Chapter 1

Coffee Cojjee

*waegukin = foreigner


You loved the smell of coffee. It’s alluring aroma dulled your senses to focus on only the coffee itself, and it’s slightly bitter aftertaste woke you up. You smiled as you were on your way to a new coffee shop down the street.

Not only was this coffee shop new, but it was owned by Kim Jaejoong, one of the most famous idols of Asia. He was your top bias, your love. You loved the way he sang, the way he’d carry himself when being in public. He had this charming aura around him, but at the same time, he’d also seem to have a nervous or worried aura. It felt to you as if he was concerned about the way fans would see him, as if he did something wrong.

Pushing those thoughts aside for now, you walk down the street, your giant pompom beanie flopping in the wind and your boots weaving through the snow. It was winter, a pretty cold winter in Korea, and you were freezing your off. You were wearing a puffy jacket, ear muffs over your beanie, mittens, a scarf, and yet you were still shivering as you walked.

Rounding the corner, the view of the coffee shop made itself seen. The simple yet elegant “Coffee Cojjee” sign was just down the street, and just thinking of going there made your heart skip a beat. Sure, you probably wouldn’t even see Jaejoong there, but to be somewhere that he put his all into would be worth it.

Reaching the coffee shop, you walked in. The beautiful décor made such an impression on you. You loved simple things, and the shop was it. It had a black and white theme, but it wasn’t dull or dark. It had a sense of calm and relaxation to it, and the smell of coffee had definitely brought that out too.

You took a big breath and walked over to the counter with a huge smile on your face. Looking over the hand dripped coffees, you ordered one and handed over 6000 won to the lady at the register. Sure, 6000 won was quite a bit for a cup of coffee, but you didn’t really mind, as coffee really became a part of your life.

Taking the cup, you walk over to find an empty table. Much to your dismay, all the tables were taken and had about four people to each table. You pouted and stood there for a great five minutes until someone tapped you on the shoulder. You turn around to see the face of your dreams.

Gasping, your cheeks turn bright red. He chuckled, a cup of coffee in hand. “Would you like to take a seat with me at my table?” He pointed over to a table by what looked like the office of the coffee shop. It looked like it was just for him, so you guessed that people didn’t take it. You were shocked as you nodded and followed him over to his table.

He set his coffee on the table and pulled out your chair for you; the colour on your cheeks brightening even more. You shyly sat down. “K-Kamsahamnida!” You quickly stuttered out before he sat in his chair. He sent you a charming smile. “You’re welcome. Are you a waegukin? If you don’t mind me asking that is.” You nodded. “I am a waegukin. Y-You probably noticed that from my accent, huh?”

He smiled and nodded. “It’s okay though, there’s nothing wrong with being a waegukin. So, what’s your name? I’m Jaejoong, Kim Jaejoong.” Automatically, you felt a lot more confident and comfortable about this man who you loved with all your heart.

Smiling, you shot out your hand. “My name is ________!” He took it and you felt electricity shoot through your body. You stared into his eyes, trying to see if he felt it too. Sure enough, his eyes showed that he was shocked, but he recovered quickly, as did you.

“That’s a pretty name~ Where are you from?”

“I’m from Toronto, Canada.” He looked a bit surprised. “You come from that far? Isn’t it very cold there? Have you gotten used to Korea yet?” You giggled as he continued to ask his little heart out. He noticed and stopped, hand reaching behind his head. “Ah, am I rumbling too much?”

You giggled once more. “Nono, keep talking~! I think it’s cute that you want to know more about different cultures!” He chuckled with his hand in front of his mouth. Even when he did that though, you saw the tiny blush on his cheeks. Oh, he’s so adorable!

He looked at the time and sighed. “Sorry ________-ssi, but I have to go now! I originally meant to just drop by and place some papers on my desk, but I ended up taking much longer than that. Maybe we can talk soon?” He asked hopefully, eyes growing bigger as time passed.

Blushing, you slightly nodded. He smiled and took out a pen. Taking your hand, he gently wrote down his number and winked at you before he left. You took a look at your hand and giggled.

There next to his number, was a donkey.

A really ugly donkey.

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aliceeyychan #2
Chapter 1: A donkey? How random. Lol
Awwww sequel?
Chapter 1: LOL
Funny donkey? Kkk