
The Truth, Our Secret


Standing in front of a dumpling restaurant, you blinked at the faded sign before turning to him that had a big smile on his face.

"What are we doing here?" You said in a soft voice. D.O nodded waving you to follow him. 

"Let's get inside, it's cold out here. Come on." Fixing your jacket, you sighed walking inside. 

"This idiot is making me crazy." You didn't know why you followed him knowing that you never did with anyone else. You hated him for making you look like a pet.


"Table for two please~" He sang again chuckling your way when you walked in. The waiter bowed and showed the both of you to your table handing out the menus.

"Call me when you have decided." She said and stepped away.


Picking up the menu, you scrolled the list of foods. You’ve never been to this kind of run down eatery before, well, you’ve been but never in a long long time and never with your family. They would be caught dead.

 Flipping the pages, you bit the insides of your cheek.

"This is crazy, when they find out.." You mumbled to yourself looking around over your menu at the place. "This place is so..."

"Pretty?" D.O cut you off, with eyes shining over the menu. Your nose crinkled. "Pretty ugly that's what this place is."

You placed down your menu. "Pretty is 'Schoenbrunn', the best most magnificent restaurant in Seoul. Tsk, not like someone like you would know."

D.O's smile faltered alittle. Looking down at the menu again he huffed.

"Well, this place looks bad but the food is great. Just give it a try Shim Jaerim."

"Whatever, just hurry up and eat so you can leave me alone after this. And stop calling me Shim Jaerim!" You called for the waiter and waved your hand at D.O. "Take his order."

"O..kay. Sir what's your order?" She held up her pad and pen.


 D.O kindly smiled up at  the waitress and confidently ordering for the both of you. You gapped hissing at him after the waiter left pulling him closer to your face.

"I didn't freaking ask for a stupid chicken dumpling soup with spinach and stupid baby tomatoes at the side!" He waved it off pulling away from you that was still fuming.

"You'll like it, don't worry."

"I'm not worried damn it what the hell? I'm out!" Pushing your seat back, a hand reached out grabbing onto your wrist. "Yah! Let me go!"

"You're making a scene Shim Jaerim." D.O said in a low voice. And like he said, all eyes were on you making blood rush to your cheeks. "Sit down and be a good girl ok?” 

Slowly, you sat yourself back down coughing into your fist fixing your hair getting really embarrassed.

"I'm going to kill you when we get out of here."

"I told you, you can't kill me." He said looking into your eyes with pure seriousness. 


Words got caught in your throat; no one had ever dared look at you in that way. Was this crazy idiot serious? You thought to yourself starring at him. How much you wanted slap him for trying to make you look stupid, you sort of believed him in a way. You believe everything he said, even how hard you tried of not obeying his words.

Who is this guy?

"I know that I'm good looking, but you can stop starring at me now and eat your food before it gets cold." He raised a brow chuckled to himself. Picking up his spoon, D.O slurped the hot broth. "Hmm...yummy~"

"Good looking my ." You murmured under you breath gazing down at your bowl. When did the food arrive? 

You bit your lip as your stomach growled but lucky for you, he was too busy eating to hear it. 

Memories started to flash suddenly of the old times when the aroma of the broth engulfed your nose. When was the last time you ate this?  Even with your tough exterior, you loved chicken dumpling soup with spinach. But how did he know?

How did he even know that you liked baby tomatoes at the side? Not even your family knows.


You looked up at him that was smiling from ear to ear biting onto a fried dumpling. Who are you? You know that you asked that question a million times already but seriously, who is this guy? 

Your brain stalled when the smell rose up again clouding your thoughts and all you wanted to do is eat this delicious food. Reminding yourself to figure it out later, you shifted your eyes on the steaming food in front of you.


D.O blinked up at the midst of chewing a piece of chicken and a soft smile spread on his lips when he found you gazing down on your food. He watched as you picked up your spoon and tasted the both, your expression changing ever so slightly at the familiar taste. Bit by bit, you ate. With every dumpling, you chewed on a baby tomato.

D.O chuckled to himself watching as a soft smile spread on your ‘always so grumpy’ face. He softened and continues to watch you eat without you knowing it.


It took awhile for you to finish. D.O didn’t complain once, he was content just by sitting there watching you. He didn’t even finish his own food.

Calling the waitress again, he brought back the remaining food for the others. Well, mostly for the maknae. Sitting up straight, he looked towards you that was sitting quietly trying to gather your thoughts.


“Are you done? You want to go?” He asked, his voice gentle and light. You looked up at him blinking your eyes. Without a word you stood up and headed out towards your parked car with him behind you tailing you silently.

“We never did this.” You said breaking the silence. D.O stopped in his tracks thinking that he heard wrong. 

“What? Never did what?”

You turned around to face him. You hated this feeling, remembering something you should forget. The past that was full of pain and lonely days. D.O reminded you of those days and he just brought you to a place that brought more memories to you.

“This..all this…everything you did today. Forget it ever happened because I don’t remember what we just did or remember that you forced me here. I don’t remember a thing.” You spoke bitterly to him, your eyebrows furrowed trying to erase everything. “Whatever you say, whoever you tell about today will be denied. No one will believe you.”

D.O watched you, whatever you said, it was a lie when your eyes showed different. You were hurt. He opened up old wounds that he doesn’t even know about. 

“Where are you going?” He asked when you opened up your car door. Pausing a second, you chose not to reply and slide into the drivers seat slamming the door shut.

D.O watched as you ignited your car engine and drove off.

“Did I say something wrong?”




 After that small time you spent with D.O, you hated him more than ever and kept cursing him off trying to get rid of him but whatever you did or said he still stuck around.

Your friends and the people around you were starting to gossip and you never liked gossip.

Orders were told around and slowly, the gossips ceased. You didn't have that reputation for no reason.

Still, D.O popped out of nowhere asking you where you were going or what you were doing. It was frustrating when he kept telling you that you literally can't get rid of him. The only way for you to find that out was for you to try him.


"Sorry, Jae, we missed him again." Tiffany shut her phone after getting a text from one of the guys from outside. "Who is that guy? Did you disturb a grave or curse a witch or whatever for you to be stuck with this creepy boy? Seriously Jae, we can't get rid of him. Even Heechul tried!"

"Well, you're not doing a good job then Tiff. Are you slacking off on me? He can't just disappear out thin air when he's totally surrounded!" You slammed your palms on your desk silencing your whole class.

The whole campus knows about your unwanted tail. D.O was the famous gossip right now with all students.

"No I have not! Why don't you do too! All you do is tell others what to do! Get rid of him yourself if you think others are useless! God!" Tiffany shot out of her seat and walked out of class with Hyuna following behind her.

"Ergh I've had it!" Grabbing your phone, you punched some numbers before pressing it on your ear breathing heavily from anger. 

"JaeJae?" The other line answered groggily. 

"Changmin, you and Yunho are up. Don't fail me!"  Ending the call with just that, you bit your lip. "Who the hell is this guy- ahh!"

The windows slammed open suddenly with cold strong wind blowing in surprising everyone in class. They tried to save their papers and books from being blown away while you moved away from the windows holding down your hair and clothes.

"What the hell?"

"Oh my god is it a tornado!?" Your classmates panicked scrambling everywhere away from the windows.

"What's going on!?"

The strong wind pushed you back slamming you to a wall knocking the wind out of your lungs and as quick as it all happened, it stopped, dead silent.

Papers flying everywhere tables and chairs messed up fallen to its sides. Your classmates ran out alarming the other classes next door. Pulling yourself up, you walked towards the windows gazing out fixing your messed up hair. Your friends rushed in gawking at the mess. 


"What the hell happened!?" Taeyeon stepped over some books in disbelief. Tiffany kicked away tables and chairs to reach you with Hyuna not even daring enough to step inside.

"Yeah we heard the commotion from down the hall and came rushing back to find you. Are you listening to me?.., Jae?"  


You looked out at the sky, the sun was shining, slow calm winds, cloudless. The weather was perfect, but where did that stormy powerful wind come from?
"Everything is going crazy.."
"No. You sound crazy, snap out of it and get out of here. Come on!" Tiffany tugged on your arm. You looked up at the bright sky again really dumbfounded. 


Sehun on the other hand was rolling on the floor laughing his head off.

All he wanted to do was mess up your hair but after he remembers the things you did to his hyung, he just couldn't help himself. And even hearing you weren't going to stop trying to hurt D.O he felt anger boil inside of him. His loving hyung is suffering enough already.

"Haaa..owww my stomach.." Wiping a non existent tear from under his eye he sat up watching as you and your other friends walk out from the classroom.
"Hyungs are going to kill me but they too, I just...did a little more, Sehun like? I didn't hurt anyone, they were...'blown away' by my awesomeness." Pushing himself off the floor, he walked out with his head held high.


"My power is useful too, I’m cool." Sehun snickered at his own inside joke. "Haaa I know what I just did there. Good one Oh Sehun!" He pats his own back proudly literally skipping out of the campus.


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Chapter 7: Haha!! They got blown away by Sehun's awesomeness
Chapter 6: Lameyoung LOL poor sooyoung and Tiffany is really clingy huh.
Update soon! Fighting fighting!! You can do it!
Chapter 4: To think of it again, D.O did turn away from his responsibility of the other kids. I just realized.
Update soon~!
Chapter 4: Hehe! It's time to party :) Update soon
Chapter 1: i like it :3
Chapter 3: What an evil woman! And I spot fx and that Kara girl! I can't wait to see which idols would appear next!
Update soon!
Chapter 3: WHOA!! Shim Jaerim seems like a bully. Poor D.O! Hopefully he didn't waste his gift on her. Can't wait for the next chapter :D
Chapter 2: This is really good!
Umm... I wonder who that tall man is.
Update soon please!!
Chapter 2: So for 10 years they've been waiting and watching? I guess they really treasure D.O to observe that long. Anyways Kai, is he a detective when he was alive or he just hate her so much? haha
Update soon~ ^^ You can do it!