FIFTEEN: DAY SIX-NINE- Operation Love Love

White Pearl

“You can do it.” Cheulyong encouraged her. His cuteness overload reminds her of her bestfriend Yeon Hee whenever she wants a favour. Without realizing it, she hugged Cheolyung. I missed Yeon Hee and Ill Woo she thought. With that, Seungho sulked at the corner. The other brothers did not miss it so they scooted Dara away from Cheulyong who’s so shocked from her hug, his eyes big as saucer and mouth almost splitting from opening so wide.     

“Dara noona~~” Lee Joon pouted. “You should think of hyung sometimes.”

“Oh~~” Cheundong, G.O, and Cheulyong agreed.

“Eh~” she asked confused.

“Aigoo.” Lee Joon just shook his head.

“Operation Love Love!!!” Cheulyong shouted excitedly. Without a word, G.O smacked his head. “Hyung~ what was that for?” Cheulyong pouted rubbing his head. Lee Joon used his lips to point at Seungho who has just become even darker than before. The dark clouds looming over his head. Even threatening to pour so hard with thunder and lightning combo.








He is so gorgeous, Dara daydreamed. Just looking at him makes her warm; her heart beat raced and face flushed. She fixed her skirt and waved smilingly at her supporters namely Cheundong, Cheulyong, Lee Joon and G.O minus the ever sulking Seungho which she wanted to fathom but cannot.


“Good Morning!” she said ever so brightly and loudly. The brothers bit their lips while hiding at how Dara acted.

Won Bin, Jiyong and other fishermen working for Won Bin sharply turned their head towards the new face who shouted so loudly early in the morning.

“He, he, he.” Dara laughed awkwardly looking back at the brothers pleadingly for support. But they hid themselves again.

“Good Morning!” the fishermen responded while Jiyong and Won Bin got back to their business without giving Dara another look.

Just then Seungho appeared and helped Dara out. “Won Binssi.” he called.

The older men stopped doing his thing and acknowledged him. “Neh~ Seunghossi.”

“Thank you for saving ‘our’ little sister.” he bowed. Then he held Dara next to him prompting her to bow too. “Thank you.” it was Dara.

“Oh~ she was your sister.” he smiled which made Dara stunned. For her, he looked so unbelievable, his features were just perfectly placed together and with him smiling, he is so breath taking. “It’s no biggie, I was just actually saving Jiyong and happened to save her too in the process.” he added.

“You still saved ‘our’ Dara here.” Seungho plastered a fake smile then he added, “Thank you Jiyong.”

Upon hearing his gratitude Jiyong raised his brows then responded coldly, “she already thanked me.” then he turned to Dara, “right?”





Their sudden eye contact made Dara flinch and she felt that odd chilling again. Unconsciously, she tagged Seungho’s shirt so hard. “OH~” she answered nervously looking away from him. Seungho noticed it and looked at her worryingly. Dara smiled sweetly at Seungho’s worried expression and then her nervousness faded brought by his warm concern.   

“How can we repay you?” it was Seungho again. This time, he held Dara’s hand for support. Jiyong did not miss the gesture and smirked inwardly.




Won Bin eyed Seungho curiously, “I never heard that you have a sister.”

“She just moved here recently maybe that’s why.” he answered.

“Oh~” he briefly stated then with full of meaning he added, “Then if you really wanted to thank me, don’t ever bother HER again.”

Everyone stopped working. Their eyes were all on Seungho and Won Bin. The atmosphere was really looming with dark aura, and the guys were so heated that their eyes were screaming blood lust and fight.





While Dara felt her hands squished so tight that she let out a painful sound. “AW~ Seungho hyung.” Her voice waked him from his anger. He then forced a laugh and loosened his tight grip on Dara’s hand. “You shouldn’t call me hyung you know.” he messed Dara’s hair. Then he faced Won Bin, “I already wake up Won Binssi.”









“Hyung~~~” Cheulyong whined. “We should be helping Dara here not making things worst.”

Dara nodded. While Seungho sulked again at the corner with his dark clouds never leaving him.

“What should we do?” Cheundong asked. “Dara noona doesn’t have any reason to talk to Won Bin anymore.” Dara nodded again this time with her lips pouted.

“I have an idea!” Lee Joon shouted excitedly.

They all looked at him expecting something brilliant from the way he excitedly shouted.

“Why don’t we let Dara noona seduce Won Bin hyung? Let’s make her wear a bikini.” he said with moony eyes. In a blink of an eye, he saw thousand stars circling around his head courtesy of infuriated Seungho.   

“A way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.” G.O. exclaimed. “Dara~ah~ do you know how to cook?” he asked Dara.

Dara looked pale at the question. And then she laughed awkwardly, “My servants prepares food for me and we don’t actually cook.” she pouted.

“We will just teach you how to cook then.” Seungho suggested brightly his dark clouds suddenly disappeared.

“None of us know how to cook!!!” the four brothers shouted at him. His dark clouds returned with a typhoon signal number three.  









It’s been three days since Dara has been bringing fruits and refreshments for Won Bin’s crew since she can’t cook. And she still can’t kill a fish so the dish as easy as frying is a failure. Sometimes Lee Joon or Cheulyong accompanies her. However all her efforts are not working. Won Bin still ignores her presence, to add her misery, seeing Jiyong makes her all nervous and scared. And sometimes when she happens to meet Min Ah, aside from being jealous she felt the odd urgency to hide or run. She doesn’t know why but her presence scares her much more than the cold feeling she senses from Jiyong.





Dara sighed feeling helpless. She badly wants Ill Woo and Yeon Hee’s embrace. So she waited until the cold familiar light of the moon kiss her skin that has turned quite red from the sun. She took her slipper and walked home barefooted walking along the shore letting the sea wet her toes.





“Princess.” a voice called her.

Shiver run down her spine. Did her father look for her and will now force her to go home. She shook her head and continued walking pretending not to hear the voice.

“Princess.” it called again.

She can’t ignore it so she looked back. Upon seeing the owner of the voice, she closed in an attempt to stop herself from screaming.

“You...” she nervously muttered.

“Princess.” the owner of the voice bowed.

“You have...” she pointed at the owner of the voice disbelieving her eyes.

“I have a feet princess.” he finished the sentence for her. “Let me introduce myself.” he politely stated. “I am Choi Minho your servant.”

“How did you... your feet.”

Minho remained silent, then he opened his mouth, “I am sorry that I cannot divulge it princess.” he said apologetically.

“What brings you here?” she asked already composed. The half moon illuminated in her eyes.

“I am sent by the king to guard you and serve as his eyes. I also bring you a warning.” he spoke mechanically.

“Father.” she murmured. Tears endangering to fall from her eyes but she managed not to tear. “A warning?” she asked.

“Yes.” he nodded.

“Am I to be dragged back home?”

“No princess.”


“Princess please be careful not wander at night. Nor let yourself be smiled upon by the moon. It is highly dangerous.”

“But why? She asked curiously. Then she added, “You do know how we.... how our race love the moon. It is my only consolation here in land.” she said sadly looking up at the moon.

“The moon. It reveals our presence.” he vaguely said. Then in a grim tone he added, “Our scent might call attention. The moon, it gives us away. And our enemy will not think twice to kill us.”

“Enemy.” she asked. She was so confused.

“Princess. Be careful. Forgive me for leaving abruptly but I’ve been here long enough. Please don’t forget to hide from the moon until you succeed with your mission.” with that he went to the sea and his tail appeared again.   




Dara was left staring at him. There are many questions formed on her mind. Like how did he get his feet. And how he easily gained back his tails. And the thing about the moon and the enemy. She looked up at the moon lovingly and smiled sadly, “Am I also forbidden to see you too?”





“Not going home yet?”

She turned to where the voice was coming from even though she already knew whose voice it was. Jiyong.

“I’m on my way.” she answered not meeting his eyes.

He removed his jacket and placed it on her. “Looking at the moon?” he asked walking behind her. His hands on his pocket.

 She did not believe her ears. Jiyong never speak to her. He never strikes any conversation at all even though she has always been giving out fruits for them. But then again when they were at the hospital, he pretty much talked to her. So maybe he only talks to her when they are alone.

“Ne~ its so pretty.” she removed the jacket and gave it back to him. He looked back at her quizzically but still accepted it. “I love the feel of it on my skin.” she explained.

“I see.” he murmured.

Just then Jiyong stopped. “Why are you here?”

The question left her clueless. “Eh~”. Then she answered not quite sure, “Didn’t I bring you fruits and I’m on my way home?”

Jiyong raised his brows and smirked. He leaned close to her. Just like at the hospital, their nose touched. But this time she was not able to move backward since his hands were on her shoulders. So in defense, she closed so tight and put her hands against his chest to push him.

“Hyung likes long hair. It’s a pity, yours is short.” His right hand playing with her hair while still locking his eyes with her.  “Oh, he loves watermelon.” he winked and left her in daze.

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aaaaaaaaaaaw....seungho....dara likes you :) im gettign confused with this jiyoung is a bad guy and dara likes seungho right?