
Scared of Loving You

AN: Hi guys^^ Yep, the first chapter :D Dunno what to say xD I hope you won't hate Key's personality xD Sometimes it's good not to write lovey-dovey cutie charas xDD

I was lying on a cloud, watching as my current assignment, a human boy was playing with his friends. He seemed so carefree, happy. "Yeah, right."I thought bitterly. "He will have his heart broken or will be killed in a few years..."I added, even though I didn't feel any pity for the human. I didn't know if I should have. It wasn't like those things could get avoided. Well, the killing part maybe, but it depended on if it was his time to go or not..

 Still, very few people got their happily ever after, and even if they did, it was full of lies. I knew it, because when I was still alive, I thought that I had everything. Love, money, beauty... But then, my 'happily ever after' was shattered within moments. I could still feel the feeling of betrayal as he looked into my eyes calmly, saying that he had to kill me. At first I laughed, hugging him and telling him to stop fooling around. But there was something in his eyes... Something cruel that told me that he was serious...

Love...? My lover was the one who killed me...

Money...? Did it help me? Wasn't my money why some people wanted me dead?

Beauty...? Do I even have to say it... Yes, I was beautiful, yet... Yet it didn't help... Sometimes I wished that he had killed me quickly, soundlessly in my sleep...

I shuddered at the memory, feeling the blade of the knife graze my skin again. It was like he was still there, breathing into my ear..

I shook my head, trying to concentrate on my 'mission'. Memories like this couldn't distract me when I had work to do. Which was practically all the time... 

I looked back at the boy and couldn't help but smirk when he fell and no one was there to help him up. His friends were long gone, not even noticing how he tripped and fell. They were too preoccupied by their game.

I snorted, almost going down to help the boy up. He was crying pitifully, his voice ringing in my ears loudly. Yet I didn't, since I wasn't 'allowed' to. I was only allowed to interfere if my client's life was in danger and it wasn't their time to go yet.

Sometimes I wondered where my Guardian Angel had been that night. Or was that my fate because I was too gullible? Because I believed that he loved me and that we will have our happy ending together?

I shook my head, seeing that the little boy's mother finally noticed that something was wrong and ran to help him. They were a pathetic family, if you ask me. The boy's father left his mother the moment he found out about him, he hadn't even seen him once. The mother was quite wealthy and spoilt, although she did have a big heart. Yet she couldn't take care of a child on hew own. She got together with the first man she found, and know they were living together, 'happily'. Their life was so such a cliche. It made me gag sometimes.

I sighed, noticing that they were leaving the park. It meant that I had to go too. Closing my eyes, I felt my huge, white wings unfold and moments later, I was flying towards their house slowly, so I could keep an eye on them.

We reached the house quickly and I flew onto the roof, deciding the spend the night there. At rainy nights, I would have gone into the house, but the sky was clear and I could hear the unmistakable sounds coming from the parents' bedroom, just after we'd arrived. The kid was told to go to his room, because his mommy and daddy had 'something' to do...

'Pathetic...'I said, lying on the cold, hard roof. I looked up at the moon that was slowly appearing on the horizon. If there was anything I liked, it was nighttime.  Because then, I would close my eyes and pretend that I was alive and happy. Pretend that everything was okay and that he would never hurt me... I knew that it wasn't true, but at nighttime, I could pretend... 

If he had come to me, begging for another chance, I would have laughed. Why? Because even though I liked to pretend that he was there, I hated him with ever fiber of my being. It was strange how I wished that what happened was just a misunderstanding yet I wished that he was rotting in hell. Or worse.

It's not like I would have been able to love him again though. The truth is that the moment I saw the cruel smirk on his face, felt his rough touches, so much different from his gently caresses before, I knew that never again would I be able to love.

I sighed, closing my eyes. But then, I heard a familiar sound. The shuffling of wings. Another Angel was nearing me. I stood up quickly and dusted myself off, only to frown when I noticed who it was. It was one of those cheery, happy-go-lucky Angel girls, Sica or who. But for once, her expression was quite serious.

'Key,'she started, bowing in my direction slightly. I bowed back, not saying anything.'I can't believe you are doing this again. Lying in the open, visible to human eyes.'she said, raising her voice until she was almost yelling. Well yeah, another thing about my nightly habit (when I was on the roof, and not in a house) was that I tended to make myself visible. Sometimes I didn't even realize that I did so, because to me, it didn't matter if humans saw me. It's not like they would have believed their eyes. Angels didn't exist, or at least that's what they told themselves.

'And? It's not like anyone is coming here...'I said, rolling my eyes. 'Look, if anyone noticed me, they would think that they are hallucinating and something...'I added, hating to have to reassure her when all I wanted was her to fly away.

'You are too careless. Something bad will happen to you, I can feel it.'she said, the worry in her voice evident. I scoffed, as if she really cared.

'No, nothing will happen.'I stated.

She sighed and flew off without a word. I rolled my eyes, but I was quite happy that she was gone now. Closing my eyes, I could already see his face in front of my eyes, looking at me with a soft smile. 'Saranghae, Kibum-ah.'

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Sueparklove #1
Chapter 3: I'm so ready for Jongkey to meet[;
update please~
ShineeFan200 #2
Chapter 3: wow i really can not wait for the meeting between the two of them!!
and i really cant wait to see just how anti-social key really is, reading ths is soo sooo soooo much fun!
Chapter 3: Hehe, I can't wait for the moment until Key and Jjong meet ^^ That will be hilarious I think :D
Shiroshi #4
Chapter 3: I can't wait when he finaly meet Jonghyun *.* I love angels and your story. I hope that you will can update soon, because I'm curious what happen next, how Key will be trying to get closer to Jonghyun.
Chapter 3: Aww soooooooo beautiful:) I love this chapter :) please update soon ^^ thank you
Kpop_seoul #6
Chapter 2: Aww how cute Sica knows something he doesn't XD Maybe it's that this time he'll actually like the person he's suppose to watch over. I have a feeling it's Jjong but who know, gonna have to wait till the next update arrives. Hope you update soon. Nice story btw I really like it :3
MrsTaeminnie #7
Chapter 2: "Weren't the reality I wanted..." I SEE WHAT YOU DID THERE.
Chapter 2: I want to fly too... Be as free as Key >.<
And I also think that Jjong is the new client ^^ Hehe, that will be fun :*
Chapter 2: I'm sure that Jjong is his new client too :)