
Is Love Real?

-_____ POV-

"So ______, are you sure?I mean...from what I heard,Tye's parties are always a hit!"Rian said.She really wanted me to go.

"Look Rian, the only reason why I chose you to be my friend is because you want to be my friend and think of me as a normal angel.I chose you out of all people because you don't beg to be my friend just because I'm a black wing...from the rare...ancestors." I said softly.But I always had difficulty saying the 'rare ancestors' part.

"Okay...but I guess you do have a point.Well then,annyeong!" Rian waved and left me standing there.It started to rain...HARD.

"Ugh!crap...I need to get home fast!" I hissed.Rian didn't need to use her wings to get home because she lived near this road.But in my case, I lived near the royal park. I let out my wings from my body and flew off a fast as I could.My hair and clothes were getting drenched.

"FINALLY!" I yelled as I got into my mansion.

"appa!omma!oppa!I'm home~....guys?" I started to panic when they didn't answer.I checked the whole house and they weren't anywhere in the house.But I found a noted with my name on it and read it with wide eyes.


Dear child,

Isn't it obvious?That your family has gone missing?Well...let's just say,I found a way of kidnapping your family without going to your house.I'm a human...from earth?yeah...I'm sure you know where that is.

Look kiddo, if you want to see your family ever again...FIND THEM ON EARTH.HAHAHAHAHAHAHA as if you'll find them without getting noticed AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH...that is,if you use your wings kid.Anyway~no matter how long it takes kid,I can wait.So that's all I have to say.I'm quite appalled unique these angels are...not white wings,but BLACK!AHHHHHH I'M CURSED!I'll dispose of them later...but-(the 't' went down a little)

Dear ____.

Sweety...we know you're shocked.But this man...this man has obviously found a way to kidnap angels without even touching them.So be careful ____,don't worry...we'll find a way out of this...but please...PLEASE find us.You're our only hope ____...

Kim Seunjoo-your appa


I woke up startled,I always have the same dream over and over's as if they'e saying I need to go TO EARTH but how can I?I can fly down there,but where will I land?My human form looks the same,except my wings are inside my body.I'll find them...

"___________-ah!You need to go now!your flight is coming in 30 minutes!" that's right...I made a booking to go to earth.PABO!


Basically,you're remembering your past every night.wait for the next chapter!comments and subscribers are loved!^^...and I'm not christian for future referances.

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You do need to be descriptive, but just don't put too much because it'll really turn off and bore readers lol. At times, I get confused about the POVs, especially the one with ahjumma, it just seemed insignificant that it were to be written in her POV. Will she appear later in the story too?<br />
The plot is pretty original so to say, but it's stories like these that are really difficult to write, but I have hope you can pull it off :)<br />
Update soon :)<br />
P.S. definitely JaeJoong lol
oh...well that was short...<br />
You need to be a LOT more descriptive. The plot seems...nice.<br />
Keep writing.
@KanashimiAngel okay thanks!mika and Jae look the same?not really...but then again Hoya is my Fav from should see me fangirling over him haha and the typo I did in chap 2 was meant to be *shop
#4 know that Mika looks kinda like Jaejoong right?^^ so instead of choosing between those two,I would Hoya to be my bodyguard kkk nice chapter...can't wait next one ^^
@KanashimiAngel okay I will!Thankyou very much~ angelstar4BB fighting!LOL
update soon...this seems interesting ^^