Chapter 14: Another date with Kimbum

3 Butlers and a Missing Princess

As i've promised, when my comp is fixed, i'll make a new poster.. and i ended up adding Kimbum in it XD

It looks ridiculously simple and the writing ruined it too.. =_=

Do you guys preferred WITH / WITHOUT Kimbum?

I'll change it back to the previous one with if the previous one is better than this one :))






"Why are you here?" Gain said to her brother who's sitting right in front of her. He came in a few minutes ago and still hasn't said anything. "What kind of sin have you committed this time?" Gain sighed. That's her line when she wanted her brother to tell her the fight that he just gone to.

"I didn't get into a fight.." Jaejoong said.

"Then what?" Gain rested her chin on her hand, she tapped her fingers on the table while waiting for Jaejoong to say something. But Jaejoong still didn't say anything. "Hey, i'm busy. If you're just gonna waste my time-"

"It's about this one person i like.." Jaejoong finally spoke up.

Gain smiled when she heard it from him, "So now you've got a crush huh..?" She was actually happy. This is the first time her brother talked to her about girls after around two years.

"Yeah. And i almost thought that i am gay." He added.

"Why?" Gain positioned herself on her chair, she's excited to hear the story. But then she suddenly leaned on the chair and gasped, "Don't tell me you like a guy.."

"No no no no no no! I said i 'ALMOST' thought that i am gay. She's a girl." Jaejoong said.

Gain smiled. She seemed to already know what Jaejoong is trying to talk about, "You've found out that Hyosun is a girl?"

"You know about it??" Jaejoong looked at Gain. Gain laughed when she saw Jaejoong's face. Jaejoong's face is slowly turning red. "Why didn't you tell me about it earlier??"

"I've promised to not tell anyone about it." Gain said. "So, You're saying that you like Hyosun?" Gain raised one of her eyebrows.



Jaejoong didn't answer her, he bit his bottom of his lips while rubbing his forehead with his finger. "Yeah.. i guess..?"

"I think you do like her. Isn't it better now that you found out she's girl instead of a guy?" Gain said.

"But i don't understand why she didn't tell me about it?" Jaejoong scratched his head in annoyance.

"Does she thinks of you that way? After Godknows whatsoever you've done to her as a boy." Gain raised one of her eyebrows. She might not know what Jaejoong had done to you but knowing how Jaejoong loves to tease Junsu, she knows i must be one of his victim too. Jaejoong felt slightly embarrased when he's being reminded about this again. "I'm sure there are some people who knew about this. If she haven't told you about it then it means she doesn't trust you. So you should start to make her trust you."

"How? Treat her like a girl?" Jaejoong chuckled. He hated how his sister saying it so easy because he knows it will take a lot of effort to do so.


"You know.. You can always show her your charm even when she's a boy. She might fall for you sooner or later." Gain rested her chin on her hands.

"Charm? How?" Jaejoong asked.

Gain sighed before she took her bag to take out a DVD. She then placed the DVD on the table and pushed it softly towards Jaejoong. "Watch this and you will understand." She said.

Jaejoong took the DVD and read the title out loud, "Hanakimi?!" Jaejoong looked at his sister and she just nodded. "Don't you have any other drama that is more manly?"

Gain took another DVD from her bag again and passed it to Jaejoong, "Then watch the Taiwan version, they've got more male students in it." (note: the jap hanakimi only used few males including the main characters and extras, while taiwan version used a real school and (?) so it looks more real. The people who have watched both should understand what i mean..)

"..................." Jaejoong didn't look happy with his sister's recommendation. But since it is the only thing he can do, he accepted it. He got up from his seat and made his way to the door.

"Jaejoong." Gain stopped him to give him her last advice. "It's all on you. You better express it well and carefully." As his sister, she knows how Jaejoong often act the opposite towards the girl he likes. That's why the girl that Jaejoong likes always ended up hating him. Jaejoong just nodded and went out of the health centre.


Jaejoong put his hand on room 803's handle. He took a deep breath and summoned his confidence before he pushed down the handle and push the door open. He peeked inside and he didn't see me anywhere. He sighed in relief. He closed the door and went to sat on his bed. When he looked at the DVDs his sister gave him, he recalled what Gain said to him. He is now determined to make me trust him.

Jaejoong then heard teh sound of the door being opened. When he turned around, he saw me coming into the room with a plastic bag on my left hand.
"Oh.. You're here.." I smiled. Jaejoong just looked at me, he didn't smile. Just his normal expression, but he got his eye on my plastic bag. When i noticed that, i sat on the floor in front of him and took out the stuff one by one: from coffee to juice and snacks.
"Sorry!" I bowed to him. I put my head on the floor, as well as my hands. "I dont know what i've done to make you so mad, but sorry!"
I looked up and i saw him baffled. I took a can of coffee and offered it to him, " an apology.."

Jaejoong then remembered how he was glaring at me. But seeing how sorry and frightened i was, he felt like teasing me again. He started to act according to the situation.
"Yeah, you should be sorry. But it's fine now. I accepted your apology." He said as he takes the can from my hand.

I was so relieved when he said so, and i smiled, "Thanks!"
He opened the coke and drank it slowly. Just then, i brought out the topic about his hair. "By the way, why did you died your hair to blonde again?"

"Does it not suit me?" He asked as he took another sip of his coffee. He seemed to like the Chai Latte that i bought for him. Everytime he took a sip, he would look at the can's cover and read the things written on it.

I shook my head slightly, "No. It suits you. I just think boys look the best with short hair and black hair."

"Ohh.." Jaejoong nodded. He suddenly get reminded by the perfume he bought. He took his bag and took out the perfume that he bought before, he gave it to me. "Here's your present."
I took it while saying 'thank you' to him. I opened the box and tried to spray it on the room. When i smelled it, unconciously i frowned.

"You don't like it?" Jaejoong asked.

"No.. It's just that.. it smells like a girl perfume.." I said. 

Jaejoong hit his head slightly. When he bought the perfume he was thinking about me as a girl, thus it affected his choice. "Oh well, it suits a girly man like you." He teased.  I normally back, but i'd rather not this time. I just apologised and if we fight again.. it will be too much of a hassle.


Meanwhile, Jaejoong took his labtop and placed it on his study desks, along with the snacks i bought for him. I saw the DVDs he placed on his bed before, "Oh My God! Is this Hanakimi? I didn't know you like to watch dramas." I said.

"My sister lend it to me.." Jaejoong said. He saw me checking out the DVD case so many times, and he thought up of something. "Do you wanna watch it together?" He shyly asked.

"Sure!" I answered. I took the chair from my study table and dragged it next to his chair. I gave him the DVD and he took out the first CD of the Chinese version.

"Can we watch the Japanese version?" I said. I already watched the Chinese version, so i wanted to watch the Japanese one. Instead of telling me the answer, he gave me a 'what did you say again?' look. It's obvious he wanted me to follow him if i'm really sorry. I sat on my chair while waiting for him to play the first episode.
"By the way..." i said. "What did i do to make you mad?"

Jaejoong choked on his latte when he heard it. He coughed really bad and i gave him a glass of water. He sighed, "You.. You ran away a-at the hotel when i asked you a question.." He stuttered.

"Just because of that?" I asked. I felt rather fooled. So i snatched his coke as well as other drinks and snacks. Jaejoong was like 'why are you taking my foods?'
"You should stop fretting over such small matter.." I said. This time, it's Jaejoong who apologized. He offered me to watch the Japanese version of Hanakimi. Satisfied with his offer, i sat down and gave him the snacks back. He replaced the Taiwan version of Hanakimi with the Japanese one.


The next day was Sunday. The melodic chirps noisy birds outside brought me back from the dream world. I slowly opened my eyes as i groaned. Just how many brids are hanging out on the tree out there??
As i opened my eyes, i saw Jaejoong's face right next to me. I was startled by how close our face are, i quickly moved away and accidentally dropped a blanket. Noticing how the other end of the blanketstill stuck on Jaejoong, i think we were sharing the blanket together. I picked up the blanket and covered Jaejoong with it from his shoulder. Then i tip toed to the bathroom to take a shower.

As planned yesterday, i will meet up with Kimbum today at the mall i previously went to. We've promised to meet up at 1pm, but i went to the mall earlier. So i can buy some girl clothes before i meet up with him. I grabbed the bag that i hid under my bed and took out the wig then put it inside the bag that Yoochun gave me. I also brought a tote bags so i can put the 'girly' bag inside it and vice-versa. I closed the door quietly and ran towards the school entrance. I didn't know that i took 1 hour to get ready. It's already 11am. I called for a taxi.


Once i'm at the mall, i went into the department store to buy some clothes. I found a jeans that i really like, but when i checked the price, it's $780..  and i remembered, i don't have much money left. I started to think that i should find a job soon. I refrained myself from buying that jeans and ended up going for a simple look, and i also bought another bag. I went to the closest bathroom to get changed, and it was just 15 minutes away from meeting up with him.

I went to the hotel lobby where we were supposed to meet. As i walked down the stairs, i saw Kimbum on the ground floor, leaning on the staircase. I felt rather uncomfortable, i was afraid that i walked too slow and i am late. I looked at the big clock behind me and i was right on time. I quickly stepped down the stairs and patted his back, "Kimbum..?" I said, pretending that i wasn't sure if it is him. Kimbum turned around and he smiled when he saw me, "You already forgot my face?"

"No, i just... wasn't sure if it's you, since you were facing the other way.." I said.

"Better be." He said. "By the way, have you had lunch?"

"No..." I answered.

"Alright, then let's grab some lunch." Kimbum said.


He led me to a restaurant at the mall. The feeling was very different from the restaurant Yoochun brought me to. Last time, Yoochun brought me to a rather fine-dining restaurant, while Kimbum's is more laidback. He brought me to a Japanese restaurant, Sushi Tei ( it's one of the best in my country since they always served FRESH sashimi). We both ordered a bento box, and two plates of sashimi to share. We came to know that we both love sashimi. We really enjoyed the food there, Kimbum even ordered another plate of sashimi.

As we were eating, i thought that he would start to ask about the 'thing' he wanted to ask me, but we ended up talking about normal topics. I totally forgot about it too since i was too drawn into the conversation.
"Have you watched Despicable Me?" He asked.

"No i haven't."

"Then let's go watch it." He said. I looked at him in amazement. I thought his type of guy would want to watch action movie or horror or those typical boys movie, but he asked me to watch animation? It's not that i hate it but i just did not expect that of him. He hold my hand as we walked towards the cinema. I did not realise that he hold my hand because we kept on talking. I really enjoyed the talk. He paid the ticket for me even though insisted to pay it by myself, but i forced him to let me buy the popcorns and drinks later.


There was nothing much happened during the movie, we just watch it. Or so i say.. except that one moment.
I found a part funny and i wanted to whisper it to Kimbum. I leaned closer to him and poked him, ready to whisper him. When he turned around, the tip of our nose collided with each other. I guess i leaned a little too close to him. I quickly leaned away from him and we both adjusted our sit. We cleared our throat and continued watching the movie.. awkwardly. But it was quite nerve-wrecking. My face felt warm, i was blushing like mad. I covered my mouth with my hand the whole time, to hide my cheek. I was worried if he will notice it later.


Two hours later, the movie ended. The movie was good. Both Kimbum and I talked about it until we were at the bridge that connects the hotel and the mall.
"Kimbum.." I called him. "What was it that you wanted to ask me about Hyosun?"

Kimbum stopped walking when he heard that. He turned around and we were separated by a counter. He rested his hand on the counter and looked at me, "I wonder if Hyosun will get mad at me if he knows that i went for a date with his cousin today?" He ended it with a smile.



"E.. Eh?" I responded.

He chuckled, "I actually called you out just to go on a date with me. I hope you don't mind." He said. "I really wanted to see you."

I blushed the moment he said that. My lips slowly curled up into a smile. Who wouldn't when a guy said that to you with that gentle smile, not to mention the good looking face. Perhaps, Kimbum was a little uncomfortable to said that, because he adds,
He covered his mouth with his hand and turned around, his back was facing me. When i looked up, I can see that his ear turned red. I think he was blushing as well. I blushed even more when i saw that. After a moment of silence, Kimbum finally turned around again after he calmed down.
"Y-You should go back to your room. I'm sure you will have dinner with your parents later.." He said.

"Right.." I nodded. I started to walk towards the elevator, and he followed me until i am inside the elevator and the door closed. We kept on seeing each other until the door closed. Both of us sighed in relief, it was so awkward. The elevator stopped at the 10th floor, but since there's nothing to do at the hallway of a hotel, i pressed the 5th floor - the recreation area. I decided to take a walk there while trying to calm myself down before i head back to the school.

Meanwhile, Kimbum met Yoochun at the entrance of the hotel. Kimbum gave his number to a vallet service employer to get his car ready while Yoochun approached him.
"You're tad late." Yoochun smirked.

"You're just too fact in action." Kimbum replied. "At least i knoew she's a girl before you do."

"Which is why i've been saying that you are the real womanizer." Yoochun said. "How did you found out though?"

"It's easy to figure it out. Anyone could notice, but they just don't want to believe it." Kimbum said.


"It's actually very easy for anyone to figure out that she's a girl, but they denied it."

"Oooohhh..." Jaejoong nodded when he heard the guy in Hanakimi said that. He was watching drama the whole time since he woke up.

"Hyung, he's good." Junsu commented. "Just like me."
With Junsu, who came by his room that afternoon. Hyunjoong, TOP, and Jiyong were there too. Jaejoong called Hyunjoong and whined that he doesn't want to watch a drama alone, so he asked Hyunjoong to watch it with him and call more people. They put the labtop on the bed while they all sat on the floor, munching on the dried squid and coke.












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Chapter 28: great story ...loved reading it
Good Story!!!
Angelz0715 #3
Chapter 30: Awwww this story is so cute!!! I love it~~~ Daebak!!!
Chapter 28: Daebak! I really liked it, i mean, it was totally unpredictable, i really didn't know what was going to happen... surprising! I absolutely loved that she ended up with jaejoong!! Congrats!!
readingglass #5
greats tory!
redblossom07 #6
omg! this story is so cute bwuahahaha!
i love it hahaha!...
i love the bonus parts hahahaha!
super amazing story
My classmate told me that this story is nice and I should check it out, and I did. And I am glad that I checked it out, it was amazing!
99line #9
my sister recomend this story and i love this so much. ^^