White Pearl

It has been days and Seungho has been sulking badly. His Dark clouds became so dark lately. Dara can’t do anything about it but sigh. Their catch has been bad to the point that they even go home without a single fish.




“Seungho hyung.” she cheerily called him.

He immediately lit up when she called him ‘hyung’. “Ne~ our Sand...”

“Should I come with you tonight?” she asked.

“NO!” his tone immediately changed.

“It’s dangerous!!!” Cheulyong and Cheundong chorused while G.O and Lee Joon nodded in approval.

“I just want to help you.” she pouted in defeat. “I know where the right spots are.” she reasoned.

Seungho sighed. “We can’t afford to have you drown again.”

“But you’ll be there to protect me.” she smiled brightly and twinkled her eyes.   

“Dara!” it was G.O. “It is final.”

She bowed in defeat and remorse. “Ne~”







The warning that her servant told her made Dara unable to roam at night under the moonlight. Even though she felt the need to be under its familiar light, she forced herself to stay at home. But that night, her uneasiness made her wander around their hut. She was really worried about the brothers. Her hunch tells her that there is something amiss. Just then she saw lightning painting the sky with terror. A sound caught her attention. It was the sound she that makes her tremble. It’s soft and alluring yet it makes her spine shiver. That every time she hears it which thankfully is rare, made her have troubling nightmare and at its worst, causes her high fever. That song. That cursed song, she trembled.





Then she saw Seungho and the brothers along with other men walking towards the sea from Won Bin’s place. It was so unusual. They seemed out of their mind. She called Seungho and the others but is was all futile. They don’t seem to hear her. And worst, they seemed not to recognize her. Upon seeing more closely when she run to Seungho, she saw the pupils of their eyes diluted. It made her scream. Most of the men along with few women in that state were already deepening into the sea. It has already reached their knee. She hugged Seungho in an attempt to stop him but it was futile. He kept walking.      




Tears rolled down her eyes. “Please. Please.” She begged.

“Princess.” It was Min Ho.

Holding on to Seungho, she asked him with stained face, “I demand to know what is happening.”

Instead of answering her, Min Ho used his ability to control the air to separate Dara from Seungho and securely moved her away from the sea. “My apologies princess.” he bowed.


“No! Hyung!” she screamed and with all her strength, she ran towards Seungho and the brothers even though the wind is preventing her firmly.




“Please stop princess.” Min Ho whispered.

Then Min Ho sensed something making him quite terrified. His hold of the wind faltered making Dara able to catch up with Seungho and the others. They have gone deeper into the sea reaching their bellies.

“Green bloods.” Min Ho gritted his teeth. He detached the ring given to him by the enchantress and wore it on his neck instead with a rope tied to it. His tail appeared and he swam at the sea to hide his presence.




He saw the green blood, a woman. He focused his attention to the green blood and strike his violent wind on her to protect the princess. However, the other one has already been too near to Dara. Jiyong. The male green blood. He was about throw his wind to him but stopped it the second it reached his face because his hands were wrapped around Dara. Min Ho cannot afford to harm the princess. But his heart broke thinking of the harm it might cause the princess. With his position, he cannot defend the princess. It made him felt useless. With his eyes blazing in anger, he made a resolve. A resolve strong enough to commit suicide to part the green blood from the princess, away from her pending death. However, he was not able to execute it when the sea raged turbulently throwing Jiyong offshore. And Dara safely seated on sea.







“Ill Woo!” Dara gasped. “Save them!” she pleaded seeing Seungho and the others almost eaten by the sea; only their heads were not submerged yet.    

“Please!!” she wailed.

Dara then felt the familiar hug she missed. “Yeon Hee.” she cried. “What’s happening? Please save them.”

Yeon Hee hushed her. “I too don’t know.”

“It’s the song.” Ill Woo stated while slowly moving towards where the girls are using his already trained sense of hearing to somehow move freely now that he has lost his eyes.

“Please. Please. Please.” Dara continued sobbing.





Moved by Dara’s plead, Ill Woo controlled the sea to divide so that no matter how far the human might walk, they won’t get drowned with the guide of Yeon Hee.





A booming voice startled them.

“What do you think are you doing?!”

“Enchantress.” Ill Woo murmured making Dara and Yeon Hee look at him in confusion.

“Young man, don’t enrage me.” Ga In, the enchantress spoke, again her voice soft and alluring.

  Dara walked towards the enchantress, the water following her every move, serving as a platform.

“Please. Let my friends go.” she pleaded.

“Princess.” the enchantress smirked. “It’s their punishment.”

“NO please. They have done nothing wrong.”

The enchantress let out a hollow laugh. “Done nothing wrong.” she repeated. In an intimidating voice, she spoke again, “They have done enough damage, to the kingdom and the sea. Open your eyes.”




She roamed her eyes. The scene has her heart squeezed. Since the sea was split, she can see the ocean floor clearly, it is beyond repair. The coral reefs. The fishes. Almost half the treasure of the sea were ruined.

“Now tell me.” the enchantress asked again. 

“Please, just this once. Just this once.” she begged. Tears streaming endlessly down her face.

“Troublesome.” she sighed. “Very well. This is the first and the last time princess.” The enchantress then murmured a spell and with that, the humans lured into the sea collapsed. Ga In then left leaving a warning, “Happily ever after is out of your reach.”





Min Ho and Ill Woo helped each other in sending the collapsed bodies back to the safety of the shore. Ill Woo used the water while Min Ho used the wind. 



“Let’s meet again at the cave.” Dara hurriedly told Yeon Hee and Ill Woo before rushing to Seungho and the brothers. One by one, she moved them to their hut.





The entire night, she watched them sleep peacefully. And once in a while she would check their temperature.





Seungho stirred awake. The moment he opened his eyes, he saw Dara dozing off in a sitting position. Concern was painted all over his face. Slowly, he got up to move Dara to her bed. While carrying her, she stirred and suddenly hugged him so tight almost suffocating him.


“Hyung! You’re awake.” she exclaimed.  


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aaaaaaaaaaaw....seungho....dara likes you :) im gettign confused with this jiyoung is a bad guy and dara likes seungho right?