don't know ' face in front of junhyung..

"why are you guys looking at me like that?" ask junhyung while giving them a blur face..

"i don't know that you such a pabo hyung" gikwang said and he went to take a shower..

"what does it mean that i'm pabo?" asked junhyung and they just ignored him and mind their own business..

"Yah i'm talking to you guys, answer me" said junhyung but they still ignored him..

To them you are more scary than junhyung.

"fine then don't talk to me after this" junhyung sulked and pout like a baby..

"doojoon hyung did you see junhyung's face just now? ask hyungseung and they immediately looking at junhyung...

"puahahahahaha junhyung's face is so funny when he do that hahahahahaha" said yoseob as he laughed while holding his stomach.. The other members laughed at him too but then gikwang finished his shower and it's junhyung's turn to shower..




'why are they still not done showering yet?' you thought 

"aish oppa why do you always make trouble. Don't you know that i'm so worried about you" you mumbled alone at the kitchen..

After 30 minutes they all went to the living room.

You came with the first aid kit in your hand and you put the some medicine at their faces.

"ouch,ouch _______-ah please be gentle it hurt so much" said doojoon but you ignored him

After him you went to the others too but when it was your brother's turn, you put it on roughly..

"________-ah don't be so rough it hurts so much" junhyung beg you but you still ignore him

Then you turn to yoseob and the others too..

"done you guys can go eat now but junhyung oppa there is no food for you tomorrow arraseo?" you said and you went to your bedroom to do your homework..



Done for chapter 2 i hope that you guys can leave some comment and

give me your opinions about this chapter and i will edit it..

I apologize for some grammar mistake that I've done

Hope you enjoy it ^_^



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hunmi94 #1
Chapter 51: Update please...its makin me crazy...huhuhu...hope that will get her reward next time...i really want to punch that ,it make me annoyed...anyway,please update...byee
Aiana1808 #2
Chapter 51: Oh my god please update soon!!!! I REALLY LOVE Your Fic... I need to know of what's going to happen
Chapter 51: How about if Eunhye accidentally meet Junhyung? They fall in love to each other. First sight love, maybe. Eunhye know about junhyung is gangster in group Beast but she did not know that he is ___'s brother. While for Junhyung, he did not know that girl is dongjun's dongsaeng from ze:a and she is the one who hurting his beloved dongsaeng.

For example, Eunhye had to go to Jeju. Why? Maybe for class trip...for queenka. Hahaha, just kidding. ^_^ .
Not class trip but having fun there. For two days, one night. With L.Joe only. Without Beast, Infinite and Teen Top. Or anyone that know about L.Joe and Eunhye. Eunhye 'kidnap' him to have there. And of course, no one from those three gangsters group do not know about this.
While having fun there, Junhyung and Doojoon are in Jeju too. For company problems and work.
At night, after dinner, eunhye and LJoe go watching firework... just imagine where you want and how.
While watching firework, LJoe ran away from eunhye silently. She love fireworks!
After the fireworks end, she look around. LJoe is missing. She sighed. She know L.Joe's heart is for ____. She just felt jealous.
Why ___ the nerd got close and being love with hot gangster guys?
Having crush with a member from Beast make her life hard. Her brother's group, Ze:a is enemy with Beast. How she want to survive? Then L.Joe and Teen Top were moved to her school. Tried to distract herself from liking her crush, she found LJoe look alike with Junhyung. A bit..^^
But then, L.Joe love ___.
Her heart broken.
Why this happened to her! She want L.Joe no matter what. Actually why dongjun is helping her for her revenge, that is because dongjun like _____. It's not all girl can fight with a gangster. Dongjun found out it's amazing. But of course he will not telling anyone including zea. They will mock him..

What do you think? Sorry, I'm just bored. >_<
Salam perkenalan utk awak kalau awak org Malaysia.

16 February 2015~~waiting for Niel Teen Top debut as a solo singer.
Skatergirl #4
Please update i really enjoy to read your story! But i miss the old font it was easier to read ; )
KpopAddict28 #5
Chapter 51: please update soon !!! I LOVEEEE YOUR STORYYY !!! :) :) :)
kimsumin #6
Chapter 51: unnie sorry to say.... No matter how goos youe story plot is,i think u should focus more on your grammatical errors.... Sorry if i'm being too blunt because that is my natue...
Btw, love your fic
Chapter 51: Huwaaaa,, what's gonna happen next??
Author-nim, where is junhyung oppa? miss him. Hahhaahha
love ur story ^^
Chapter 51: Please update soon...... Keke :)
I like this story very much and I also wonder how she is going to react when she finds out that L.Joe was just pretending.......:)
Sitinuraisyyah #9
Chapter 51: ohhhh please update pleaseeeeee :c
SHINeewolrd #10
Chapter 51: Please update !! ^^