Flying back

Scared of Loving You

AN: Hi guys^^ I'll hope you'll like this chap. :D 

The next day arrived too quickly. My 'dreams' had been so good, I could barely convince myself that they weren't true. That they weren't the reality that I wanted, only dreams, fragments of my imagination. Even after I woke up, I could feel his gently touch on my skin, his lips on mine... I wished that I could go back to my dream world where he was there, waiting for me. Loving me.

Opening my eyes, I stared up at the cloudy sky. I let out a bitter laugh as I stood up slowly, my wings almost pulling me back towards the hard surface of the roof I had been lying on. Hearing my client's cheerful voice as he started walking to school, I did my duty, darting into the clouds to watch over him.

The day was slow, too slow... Nothing really happened to the little boy expect for him getting asked out by a significantly older little girl. She didn't seem like a danger, even though I knew that can kill, since I was one of it's victim, so I didn't do anything just watch the two of them.

But when I followed the boy home, I started feeling weird. Like someone was following me. Since I was invisible to human eyes at that moment, I knew that my 'stalker' was most possibly an Angel like me.

And as always, I was right. 

It was Sica again. She was looking at me with coldness in her eyes, something that they rarely held.

'What?'I asked her, sitting onto a fluffy, white cloud, my wings disappearing immediately.

'You've been called back to Heaven and I was assigned to watch over your assingment.'she stated.

'Again?'I asked her. Over the years I had been a full-fledged Guardian Angel, I had to go back and give me tasks to someone else many time, for reasons I've never really understood. This time, it seemed like Sica was the unlucky one who had to deal with the over cheerful kid.

'Yes. It seems like they've realized that taking care of a kid isn't a task you can do.'she said, looking at the boy who was once again outside playing with his dog with warmly. 

'They did?'I chuckled darkly. 'One would think that after so many years, they would have found it out much sooner...'I added, my legs dangling off the cloud.

'Well, I guess they hoped that you would change over time.'she said. 'You will be getting a new assignment today, since there is a lack of Guardians these days. Or maybe the number of people who need Guardians had risen.'she said, floating in mid-air.

A weird thing about Angels was that according to them, not everyone needed a Guardian. Only humans that had experienced extreme hardships would 'need' us. But as time passed, the number of these people had risen. Everyday, many young girls were violated... Children were hurt by their parents, or others. And the number of Guardian Angels, though rising as well as humans died, was still lower.

The funny thing that, despite knowing that I should have felt bad for my clients, never would I feel anything but hate. Sometimes, when I would remember my past, I would think that I didn't want anyone else to go through something like that. But who was I to prevent? 

An Angel, a broken soul.

Contrary to popular beliefs, not all Angels were  innocent and pure-hearted. Scratch that, most of us had gone through something really bad, something that even if we survived, haunted us for the rest of our lives.

'I don't get it...'I muttered.'Why don't they just leave me alone until I die?' I asked, more myself than the Guardian who rolled her eyes.

'Maybe because you won't die, Key. You are immortal. Whatever you had been through, was in the past. Now you are an Angel. You should try to forget the past and focus on the present.'she said, a said twinkle in her eyes.

'Because it's so easy.'I snorted. 'Whatever, I'll do it, since I have to.'I said, not wanting to listen to her bragging about how I should have just forgotten my past and everything. I heard her sigh as I slid off the cloud, my wings unfolding, a few feathers falling onto the ground. 

'It's not like you have a choice. I hope you'll like your new client though.'she said and smiled at me knowingly.

'Like them, yeah right...'I thought, snorting at how ridiculous it sounded. I moved my wings a bit before flying up. I could hear her giggle, once again sounding like she knew something I didn't as I was getting higher and higher up in the sky.

Somehow, flying was almost a nice feeling to me. I liked the freedom of it. When I was flying, no one could tell me what to do, who to watch over, where to fly or anything. I was free. 

Another thing I liked about flying was that I could forget about my past when I was up in the air. It was just the opposite of nighttime when I would imagine being with him. In the sky, not even my memories could haunt me. 

I let out a content sigh, still flying towards my 'home'. Heaven was all Angels home, or at least that's what we had been told, but Guardian Angels barely had any time to return there. We mostly had to stay on Earth, following whoever we had to.

The other Angels, some who were being taught to be Guardian Angels, or some who were simply too young or too old to work like us, resided in Heaven, doing small tasks. I never really knew what they were, but I did know that most of them were given to children. 

Immortality was strangely the one thing everyone hated. It didn't mean that you didn't age at all - because that would have been too easy and simply ridiculous - but it did mean that aging was a very slow process, and that by the time you could 'retire', you just wanted to die.

I wasn't sure about where to go, so once I've arrived to the sacred place, I found a tree and sat on one of the higher branches, a bit exhausted by flying so much. 'I wonder what Sica knows...'I thought suddenly. Even though I knew that I would detest 'my' human, just like all of the previous ones, I did feel a bit curious about them. But curiosity had never been good, and I knew it. So I knew that I would do anything to suppress it. 


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Sueparklove #1
Chapter 3: I'm so ready for Jongkey to meet[;
update please~
ShineeFan200 #2
Chapter 3: wow i really can not wait for the meeting between the two of them!!
and i really cant wait to see just how anti-social key really is, reading ths is soo sooo soooo much fun!
Chapter 3: Hehe, I can't wait for the moment until Key and Jjong meet ^^ That will be hilarious I think :D
Shiroshi #4
Chapter 3: I can't wait when he finaly meet Jonghyun *.* I love angels and your story. I hope that you will can update soon, because I'm curious what happen next, how Key will be trying to get closer to Jonghyun.
Chapter 3: Aww soooooooo beautiful:) I love this chapter :) please update soon ^^ thank you
Kpop_seoul #6
Chapter 2: Aww how cute Sica knows something he doesn't XD Maybe it's that this time he'll actually like the person he's suppose to watch over. I have a feeling it's Jjong but who know, gonna have to wait till the next update arrives. Hope you update soon. Nice story btw I really like it :3
MrsTaeminnie #7
Chapter 2: "Weren't the reality I wanted..." I SEE WHAT YOU DID THERE.
Chapter 2: I want to fly too... Be as free as Key >.<
And I also think that Jjong is the new client ^^ Hehe, that will be fun :*
Chapter 2: I'm sure that Jjong is his new client too :)