Chapter Three

Forever Tuesday Morning
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“Why are you following me?”


“I am not.”


“Yes, you were.”


“Why did you punch me?”


“Because you we’re following me.”


“But I am not.”


I felt bad knocking him down. I helped him to get up and he has a huge red mark on his face.


“Awww. That looks bad.”


“Yes, coming from an amazon woman.” I held in my breath trying not to say anything bad at him. It’s my fault anyway.


“Oh no!” he bent down and pick up his phone facedown on the ground


“Is it broken?”


He fiddled with the phone not minding me. I felt nervous since I couldn’t afford to pay him back at the moment. I am working on two part time jobs and studying part time in the university.


“I think there’s something wrong on my phone.” He said as his eye catches mine. “It doesn’t have your number in it.”


My heart dropped as the expression on my face changed from worry to anger. This guy is playing with me. I glared at him and shook my head in disbelief. He smiled. I didn’t know if it’s the light but his smile sparkles like a manghwa character and took a mental note that I should stop reading those things. His dimples are faint, not obvious unless there’s light on his skin to show it. It is amazingly cute. I hated myself for praising the guy while I’m supposed to be angry with him.


“I think you’re alright.” I said turning around so that I can avoid looking at his face. I couldn’t think properly.


“Hey!” he called out catching up with me. “What about my phone?”


I gave out a huge sigh, counting to ten. He really wants to test my patience.


“It’s really broken.” He showed me the phone with a huge crack on the outside.


“I will pay you back.” I instantly said and opened my wallet showing a few bills on it. I will only have enough money to last me a week and if I pay him today me and my babies couldn’t eat. “Or maybe, I can pay you later if that’s alright.” I searched for annoyance on his face but instead he looks pleased on what I just said.


“That’s fine. Can I have your contract number so I’ll know you will not run away from your obligation?” he sensibly replied.


I contemplated his argument and everything he said made sense but I am not comfortable giving out my number to a complete stranger. I guess, he saw the hesitance in my face as he smiled again assuring me. “Don’t worry, I’m not a bad person.” He showed his I.D and university identification card.


I am still uncertain about it but I took out my phone and gave him my number anyway. It’s the only thing I can do so that he’ll know I will not run away from him.


“I will just contract you. You have

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Chapter 16: kyaaa ice cream shop??wow wow wow meet mama park!!XD
update soonXD
Samantha24 #2
Chapter 16: Wow i love the new chappies. Thanks for the updates.
Chapter 16: ICE CREAM SHOP


Next chappy would be fun. Definitely.
Chapter 16: Ahaha. I wanna punch Yunnie's face. He is so... umph >.<
This chappy is hilarious, esp with the pets having a cameo.
Love the parrot XD
Chapter 15: yeah, you're back!
and this is yoochun birthday, yaaay
Chapter 15: The story is back! This chappy is quite different from the rest. The characters know they are inside a fic, lol xD And Yoochun, man up will you? XD

Thanks for the update.
Chapter 15: aaaaaw I miss youuuuuuuuuuu and nice update thank you

chunnie you Pabo and jihyun argh the Pabo couple>,<
Samantha24 #8
Chapter 14: hi i just read your story, its very good, i hope you will update soon..
Chapter 14: why you don't confess to her asap yoochun?!
Chapter 14: aaaaaa chunnie you pabo just say yes she is your girlfirend!!! geez >.<
finally updated kekeke thank you^^