
Scared of Loving You

AN: Hi guys, sorry about the late update. I dunno if you'll like this chap. or not, but whatever xD WARNING: The chapter contains swearing :P

About two hours later, I was flying angrily towards Seoul. My next target was a twenty-three-year-old man, who had some happening to him after his girlfriend's death. Apparently, everyone blamed him for that or something like that.

His name was Kim Jonghyun, by the way. And why was I angry, some might wonder... Well, those very smart and kind people up there had decided that I should become a half-human, and guard this stupid Jonghyun guy with befriending him and things like that. Their idea was ing ridiculous, I just couldn't wrap my mind around it. They had chosen me, Key, the most anti-social Guardian Angel ever to befriend a human that had been hated by the people around him for some time now. I seriously thought that they were crazy, but sadly I just couldn't question their choice. If they told me to do that, I had to. It was as simple as that.

I sighed, finally finding a place where I could land. I had no idea where to go despite the fact that I had been given the address of my new, hopefully simply temporary home. It sort of seemed like the leaders or whoever they were had planned everything out at least days before I'd been told about my new mission. It was kind of creepy, if you ask me, but once again, I couldn't do anything about it.

After about another hour of flying, I finally a quiet, empty park. I landed gracefully, immediately making my wings disappear as I closed my eyes and concentrated on becoming visible for humans eyes. 'And now what?' I asked myself, kind of confused about what I should do. I knew that I had to go to my new address, but I didn't know how. I had been given some money, of course, and it seemed like someone had already applied for a waiter-job in my name (for reasons unknown to me), but I still had no idea where it was. I had been given very little information about where to go, most of what I had been told was about Jonghyun. It was weird, really. Honestly, I just had no idea why they had chosen me, and why now. It was pretty obvious that this decision hadn't been made on the spot. Something weird was going on, and I wanted to find out everything about it.

But first, I had to find my new flat. After hours of searching for it, I finally found it. My apartment was on the top floor, which was pretty convenient for flying out, if you ask me. And the place itself wasn't half bad either. Actually, I was quite impressed.

The living room was quite big for such a small apartment with a huge, leather couch and tall bookshelves filled with books I recognized. They had been mine. A long, long time ago. I was almost immediately drawn to them, gently touching running my fingers across their backs, a sad half-smile playing on my lips as I closed my eyes, recalling the times when I used to read them. I loved almost all of them, even if most of them were second-hand ones, since my family couldn't really afford new ones. I loved everything about them. The distinct scent of paper that filled my nose every single time I opened one, the letters and words that held so, so many meanings, and of course, the stories that you could put together from those meaningful words.

In the past, I even liked their mostly old, tattered covers. Some didn't even have them anymore, but I didn't care - they were my books, and they were important.

Of course, now as an Angel, they simply seemed like reminders of my not so happy past. A bittersweet sigh left my slightly dry lips as I spotted a small, black diary I had gotten from him. Deep down, I still couldn't forget the happy times I had spent with him. Of course, his betrayal had made me aware of how cruel everyone in this world was, yet still. I hated the fact that despite my hatred I felt towards him, I could still recall every sweet word every gently touch... I was ing pathetic and I knew it.

I wondered how my books got there though. After dying, I'd only returned for a few of them, yet now, I was standing in front of my whole collection. But... I didn't really mind the fact that I had them again. I knew that at least I'd be able to read something to pass time.

Of course, I still despised the fact that I had to be there on Earth. But still, at least I had fragments of the nice parts of my past with me. Those old books were valuable to me. I continued looking around, spotting a few abstract paintings on the wall, their colorful messes standing out from the off-white color of the wall. The lamp was simply and black, with only two light-bulbs despite the fact that it could light up the whole living room which wasn't the smallest. There was a small glass table in front of the couch, covered by a dark tablecloth. I.. sort of liked the homey vibe the whole place gave off. It was like the ones that had set it up for me knew what I liked. Which once again, was a little creepy, though... Those people knew everything. Seriously. They even knew my real name (well obviously, but still, ever since I'd died, I'd call myself 'Key'.)

I shrugged the creepy feeling off though since it wasn't like I'd stay there for a long time. I was going to get a new client soon, and I knew it. So why bother with pondering about why the house was set up like that?

I wandered into my bedroom, wincing the moment I was blinded by the colorful mess it was. It wasn't bad though, just... Colorful. Actually... It was pretty nice. Had I been still alive before he had done that to me, I would have been struck by the colors in it. To be honest, I still was, but only a little.

The wall opposite of the door was a dark blue, while the others were other shades of said color. One of really light, almost white, while the others were gradually darkening. The ceiling was white while the lamp was blue.

There was a colorful shelf on the wall, just above the bed that was white but had been covered by a colorful blanket. Even the window-frames were various colors. I had always liked colorful things, even if the colors didn't seem to go well at first glance. Of course, I would have never worn them, I just liked to arrange colorful stuff until they looked good.

'Well... Maybe this won't be that bad...'I thought, despite the fact that I had highly doubted it. Still, an Angel can hope, right?


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Sueparklove #1
Chapter 3: I'm so ready for Jongkey to meet[;
update please~
ShineeFan200 #2
Chapter 3: wow i really can not wait for the meeting between the two of them!!
and i really cant wait to see just how anti-social key really is, reading ths is soo sooo soooo much fun!
Chapter 3: Hehe, I can't wait for the moment until Key and Jjong meet ^^ That will be hilarious I think :D
Shiroshi #4
Chapter 3: I can't wait when he finaly meet Jonghyun *.* I love angels and your story. I hope that you will can update soon, because I'm curious what happen next, how Key will be trying to get closer to Jonghyun.
Chapter 3: Aww soooooooo beautiful:) I love this chapter :) please update soon ^^ thank you
Kpop_seoul #6
Chapter 2: Aww how cute Sica knows something he doesn't XD Maybe it's that this time he'll actually like the person he's suppose to watch over. I have a feeling it's Jjong but who know, gonna have to wait till the next update arrives. Hope you update soon. Nice story btw I really like it :3
MrsTaeminnie #7
Chapter 2: "Weren't the reality I wanted..." I SEE WHAT YOU DID THERE.
Chapter 2: I want to fly too... Be as free as Key >.<
And I also think that Jjong is the new client ^^ Hehe, that will be fun :*
Chapter 2: I'm sure that Jjong is his new client too :)