Chapter 2 Taemin meets Krystal

Intelligent and dumb.

Taemin's POV







As soon as my slow brain realised the words that came out of , i rushed to the door opened it and sprinted out.

WHERE IS IRINE?!!! I cant stay with a girl in a UNI. I have DIGNITY!!! Being a was the proudest thing i had achived, and i cant live with a girl- What if i get a bone- What if i get horn- 

(I'll let you imagine the ending of the sentence)

- That was all i could think of at the time, and damn, Things COULDN'T have gone better. Well technically. Thinking of the phrase it self, it couldn't have gone worse at all.


i got lost.

Now i lost my Dignity, and lost my trust of myself, i could'nt find my way out, whilst asking atleast a billion people for direction.

Well done Lee Taemin. Well done ... -.-

'Errr.' A faint voice whispered behind my ear.

'Could i help you?' 

I turend around, hearing that soft warming voice. My eyes glittered and shineed (you see what i did there?    shined- shinee. ......     . shineed. ...       no?     ..  oh...)  upon the beauty that stood infront of me. 

A girl, probably younger than me, with ravishing, glowing skin, and pink, y, kissable lips. Her posture, ever so posh yet laid back. Damn, this chick is hwaaat.

Krystal's POV.

So there i stood infront of this helpless lamb, bleating in agony. 'I should-... probably help him.' Was the first thing i thought, but things seemed like everything i did, i regreted it....

'Could i help you?' I asked to the back silloute of his rather skinny body.

He turned. Gosh. What a Cutie <3 

He glared at me, i glared back. I felt like it was love in first sight. No, wait- im not that naive.

'err- I need to find my way.' he said. ' i'm lost...' he blushed embarresed.

'oh. That's okay i'll help you! Where do you need to go?'

'Kinnda need to make my way to my dorm. The Celtic dorms? If you've heard of it.'

'Wow, the Celtic dorms? what kind of posh, cute, barbarian are you to place yourself there?'

, i wanted to take thoes word back in.

'Cute? Really?' He blushed. Completley ignoring the rest of the sentence.

A long pause.


Pause continues.


Pause continues


Pause is intrrupted.

'What? Barbarian? whadd'ya mean?'

Wow. He is sloooow.

'Sorry to bring it to you but that dorm is mainly for thoes rich delinquents or poor smart- who bought their to the uni.'

' But- im not a del-'

Cutting him short i grabbed ahold of his hand and walked foward.

'I'll just take you there', i said, accidently sounding agressive. Guilt fell in, to the way i said it and i turned around just to try and apologise for my rudeness. His face BRIGHT pink.

I directed my head straight foward without a moment to spare. Oh my god! He is so adorable! He is blushing because im holding his hand??? SO CUTE!

' erhhh em eeee ehhmmmm

Cleared my throat.

'I am krystal.' i swalloed in a ocean of air and breathed out.

'you...- you are?'

'Leh.. i mean LEEI.... no... LEE Taemin!!' he stuttered. 

Something bothered me as we walk this long neverending corridors of classes. Why the is he in pajamas? Forget it, he must be real dumb and crazy freak. Best not bother.

'Here is you're dorm and your room 77' i guided him. 

Amazed look in his face, he turned and thanked me so politley. As if he found his way home again after getting lost in another country. He REALLY doesn't have sense of direction. Whatever, dont have time to waste on him anymore, helped him, now i gotta go to the meeting.

'I'll be off' i waved.

'Ehh Thank you!!! Kansamida!' He screamed.

That's the last time i see him. chh.

Thats what i thought then. But since then, he's always been on my mind. i wonder why?

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