Two different worlds, one heart.

C u t e d i o r. One shot or story request shop![Apply is closed]

Hello! This oneshot is for LeeJiSeung as Caleb Danforth. This is the first pairing I recieved where the partner is a female so it's nice to have this change. Umm, I don't know CL's personality very well so the fact that you added in a personality took the weight of my shoulders. I hope that you enjoy this oneshot! I hope this makes your day. :3

written by: cutedior


Caleb Danforth's point of view:

It was a typical day at the university, and I was walking with my friend T.O.P. No one dared to mess with us regardless of their social status. To clarify things, T.O.P and I rule the school. No, not because we're rich. Cause we're not. In reality, we're the bullies of the school. Sounds weird right? We don't really care. I come from an average family, but they didn't treat me very well. Is this why I'm such a bully? Maybe. But everyone just has to deal with it.

I'm strong willed, but I also have a soft side. That is, when I fall in love. But I haven't yet. Even though I said today was typical, it was only typical for me. Because you see, all of the clubs are setting up an event for the whole school. Not that I care though. T.O.P. and I walked over to class, where our classmates were talking. I assumed it was about us because once we entered that room,  everyone just stopped. We shrugged it off.

Today is a day we'd be off on bullying. The more I thought about it, I wanted to enjoy the next day too.

CL's point of view:

Over the past few months, I have been really busy. My  best friend Park Bom and I were the co presidents of the badminton club and had to plan what our club would do for the University's annual event. We wanted to do something different, but we didn't know how we would accomplish it. Various clubs were already doing food booths and games. How would we be set apart? 

We had difficulty coming up with other ideas until I saw two boys walking in costumes. One thought led to another and I finally came up with the idea that the badminton club would do a haunted house cafe. I didn't know if it sounded stereotypical, but I wanted to try anyway. I asked everyone in the club if it was okay and thankfully they went for it.

Since today is the day before the actual event, I had to rush around school to get the last minute preparations completed. But in order to fully have an understanding, I'd have to go to the Engineering department first to make sure the materials we're using were safe one last time. "You can go to the Engineering department first while I check over the space we'd be occupying. Sounds good?" asked Park Bom.

"That's no problem! I'll get started on it right away." We went our separate ways as I tried to find the right room. I was lost, so I went to my father who is the president of the University. "Appa, where is the Engineering department's board's room?" He looked through the book with all of the room numbers and showed it to me.

Aww I passed that one without even knowing it! I sighed, and walked back there.

Caleb Danforth's point of view:

It's boring in my engineering class. I don't even know why I signed up for it. Oh that's right. T.O.P. told me to. I shouldn't have listened to him. But then again, we'd be separated. That sounds kind of sad. I looked outside the window, and I could see why I was getting hot. The sun was blazing. Even with the windows open, it wasn't enough to stop everyone from sweating.

I removed my leather jacket, hoping it would work. It didn't. Just as I was about to leave due to frustration, I heard a knock. Curious as to who it was, I stayed. Then a girl with a beautiful figure but an edgy look walked inside. She was totally my type. I nudged a now sleeping T.O.P who groggily looked at me. "What is it?"

I nudged at him again. "Shh.." I whispered as I pointed to the beautiful woman who just walked through the door. He started checking her out to. "Damn. She's hot." I punched his arm. "Hey. I saw her first I have dibs." I kept staring at her and T.O.P groaned. "Fine. But the next time, I get to have dibs. Got it?"

I just shrugged. "Whatever." After a while she left, and I was disappointed. I didn't want her to leave. T.O.P nudged me. "Do you know who that girl was?" I shook my head. "Nope, I have no clue who she is." He laughed at me. "Look at you, you fell in love with someone and you don't even know who it is. You're crazy."

I looked back outside the window hoping she'd pass by again. "You're right, I am crazy."

CL's point of view:

I successfully got that half of the work done. I was so happy and wanted to celebrate. But I knew that I couldn't celebrate just yet. There were still a lot of things to be completed. I called Bom, so that we could meet up about the details. "Yoboseyo? Bom-ah." "Ne?" I looked around in case she was near and started walking towards the benches. "I just wanted to let you know that I finished my half. And I wanted to ask you if you were done with yours so we can discuss it."

There was a moment of silence. "Yoboseyo? Bom-ah?" She came back to the phone. "Oh, sorry. I was just discussing the details with the people who are almost finished building it. I'm done now though. Where do you want to meet at?" I sat down on the bench. "I'm by the benches." "Oh really? I'll be right there."

Caleb Danforth's point of view:

The class period went longer than usual. I couldn't help but think about that girl the whole time. Is this what they call love at first sight? My teacher noticed I wasn't paying attention, and she whacked my desk with a yard stick. "Yah! Pay attention in class!" I rolled my eyes at her. You're stupid to think I actually would.

Class ended, and I was allowed to go home. T.O.P. and I wanted to go to arcade, to avoid homework of course. We started walking off to our favorite arcade.

CL's point of view:

Our meeting was over, and we needed some time to relax. I suggested a spa day, but Bom didn't want to do that. She dragged me into her car. "Bom-ah, where are we going?" She clapped excitedly. "We're going to an arcade!" I was confused. "Bom-ah, why do you want to go to an arcade?" She giggled. "It's going to be a new experience for you. Ms. President's daughter."

I giggled. "Okay, I'm willing to experience new things." Her eyes lit up. "That's the spirit!" I wonder if anyone I know is there.

Caleb's point of view:

T.O.P. and I were playing on the race car games. Stereotypical, I know. But what guy doesn't like racing games? There is always an adrenaline rush to it. We were getting tired and decided to take a break, when I saw her. The beautiful girl from earlier today. The one I couldn't help but think about. I avoided her gaze, not wanting to catch myself staring at her. I walked away, but my heart was beating faster by the second.

CL's point of view:

We walked inside and the place was calm unlike my imagination. I felt like I recognized a boy, but I wasn't quite sure where I saw him before. I thought about the details a bit more and realized he was in the engineering class I stepped into earlier to retrieve the information. He's actually kind of cute. To my disappointment, he quickly left. I wonder if he's going to be at the club fair tomorrow.

Following Day:

Caleb's point of view:

Today was the day that the club event was going to happen. I didn't know whether or not I'd end up meeting her again, but fate had it's interesting twists yesterday. First in my class, then the place I called my second home. Am I going to end up stepping into her booth or something? I shrugged. After my daily rounds of bullying, I headed off to meet T.O.P since there was no class today.

CL's  point of view:

Today was the day I could see my hard work into actions. Any maybe, I could see the boy I saw yesterday. Using my father's resources, I researched information on him. I found he is a stereotypical bad boy, but at the same time very smart. And that just made me want to get to know him more. I headed off to school to finish up everything. Will he end up coming to my booth?

I called Bom up to see if she was already at school. Fortunately she was, and we met up at our booth. "So, what else are we going to have to do?" Bom sighed. "So many people are sick today. We have to fill in as the waitresses too." I was actually glad to be a waitress. It was the best part. Well, at least I think so.

Caleb's point of view:

There wasn't anything that interested me so far. All I saw were typical food booths and game booths. Do those people not know how to be original? Oh well, it's not like I planned any of this anyway. I was about to leave when I stumbled across a haunted house cafe. T.O.P. was excited about it. " Hyung, we should go inside. It must be fun. Do you think there are hot girls there?" I scoffed at him. "Yah! Is that all you can think about? We're here for the uniqueness." I headed towards the door and he was staring at the building in awe. "What are you waiting for? Let's go inside." It snapped him out of his daze and we walked inside.

CL's point of view:

Being a waitress was enjoyable. I loved being friendly to people and seeing happy faces while they're enjoying their food. Especially since they'd have to go through the haunted house first to get to the cafe. It wasn't busy but it wasn't slow either so that was an even better thing. I however did not go through the haunted house. I went through a back door. But I promised myself if I had enough time, I would walk through it with Bom.

Caleb's point of view:

When the sign said haunted house cafe, I thought you could see the cafe once you stepped in. But to me, it looked completely like a haunted house. A cafe was no where to be seen. I shrugged. "T.O.P. Let's walk through this haunted house. Maybe the cafe is at the end." He replied. "Uh? Oh. Yeah. Let's do that." I laughed. "Why? Are you scared?" He stuttered. "N-no. I'm not-t s-scared at all." I rolled my eyes. "Sure, man."

I walked through the haunted house, but it wasn't scary at all. Maybe it's because I'm not usually scared of these things anyway. From the exit, I could hear music and people chattering. Maybe I was right. Maybe there is a cafe at the end. T.O.P opened the door and a flash of light blinded my eyes.

CL's point of view:

I heard the bell chime, which meant a new customer was here. I turned around and bowed. "Welcome to the haunted house cafe!" I didn't see what they looked like, because I had to tend to other customers first. I looked to see if Bom had taken them, but she seemed busy. So I went up to them. "How many?" I saw that it was the boy from yesterday. The one I ended up wanting to get to know more. I turned away, embarrased. One of them said "Two."

I lead them to their table and handed them menus. "I'll be right back to take your order." I walked away. I grabbed Bom, who seemed startled. "What is it CL?" I shook my head furiously. "There's a customer out there that I always see." "What, is that person a stalker?" "No! Nothing like that. I just want to get to know him more." "So you like him?" "I don't know.. maybe." She sighed. "Well, just face the problem strongly. I have to get back to work."

I went back to them and took their order. After I set them down, one of them said "Come and sit down with us." I looked around the room and there were no new customers. "I guess I could, since there aren't any new customers." I asked the boy I saw yesterday. "What's your name?" He plainly said "I'm Caleb Danforth. And you are?" I blushed. "I'm CL. It's a pleasure to meet you." We spoke for a long time, but I didn't reveal anything about my family and neither did he. The booth was supposed to close and they were about to leave. I turned away, but Caleb called my name. "CL?" "Yes?" I wanted to hear those words. "Would you like to go on a date tomorrow night?" He said them. "I'd love to."

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__eccedentesiast_ #1
xD love it y Jjong <3
Wow. I love it! Thanks a lot! :))
__eccedentesiast_ #3
Thanks for the oneshot I enjoyed it very much ^^ ! Yes it was epic :D
Apply is officially closed...
I applied.. Again :)) Hope you dont mind. :)))
__eccedentesiast_ #6
Applied as Choi Aimika! (:<br />
Yaaay! Thank you so much! I love it! 8D
Can I apply for the 3rd time? kekeke. >.<
Applied as Choi Chung Ae! <br />