Chapter 13: Kimbum and his number

3 Butlers and a Missing Princess

@phoenix: OMG ROFLMAO i can't stop laughing when i read ur comments. Why didn't i think about that idea? haha


Yoochun and I got into his car to go back to school, before anyone else saw us together. When Yoochun closed his door, he suddenly remembered something, "Oh .."
"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I need to give Jaejoong the stuff that he wanted me to bring. I totally forgot about it." Yoochun said as he showed me another shopping bag that he's been keeping under his seat. "I will go to give him this. You just wait in the car."

"Hyung, i will go too." I said as i try to go outside of the car but Yoochun blocked the door.

"No. You stay here." He said. "Nobody should see you like this."

"Alright.." I nodded. I shifted back to my seat.

"Be good." Yoochun said as he closed the door. I watched Yoochun walking towards the entrance of the mall at the carpark.


It's been 20 minutes since Yoochun's gone to find Jaejoong. I started to become bored. So i went outside of the car.
"M-Miss, you shouldn't go anywhere." The driver said. He's been told by Yoochun to watch over me.

"Don't worry, i just wanted to get some fresh air. I'll be right next to the car." I said as i got out of the car and leaned my back on the door. I folded my arms as i looked outside of the window at the carpark.

"Oi." A voice called me. I turned around to where the voice come from and i saw this man running towards me. As he got closer and closer, it turns out to be Kimbum. "You dropped your pen." He said as he showed me the pen.

I was in a dazzle when i saw him. I really did not expect him to be in the carpark as well. I took a glance at the sight behind him to see whether the others are behind him, i saw no one. "Thanks." I said as i reached my hand to take the pen from him.

However, Kimbum took my hand and pull it close to him. He pushed the tip of the pen and started to write on my hand. When he finished, he pushed the tip of the pen again and put it on my hand.
"Call me." He said as he made the gesture. I looked at my hand and opened it slowly, and i saw his phone number written on my hand.

When i looked at him again, he is running back to where he came from and went into a car, it seemed to be his car. I watched him drive away from the carpark. Just then, my eyes caught on Yoochun who just came into the carpark area.. with Jaejoong...

I quickly hide myself while peeking at them. From their gestures, i can tell that Jaejoong wanted to go with Yoochun but Yoochun is telling Jaejoong to go back in. Maybe Jaejoong wanted to see me, he still thought i was cross-dressing. Yoochun pushed Jaejoong into the mall again. I quickly went inside the car. Five minutes later, Yoochun came back alone. He went inside the car and we drove off.


Yoochun waited at the parking lot with his driver while i get changed inside his car. Once i am done, i went out of the car, leaving the bag there.
"Done?" Yoochun asked. I nodded while i walked towards him. "Sorry, i didn't expect it would turn out this way."

"It's fine." I said. "As long as you keep your promise."
"I will." He smiled.

"Hyung, no i mean.. Oppa, why do i have to go on a date with you?" I've actually been itching to ask him this. He could've just told me to become his slave or asked me to do his homework etc but he didn't. Even if he is a bad peson, he would already sell me out somewhere (jks). But today's date is super normal.

"Truthfully, you came at the right time. Because if it's not you i'll have to ask other girls." Yoochun said. "I told you i wanted to get rid of that girl right? And this is the only way so..."
So his intention is purely to get rid one of his fans huh..?
"By the way, where are the stuff i gave you earlier?" Yoochun asked while checking whether i've got the bag or not.

"I left it inside the car." I answered. Yoochun sighed and he walked towards the car. He opened the car's door and grabbed the bag. Then he walked towards me again, handing me the bag, "Here you go. Why did you leave it there? It's a gift."

"Oh.. I thought you were just lending it to me..." I laughed awkwardly.

"No, i'm giving it to you. I chose it while imagining you wearing it, So it's only you who can look great in this clothes." Yoochun smiled cheesily. I laughed at it and at the same time i was happy when he said so.

At evening, the white team had a party as planned. The students ordered foods and some cook as well. We held the party at the school garden. Jiyeon set up a place to sit at the grass with a sheet. Onew grabbed his food and came to sit with her and eat there. Some students gathered as a group to play games. While everyone was eating, i was still in my room's toilet. I've been washing my hand couple of times with soap to get rid of the writing on my hand. As much as i wanted to keep it that way, i can't let my identity be exposed. The writing is now half gone. Even though i ama bit disappointed for having to erase it, i smiled everytime i see the it. It kept on recalling the scene when he wrote it on my hand. I just can't get rid of it from my mind.

After a few minutes, the writing is now completely gone, my hand is clean. I went inside my room and took the bag Yoochun gave me. I opened my wardrobe, trying to find a place to hide this bag. From the top drawer until the bottom, there's no space.
"Hyosun, are you ready?" Kimbum knocked on my door. I became panic, i look around my room desperately trying to find a place to hide the bag.
"I'm going in." Kimbum said. The door's handle pulled down and Kimbum pushed the door open slowly. Since i've got no choice, i threw the bag under my bed and quickly stood up just when he open the door completely.

"What took you so long?" Kimbum asked.

"N-Nothing.. Let's go." I pushed Kimbum outside of my room, and we walked together to the party at the garden.


When we arrived at the garden, the students have already prepared everything. On the right of the pathway, Jiyeon was placing mats on top of the green grass for people to sit down while enjoying the foods. On the left of the pathways, Junsu is busy grilling the meat for everyone to eat, Mir and Onew are helping him. Other students carried the ingredients to the preparation team next to the grilling team. The preparation team are full of girls as well as a few boys who are busy sticking meat and veggies on the skewer. Ahead of the pathways on the right side, some students are playing games on the athletic field; while the left side is the entrance to the school building.
"You two, stop standing there and help us carry some of the meat here." Wooyoung said as he pointed us to the pile of boxes behind us. Both of us nodded and quickly grabbed a box each.

When i pull up a box, it's SUPER heavy. I quickly put it down again nefore i choose a lighter box and bring it near the preparation group. Yoochun who was at the athletic field saw me, he came running to help me.
"You shouldn't carry this. Let me carry it for you." Yoochun took the boxes from my hands.

"It's fine, it's light." I said.

"It's still heavy. It's a box of coke cans." Yoochun placed the boxes near the preparation team. Junsu stared at Yoochun, he was keeping his eye on Yoochun the entire time. I realised that i still haven't told him that Yoochun already knew i'm a girl, so i told Junsu to come over to the side along with Yoochun. I told Junsu about it and i told Yoochun about my relationship with Junsu.
"So you were a butler as well?" Yoochun asked Junsu.

"Yes, but a level higher than you Hyung, i already served her while i trained." Junsu smirked, he was very proud of it.

Yoochun didn't seem to be amazed by it, "then, do you know there is another butler in this school?"

"Yeah, we knew about it. There were two, one of them is you then who is the other one?" I said.

"I don't know. I did not see any butlers that i recognize here... But you are aware that your husband-to-be is here too right?"

"WHAT?" Both Junsu and me shouted. Everyone suddenly looked at us, we shouted quite loud. We covered our mouth and waited until the students to go back to whatever they were doing.

"W-Who?" I asked.

"I don't know. But we were announced by our leader that your husband-to-be is also searching for you.." Yoochun said. "Your father too, he actually asked us to search for you too."

"Then.. are you going to tell my dad?" I frowned.

"No i won't. I know how girl feels when they are being forced to get married with someone they don't know. After all, a girl has to marry someone they really love." Yoochun smiled.

"But.. my husband-to-be will find me anytime soon.. I'm sure he knows of my name and has already seen my picture.." I sighed.

"That's what i find weird. He should have found you by now." Yoochun said. "But as i heard from the other butlers, he's a delinquent. So you better be careful."
Junsu and me imagined a boy with typical delinquent image: scars on his face, smoking, with their scary-looking friends. We shivered with just the thought of it.


Onew then came to us with four plates full of the BBQed skewers (with meat and veggies on it obviously). Mir and the others came to join us too. Onew handed it one by one to us. Weirdly, when the three of us got BBQ, he was the only one who got a plate of chickens.
"Eat up before it runs out." He said. "By the way Hyosun, I met your cousin today."

"Yoochun told me about it. So what do you think of my cousin?" I nudged him, trying to dig out their opinion about the girl me.

"Well.. She looks EXACTLY like you.. So i don't feel anything.."  Onew said.

"It's just like seeing you in girl clothes, long hair, and s.." Mir spontaneously said. I was unhappy with their answers. I was hoping they would say something like 'pretty', 'cute', or any girly comments.

"But i think Kimbum is the one who has the most interest at her." Nichkhun added. "He even gave her his phone number. I wonder if she's gonna call him."
Junsu and Yoochun looked at me, they wanted to know whether it was true. I looked away from them because i was shy, and they know the answer is 'yes' from my reaction.

"Hyosun, do you think your cousin likes him?" Yoochun raised his eyebrows. He slyly try to discover my feelings.

"I-I can't say 'like'.. they just met. But..." I faltered. "Kimbum is her type.."

"Is that so..?" Yoochun folded his arms while nodding. Junsu and him seemed to be quite unhappy with my answer. While the boys just nodded.

In the midst of the conversation, my phone rang. I rummaged my pocket to take my phone and i saw 'man-s mania' on the contact name, it's Jaejoong.
"What?" I greeted.

"Ya, why did you dress up as a girl today?" Jaejoong asked.

"It's my cousin, not me! We both look alike." I said. "Stop thinking weirdly of me, I am a manly man!!!"
I ended the call with that.


Meanwhile at the hotel that the red team is staying at, the red team is enjoying their meal at a restaurant. The school booked the restaurant for the whole night for the students. While everyone is enjoying their food, Jaejoong suddenly threw his phone onto the table. It startled the people who were eating at his table.
"How dare he hanged up the phone!" Jaejoong hissed. He still hasn't touch his food. The food was served like 20 minutes ago, his food is already cold.

Jaejoong grabbed his fork and played with his food while he stared into spaces, trying to recall the image of the girl me.
"Oppa, why aren't you eating it?" Hyomin asked. She already had her eye on Jaejoong's mashed potato. "If you're not eating it, i'll take it.."
Hyomin looked at Jaejoong but there's no response. She took her fork and was about to take Jaejoong's mashed potato but Jaejoong blocked her fork.
"I'll eat it soon.." Jaejoong said. Hyomin then placed the fork near while pouting.

"Hyomin, did you take picture of Yoochun and the girl that looked like Hyosun?" Jaejoong asked.

"Yes, i did." Hyomin nodded. "Wanna have a look?" Jaejoong nodded and Hyomin rummaged her bag to find her camera. She took out her camera and search for the picture before she gave it to Jaejoong.
"Is she Hyosun's twins? She looks exactly like Hyosun.." Hyomin said.

Jaejoong looked at the picture carefully. He just couldn't believe how the 'girl' me and the 'boy' me resemble each other so much. Jaejoong noticed that the only thing that makes us look different is the eye, because of the eyeliner. He closed his eyes and tried to imagine me with eyeliner, but his imagination doesn't work too well...  Jaejoong then remembered that i have a small mole near the tip of my eye. When he was about to zoom the picture, Hyomin snatched the camera away from him.

"Sorry, i'm going to take picture with my friends!" Hyomin apologized to Jaejoong as she handed her camera to her friend. Jaejoong just sighed and eat his food, he intended to check on it later.

The white team worked together to clean up the garden after their party. They divided the work evenly from picking up rubbish to putting back the chairs to the auditorium. Yoochun, who was supposed to put back the chair, can't be spotted anywhere with Jaebum. Just when everyone is looking for them, Yoochun and Jaebum came back with six plastic bags.
"What are those?" Junsu asked.

Yoochun smiled happily, "So-ju!"
Everyone cheered when they heard that and came to help Yoochun and Jaebum to carry the bags.

"Come to my room tonight, and don't tell the teacher!" Jaebum said.


As they have planned, at 10pm everyone gathered at Jaebum's room. There were more than 20 people in there, including girls. Before i attend the party,  Junsu and I went to the nearest 24/7 grocery to buy a some snacks for the party. While Junsu is paying at the cashier, i quietly took a new prepaid phone number sim card; luckily i've got another unused phone at my dorm. When he left the store, I went to the cashier to pay the card with a banana milk.
"What did you buy?" Junsu asked once i'm out of the store.

"Banana milk." I said as i poked the straw into the bottle. "Want some?"
I shouldn't have asked him, he put his mouth on the straw and hald of the banana milk.

"YA! YA! YA! Enough!!" I shouted as i tried to take away the milk from it, but he already drank 3/4 of them. I playfully hit him on the back.


Junsu and I walked back to school, and went straight to Jaebum's room. Everyone hasn't started the party yet because they were waiting for us, especially Junsu.
"Tonight, we have to make this guy over here drink at least 5 shots!!!" Jaebum said as he hugged Junsu's neck. Everyone got excited hearing tha, Junsu always rejected to drink any alcohol. Nichkhun then came into the room with Junsu's twin brother, Junho.
"This guy too!!" Jaebum shouted when he saw Junho.

Jaebum had prepared enough cup of shots for everyone, and some brought other drinks. To make it even more exciting, they play games and whoever lose has to drink. I've drink at least a bottle of soju but i still feel fine. While we were dirnking, i took the chance to go to my room y excusing myself to the toilet. I set the new sim card on my other phone and record the number on my phone as 'Lee Hyosun' before i go back to Jaebum's room.

When i came back, 8 people had alredy fell asleep, including Junsu and Junho.
"Hyosun, 4 bottles for the twins." Jaebum high-fived me. I thought they are a weak drinker but 4 bottles for soju is not bad. Jaebum gave me another shot of soju and we toast.

"Don't drink too much." Yoochun patted my shoulder. When i looked at him, his face's already red. I guess he's on his way to the 'drunk' state. I didn't have to worry about me getting drunk. I haven't been drinking much and i know my limit. But thanks to the soju my body feel warmer now.


At the hotel, the red team had already finished their dinner. Some of them went out to take a walk near the swimming pool and the garden, but Jaejoong went straight to his room with Hyomin's camera. As he entered his room, he sat on the study table while looking at Hyomin's camera. He went through a couple of picture until he found my picture with Yoochun. He zoomed the picture and focused on me. To his surprise, he spotted the mole.





Thanks for reading :)
and welcome to the new readers, sorry i haven't greet you guys :)

I'll try to update another chapter soon.

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Chapter 28: great story ...loved reading it
Good Story!!!
Angelz0715 #3
Chapter 30: Awwww this story is so cute!!! I love it~~~ Daebak!!!
Chapter 28: Daebak! I really liked it, i mean, it was totally unpredictable, i really didn't know what was going to happen... surprising! I absolutely loved that she ended up with jaejoong!! Congrats!!
readingglass #5
greats tory!
redblossom07 #6
omg! this story is so cute bwuahahaha!
i love it hahaha!...
i love the bonus parts hahahaha!
super amazing story
My classmate told me that this story is nice and I should check it out, and I did. And I am glad that I checked it out, it was amazing!
99line #9
my sister recomend this story and i love this so much. ^^