The Pursued

My little Lion.

  Yoseob could not stop thinking about the guy who he had met a few weeks ago at the ice cream shop, after all, he was a little bit different. Okay that the way he kept looking at him bothered Yoseob a little, but something inside him liked having that boy watching him. Another thing he could not get his head: Those lips. Those beautiful lips.
  Yoseob was smiling in the corners every time he remembered the other boy, and it was something automatic, he could not help it, and let his thoughts be dominated by the young.

- I wanted to know his name ... - whispered.

- Whose name?

He was sitting at the computer at the store where he worked, and it was only him and the manager, the rest of the attendants were out to lunch.

- Oh, a guy I met in the ice cream shop ... one day ...

- Hmm - The manager replied. - Is that ice cream that has the other side of the park? If it was, I know some people who go there.


  Yoseob's eyes
sparkled. It was something perfect, he would know who was the boy who had fallen in love with at first sight.

- Really. - Said the manager - How does he looks like, hm?

- Well .. - Yoseob responded with a huge smile on his face. - I don't know much ... but he is strong! Today before coming here I saw him, he was resting under a tree in the park, he runs every morning, err... he have black hair... but I think that's kind useless right? Hehe. Hmm .. him has full lips - "The most beautiful I've ever seen..." - I believe that's it ... - Sighed. - Please ... help me find out who he is ...

  The manager laughed, he found funny Yoseob's passionate way, and a kind cute. He wanted to help him, so he sat in front of the computer and entered a strange site. There he began to search between faces and names, until, for a moment, Yoseob's heart beat faster and he shout.

- HERE! - Pointed to the monitor. - IS HIM!

The manager clicked on the photo that the boy had pointed, and then went into his profile.

- Lee Gi Kwang-... KiKwang! - The young man smiled. - It's him!!

-Aish ... - Sighed the manager. - Of all the boys you could fall in love ... why him?

The young man, who was happy and jumping before, stayed static, with a face of doubt.

- Why do you say that?

- This guy ... - The manager Sighed. - This guy is naughty ... He seduces several girls from this site, have with them and then disappears ... and he always does it, with each week is a different one. I think he would not give you a chance ... he likes women. And even if you're very lucky and he wants to have something with you, I would not let it happen. This guy ... he is problem.

  With eyes full of tears and paying attention to what the manager said, Yoseob stared at the floor, asking to that be a lie.

- Yoseob ... - The manager stood up hugged the boy. He knew that he would start crying. - I do not wanna see you sad or suffering for an idiot like this ... you can be 22, but you still have the way of a child ... This guy is those who never say "I love you"... now you ... you are sweet and silly... and you are that person who says it on the first date!

  Yoseob was holding back tears. The manager was right, he was a child. A child who falls in love easily, who likes romantic things, who was needy for attention and loved to be spoiled. If the manager had said that, it was true. Yoseob trusted him too much, he was always right.

- Alright ... I ... I'll stay away from him. At least until I'm sure it will not feel anything but friendship for him ...

- Very good! Now, go home, it's getting late. You can leave here, I'll close everything.

  The young man said goodbye, grabbed his coat and went to the door, leaving the music store.

walked through town to his apartment. His thoughts, not so happy, were still on KiKwang. How could a person be that way? He looked like a completely different person than that his manager said. It seemed a perfect guy, kind, friendly, and had a beautiful smile ... People like that hadn't a smile like his. And both times that they were together, it was something magical to Yoseob. The feeling of being together with Kikwang was something beautiful. His heart was racing, he just smile at him. He couldn't stay without smiling, was inevitable.

"Why do you have to be ... so? "

  He went through the front of the shops and noticed the Christmas decorations. The shops were full of flashing lights and drew the attention of people that passed by. It was a perfect time to fall in love. "I want him ... but ... " again came the urge to cry. He did not accept the fact that the perfect guy have to be that way, but he could do nothing.
  He arrived home and ran into the bedroom, throwing himself on the bed. He let out a soft sigh, after all, he was tired. Working in a music store is very tiring. The boy is instructed to
answer the customers and arrange the shelves, each organized by musical style, and each band or singer in alphabetical order.

- So tired ... I wanted so badly a massage right now ...

  He looked at the side of the bed and wondered Kikwang there, lying, watching him with a beautiful smile. Yoseob imagined him sitting on his and starting to make a perfect massage. With a malicious smile on the face, he noticed what he was thinking, and shook his head slightly, trying to ward off thoughts. He let out a small sigh and turned out the light.
  The next morning, Yoseob didn't take the path through the park, he went by the path of the commerce, he did not want to accidentally meet Kikwang. He would feel embarrassed and the feelings that he was struggling to forget were still very recent. As his manager had said, that guy was very vulgar.
  He had a smile on his face, was a beautiful morning, the birds were singing, a good
December breeze was beating against Yoseob's face, and something  on Yoseob's mind was saying that it would be a great day!

- GOOD MORNING! - Shouted the young man when he entered the store. - It's a beautiful day and I feel good!

Two attendants greeted Yoseob and returned to their activities. The young man went to the cash desk, sitting next to the manager. He looked at him and smiled.

- Good morning, sir!

- Look at that ... - Answered. - It looks like someone woke up in a good mood!

- Yes! After all ... Tomorrow is Christmas Eve! And in a moment many customers will show up for us! Then, the mood should be impeccable!

The first customers were a group of three girls. They were always there to talk to Yoseob about music, concerts ... they were so close that they even took photos
together. Their friendship was fun, but never left the music store.

  The boy went to arrange some new CDs that had come in the shop in the display, and ended up giving a quick look ahead at the cafe, until he saw him. KiKwang was sitting there, drinking a bottle of water. His body was all sweaty, his muscles were well defined, and the sweat joined with the water that escaped from his lips and went down by his body. That scene left Yoseob a little ... excited. He took off his coat desperately and tied around his waist, trying to hide the small volume that had formed in his pants. He was red with embarrassment and continued to arrange the CDs at the shop's window, with a silly smile on his face. When him finished setting things up, he took another look at the cafe, he was no longer there. He let out a small sigh of relief and finally could take the coat out from his waist, since the volume was gone.
  It really was one busy day at the store, several people have come to buy Christmas presents.

- I'm exhausted ...

- I noticed, Yo! - Said one of the attendants. - The manager is gone, why do not you go home and let me close everything, hm?

  Without hesitating, Yoseob grabbed his coat that was thrown on the chair and said goodbye to those who was still in the store. He was really tired, so much that , he had not memory of how he got home.

  The next morning he had woken up a little late. He ran to the shower, took a bath, put on some clothes and ran to the store. The falt of that tiredness it was from the day before, and the dream that he had.
  The dream was with none other than Kikwang. It had been an dream, because, the way that Yoseob had awake and time that he did ... it must have been a very good dream.

"YOSEOB!he shouted to himself in his thoughts to ward off the image of the dream, the other young , all sweaty ... with pleasure ...


Arriving at the store, he took a deep breath and entered. He faced a customer looking classical CDs, a strange man with glasses, jacket and a cap. He felt something strange, as if he knew who was.

- Sorry for the delay ...

- Okay - spoke to the manager. - Now ... Go That answer customer!

Now not so tired, Yoseob had a feeling he knew who that guy was. "It must be just coincidence."

- Can I help you, sir?

- Yes you can. - When the customer turned, Yoseob realized who it was. Yes, it was Kikwang. But ... why was he like that? He found it funny and let out a silly smile. - How much i.... is this... cd?

It was impossible to forget that guy. When he tried, he invaded his thoughts, dreams and even to work.

- H. .. hi, Yoseob ...

- Hello, Kikwang.

He tried to act normal, as he always did with other customers.

- Yes .. how can I help you, hm?

He watched the other, he seemed to be in shock. He held the laughter, was finding the situation very funny.

- How do you know my name? - Kikwang asked. - I do not think I told you before ...

- No, you didn't. - Answered and turned to the cds. - I discovered some things about you ...

He gave a quick look at Kikwang, he seemed to be shaking and a bit lost in his thoughts.

"What is he thinking ...?"

- Go out with me.

- W-what?

Yoseob could feel his heart beating in a desperate rhythm, his hands were shaking more than before, he did not believe that. He wa the perfect guy... and he was asking Yoseob to go out. Really? He was not joking? He was nervous and didn't know what to say.

- I don't know ... you make me weird ... - Kikwang Said, followed by a slight sigh. - Please, go out with me ... I just want have ...

- Okay. I go out with you. - Answered with that smile silly him. - When?

- Tomorrow! - Kikwang answered a little exalted. - This is ... if you have nothing to do ...

  What was happening? Yoseob was confused. He wanted to ask why he was doing that, if he was sure of that ... he was full of questions, but did not know where to start.

-Tomorrow is Christmas Eve ...

- Oh, it's true ... - Kikwang Sighed. - I guess I'm so used to spend Christmas alone
that I forgot...

  A feeling of pity came over Yoseob. He did not like when people were alone on important days. He sighed and smiled at him.

- I'll go with you, just tell the time and where.

  Kikwang had opened a huge smile, which made Yoseob a little shy.

- Great! I'll get here at 5 pm, ok?

- Yep! - Smiled. - Just do not be late! I am very demanding.

  Laughter came from the lips of both. Yoseob was not believing what was happening. It would be a Christmas miracle? Things never happen right to him ... especially when it was about other men.

- I will not! See you tomorrow! -

  Kikwang approached Yoseob's face and gave him a tender kiss on his cheek, making theboy blush abruptly. Yoseob watched him leave the store, he was with a huge smile on his face, his heart was beating fast, he felt a desire to laugh at everything.
  He returned to the cash desk and found the manager and an attendant watching him.

- What happened there, hmmm? - Asked the attendant.

- I don't know ... - Replied, still looking at the door. - Maybe ... Christmas miracle.

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This cap is big! Translating!~~


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Chapter 4: My o My!This fic is so cute!!And now,Im so looking forward for the “First Date” or whatever you call it.haha.When are you going to update chapter 5?im really excited!!*screams*
jongkeyshippers #2
Chapter 4: OMG you finally update it ! Yey but yoseob should play a little hard to get or push pulling , why accepting kikwangs offer so easily aaa T.T please update soon love itttttt !
jongkeyshippers #3
Chapter 3: Omg cliffhangers !! Update soon ._. Love it !!
Kiki stop denying it!! XD
*heart failure (because it couldnt keep up with my excitement)*
jongkeyshippers #5
Chapter 2: OMG I love your story please update soon , please please please :(

Loll, im really excited for the next update!!~~