Chapter 2

Secret best kept hidden [Discontinued]

Chanyeol's POV 

Biology class to start off the school year! Nothing else could be better. I am estatic that I am in Soo Yeon's class. Oh.. her eyes are so beautiful. Everything about her is so beautiful. From her shyness to her hair in the high pony tail. I think.. no, it can't be. Am I already falling for her? 

Well she did catch my eye when I was walking into the hall. She wasn't very confident at all, more like she was trying to avoid the crowd. I was about to approach her but then a bunch of students just came in my way. That disappointed me a lot but it wasn't a majot set back at all. Afterall, I am in her class now. I better make the most of it while I can. 

As I turned to look at Soo Yeon to ask her for a pen, I saw her staring at a boy on the other side of class. I know this boy. His name is Kim Jongin. He was the kingka of my previous school. I will even bet that within a week he will become this school's kingka. The way that she gazed at him, it looked familiar. Right, it is how all the girls stare at him. I don't get what is so interesting about him. Apart from his superstar like dancing, he has nothing else. He is as daft as a pineapple. I don't even know how he got into the school just with his dancing. It's a wonder I will have to live with. 

 '*Poke* Soo yeon," as I casually tried to keep my calm. "Can I borrow a pen off you?"

She nodded at me and passed me one of her four-pens. 

"Alright class, I'm going to go around the class one by one and you shall introduce yourself," Miss. Soo Ra instructed. "Starting from you..."

She pointed at me and I happily stood up smiling and with a confident voice I introduced myself.

"Annyeong Class 10B. I am Park Chanyeol, I am currently 17 and I have an interest in science. If any of you need some cheering up, I am here for your help! Afterall, I am known as the Happy Virus!"

I sat down after that and Soo Yeon gave a sweet eye smile. Gosh she is adorable! Everyone clapped at my introduction and started chittering amongst themselves of what they are going to say next.

"Thank you, Chanyeol and now we will go to ... "


"Hmm... who haven't I chosen yet? Oh let's go to you!" Miss Soo Ra pointing at Soo Yeon.

As Soo Yeon stood up in shyness, it make me have a tingle inside. Her innocence and quietness while standing up from the table made me feel happy? I don't know but it was a different feeling from most days. 

"Arasso... Hello class. I am Park Soo Yeon. I am currently 16 years old. I am not very social so I'm sorry if I don't communicate well. I like science and music, please treat me well."

She finished off very quietly like the way she started off. It was so cute. Everyone suddenly made her feel more welcomed and she started chuckling from the state she was being treated. 

"Looks like you're getting a lot of attention bubs" as I told her with a tap on her head.

"Bubs? Starting with nicknames now?" she replied looking confused.

"Maybe I should call you a wallflower then. I think it suits you."

"Okay.. I might have trouble getting used to it though" She said with a hesitated voice.

"Alright class. Settle down. We still have one more person left. And you must be Jongin then!"

"Huh?" said the careless Jongin while taking his earphones out of his ears. "I'm Kim Jong In, but call me Kai. I am 17. My major and future is dance and music. That's all you need to know" 

The whole class fell silent. He showed a cold appoach to the class. The girls were staring at his features, the boys were just not interested. 

"Um.. Okay. Since that is the whole class introduced! I would like to congratulate you on your success here. Don't slack off. This isn't like any other school. And like the principal said, never give up no matter hard the task is. You were chosen here for a reason. For whatever area."



Kai's POV

I seriously cannot be bothered coming to this school. My parents applied me for this school without my consent. The only reason why I'm here in the first place is because of my gift of singing and dancing. I could care less about the grades in any class. Especially biology. I winged this subject with a C+ last year. I didn't even mind. I put my effort into what I love the most. I put my earphones in when Miss was asking everyone to introduce themselves.

As I was listening to songs, I heard Mirotic by DBSK come on and my hands and feet just started dancing along. It's a habit of mine. I dance everywhere.

"And you must be Jongin then!" Oh how I cringe at the name of Jongin. What type of name is Jongin? Why can't I have a more sophisticated name?

"Huh?" as I replied to her because I didn't hear her question. Oh right.. introductions. "I'm Kim Jong In, but call me Kai. I am 17. My major and future is dance and music. That's all you need to know." 

I sat down immediately and took a quick glance at the whole class. It seemed all the girls are all over me. Like always. And the boys dissing me. Typical. But one girl stood out to me... damn. I should've took notice to her name while introductions. I might make her my next girlfriend. Nah. Not this again, Kai. She's too shy for your type. Look at her, already reading a book. I can't date someone who shoves their head into books. Besides, I promised my best friends Nana and Luhan to not date anyone while being here. 






A/N(that-exogirl): Sorry if this is a bad chapter! I'm still new to this writing business. Anyway, I will put in Luhan, Nana and Lizzy later on in the stories! Luhan is yet to come. What's going to happen in Soo Yeon's POV (your POV) while biology class? 


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