Chapter Five

Forever Tuesday Morning
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Chapter Five


“Jihyun we have a surgery in 30 minutes.” The vet called out as I entered the glass doors.


“This early?” I groaned putting my bag in the lockers. I love this job and I couldn’t ask for a better one but an early morning surgery is not my thing. I haven’t even eaten breakfast yet.


“It’s not too bad it’s just a cesarean procedure for an obese poodle.”


I nodded going straight to my post making sure we have enough clean sheets and autoclaved scalpels to use. It’s a bloody procedure after all.


Dr. Choi is one of the best vets in this city and I am proud to be a trainee in his clinic. I am training out to be like him but I have a long way to go and I am happy enough that instead of reading all those books I am experiencing animals firsthand through this job. Experience is the best teacher.


“Have you thought about meeting my favorite adopted nephew? You should date him he’ll be perfect for you.”


I rolled my eyes not wanting to have the same discussion again. Every now and then he will force me to date and these past few days he keep on insisting I date this guy he grew fond of.


“When I saw him! Bang!” he said making weird faces. “He is the perfect guy for our Jihyunnie. Tsk.tsk tsk.” He added framing my face like a photographer. “Perfect couple!”


“Stop it!” I am too embarrassed. “You know I don’t date.”


“Well I am telling you this time you should consider your penitence and just date him. He will be awesome for you. He has an Alaskan malamute and I know you have this thing about guys who likes animals too.”


I rolled my eyes for the nth time helping him to do his scrubs before the procedure. “Ok, I will date him. Just once ok? Just once.”


He happily gave out a big grin knowing too well that he won, “You can’t take that back Jihyun or I will hold your pay.”


“Yah!” I pretended to be angry.


“Well I just want to make sure.” He winked. “He is as handsome as this oppa.” He said pointing to himself.




Thirty minutes had pass and she’s not here yet. Is she alright? Will she come or did she just forget about our little rendezvous. I played with my coffee that is now too cold to drink. She is one rare girl.


I never had problems with women. I have come to a conclusion that it’s not as hard as people often claim them to be. Women are not that hard to read. They have rules, expressions and body movements that can tell you what they want.


Jihyun, she’s different. She is like a puzzle I can’t figure out. One moment she’s a shy girl and the next thing I know she’s punching my face. I can’t figure out if she plainly doesn’t like me or she’s taking her time and playing games. Most often I am ahead of my own game and I make sure I win. She makes it hard for me to win this one.


She stumbled down the empty seat, eyes closed and she looks so tired. “How much do I owe you?”


I knotted my forehead thin

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Chapter 16: kyaaa ice cream shop??wow wow wow meet mama park!!XD
update soonXD
Samantha24 #2
Chapter 16: Wow i love the new chappies. Thanks for the updates.
Chapter 16: ICE CREAM SHOP


Next chappy would be fun. Definitely.
Chapter 16: Ahaha. I wanna punch Yunnie's face. He is so... umph >.<
This chappy is hilarious, esp with the pets having a cameo.
Love the parrot XD
Chapter 15: yeah, you're back!
and this is yoochun birthday, yaaay
Chapter 15: The story is back! This chappy is quite different from the rest. The characters know they are inside a fic, lol xD And Yoochun, man up will you? XD

Thanks for the update.
Chapter 15: aaaaaw I miss youuuuuuuuuuu and nice update thank you

chunnie you Pabo and jihyun argh the Pabo couple>,<
Samantha24 #8
Chapter 14: hi i just read your story, its very good, i hope you will update soon..
Chapter 14: why you don't confess to her asap yoochun?!
Chapter 14: aaaaaa chunnie you pabo just say yes she is your girlfirend!!! geez >.<
finally updated kekeke thank you^^