
The Truth, Our Secret


That night, all six of them stood in front of the huge building that looked like a castle made of bricks but in truth, it was just a huge white manor with big windows and double doors just right for a dozen bodies walking right in it from their expensive big cars that was driven by their personal drivers that’s dressed in suits.

The boys gapped at the sight, they've seen rich people but this took the cake. A rather, big expensively decorated cake. 


"Woah, time really changed huh.." Baekhyun said gazing around the facility. He nudged Suho and D.O distractedly. "You two were once rich weren't you? From what I heard, you lived in a castle or something? Right right?"

"I was ..but..i've never lived in a such a place Baekhyun stop with your ridiculous nonsense." D.O rolled his eyes slightly that was still on the huge bright building. "Time did change though, the rich now and the rich than couldn't be compared." 

"But Suho's family lived humbly. They were rich but they never showed off like what this family is doing. This family has everything. Even that car down there! It’s on display!" Chanyeol animatedly pointed at the orange and black Ultimate Aero and Bugatti Veyron that’s sitting on a pedestal right in the middle of the roundabout. 

Shining like a brand new trophy with head lights showing around them.


All eyes turned to Kyungsoo but he was acting normal, like he didn't hear a thing. Kai shot Chanyeol a look.

"You stupid or something?" He mouthed eyeing D.O worriedly. 

Chanyeol realized his mistake and bit his lip in regret. 



Suho was about to say something when D.O stepped forward. "Let's go. Let's get this over with." He said and they all watched his retreating back solemnly.


"I'm sorry D.O.." Chanyeol's head hung low is shame.


He forgotten, it totally slipped his mind. A hand lightly squeezed his shoulder making Chanyeol look up at the maknae that smiled comfortingly.

"Let's go hyung."

Chanyeol nodded, Sehun and him walked together behind the others. 





Inside was beautiful, a big crystal chandelier hug in the middle of the two curved stairs that lead to the second floor of the mansion. A painting of the family portrait hung on the wall, awards and achievements aligned beside it proudly.

The boy gazed around watching as the people holding trays walk around the guests offering finger foods or drinks to them politely bowing when the guest waved them off. 


"I want some.." Sehun his lips and as on queue, a tray appeared in front of him that made his eyes wide as sources "Woah..colorful.."


They turned towards him and looked at the tray that has different flavors of fruit tarts on it.  


"I can have this?" He asked the waiter blinking his innocent wide eyes. The waiter smiled politely with a small nod. "Of cause."

"Woah! Thanks!" 


In seconds, the whole tray was emptied out by this kid. The waiter watched mouth a gap at how fast he ate everything, he was surprised that Sehun didn't eat the tray as well. 

Snapping himself back to his calm professional posture, he bowed.


"I will come back with more. Enjoy the party young sirs." With that, he turned into the kitchen taking a small glance back at Sehun first that has his mouth full of tart munching happily.

He shook his head in amusement before disappearing through the kitchen doors.



Chanyeol bit his lip with ear tinted pink covering his face with his hands. 


"Could you embarrass us enough brat? You're a freaking pig, calm your bottomless pit self down a little will you!?" He hissed tugging Sehun’s arm a little too roughly towards him making Sehun stumble.

But it seems like, the maknae is too into his own delicious world to notice the act. He meekly smiled cream off his upper lip eyes scanning the ground. 

"The tart was the best I have ever eaten.." Looking away, he eyed the other trays ignoring Chanyeol's burning glares and tight grip.

"Leave him alone Chanyeol, let him live a little while he has the chance." Suho nudged him forward lightly pulling Sehun’s arm off his grasp.

"But we're not around people we know hyung, it's embarrassing!"


Chanyeol looked around wondering if people were watching them. But no one was, no one could care less. They were all too busy being their rich selfish selves acting like snobs trying to hold their noses higher than everyone else.


"If you've forgotten -again- Sehun's previous life wasn't like ours, let him eat whatever he wants." Kai muttered lazily glancing at Chanyeol before following the rest deeper into the crowd.


Chanyeol's shoulders deflated, he forgotten again. He let off a deep sigh rubbing his forehead feeling a deep headache coming up. He knows that he treats the maknae roughly, but he cared for him a lot knowing how his condition was before.

“Damn it…”


Sehun oblivious to everything kept eating whatever he could get his hands on with the amusement of his hyungs that slowly followed him yet pulling him with them. But it was like playing tug of war with the huge baby.

"No! No! Not that Sehun, you are not allowed to grab that! Stop!" Suho sternly warned slapping his hand lightly.


Sehun pouted his lips that was dusted with crumbles.

"But it's so sparkly~ Please?" With twinkling eyes, he gazed at the bubbly liquid longingly like a long lost love.

"That is not apple juice Sehun, no! Listen to me or you are not allowed to eat anything else here. Choose."


Suho crossed his arms with a tap of his finger on his elbow waiting for an answer.

The other boys snickered watching the maknae reach out his hand to the glass and pull back, reach out, pull back debating with himself if it was worth everything else on the trays. His body slumped forward with a loud huff.


"Ergh fine..." Sticking his tongue out at their leader, he his fingers and gasped loudly when he found the same waiter bringing out another tray of fruit tarts in his hand. "OH MY TARTGOD!"

"Yah Sehun wait!" Suho and D.O called in unison but he was already tackling the waiter on the other side. 

"Ergh this brat!" Kai racked his hair back in annoyance before rushing with the others towards the monkey that was clinging onto the poor man.


Chanyeol was watching him silently with sad dejected eyes.


"I kept forgetting, I should know better, I kept making these kinds of mistakes."

"It's ok Yeol, everyone makes mistakes. Now come on, before they attract more unwanted attention" Baekhyun tilted his head after realizing. "What's a Tartgod anyways?"





It took awhile for Sehun to get his fill and by then he was getting an ear full with their leader for his poor manners.

He wasn't being scolded for eating everything but was scolded for being messy, his white clean shirt is stained with cream now.

"What are we going to do with you Oh Sehun? Look at you." Suho clucked his tongue with a shake of his head as D.O tried to wipe off the stain.

"It'll get off if we use water but it's barely visible as it is, just let it be." D.O backed off after giving the stain another good rub.

"If people don't stare at his chest, they won't notice it. Don't make a big deal out of something small like this, it's annoying." Kai rolled his eyes and scanned the faces around them.

"She should be here by now, never thought she's the type to be tardy with all the she's getting at home."

"Kai." Suho hissed glancing around.

"What?" Kai innocently shrugged shoving his hands into his black jeans. Suho shook his head with a sigh and turned to the others.


"Let's look around. Maybe she's already here, just to make sure. We don't want to waste time lingering in one place where we could separate. If any of you -excluding you D.O- call D.O or me." Suho instructed. They nodded and went separate ways as told.


Sehun had an aim with his eyes twinkling yet again totally forgotting the mission. "Muffins!"



D.O on the other hand casually walked around nodding his head politely at the guests that greeted him as he went by.

The whole house was really magnificent but absolutely noisy with people laughing and chatting animatedly with each other comparing their prized cars or houses that were all around the world. 

Most of the younger guests were missing, probably in another part of the house making their own party trying to get away from the party in the ball room where the grown ups have taken over.

He was wondering how could a party of a 20 year old looked so boring with mostly old people here.

It was supposed to be Sooyoung's party but he guessed that the party just turned into a house warming party for her parents. 


“So this is where everyone was.” He thought to himself noticing that most of the guys and girls here studies in the same school as you.


He spots your pack all gathered in the middle laughing about something, probably about things unthinkable taking note to not let them notice him but it was slightly difficult since some were glancing his way judgingly.


“I’ve never seen you before.” A sultry voice spoke beside him.

“What?” D.O turned towards it and found one it to be one of your minions. Taeyeon.

“I said, I have never seen you before at the other parties.” She pouted tapping her nail on her wine glass. “It’s actually always pretty fun but her parents’ likes to crash you know? That’s why her nickname is Lameyoung.”


D.O didn’t know if she’s making a joke or making fun of her friend because she said it with such a straight face, it confused him.

He just stood there looking at her thinking that she had more to say but she just looked at him back with a light smirk on her face.


“Well…ok then.” He bowed his head slightly with Taeyeon watching his every move looking really intimidating even for a petit girl like her.


As D.O was walking away, Taeyeon tilted her head watching his back. “You didn’t answer my question but its ok, we’ll talk next time. See ya~”

A shiver ran down his back, still feeling Taeyeon’s stare hovering over his back.

“She had too much wine, kids like these shouldn’t be given alcohol.” He rubbed his arms trying to get rid of the sensation.



After checking the large room where the young hostess Sooyoung was trying to pump it up, D.O headed to the back wanting fresh air still couldn’t find you.


Stepping out finally finding peace and quiet, D.O stretched his arms wide taking a deep breath gazing up at the starry night sky.

"Where is she.." He sighed tucking his hands in his pockets scanning around the beautiful garden.
"Freaking annoying, ugly fat nosy people I hate everyone. This party is so lame!”
D.O heard an angry growl somewhere in the gardens. 

"Who is that?" Ducking down, he sneaked towards the voice that was still cursing away. The closer he got the louder the cursing got.

"Potty mouth, I'm glad I found this person before Sehun, he shouldn't learn such language."


D.O shook his head pushing down the thick bushes peeping out over it through the darkness.

“I wish Baekhyun was here. Why is the garden lights so dimmed?”


Straining his eyes, he found a girl wearing a maroon strapless dress near the pool area kicking a pebble into the pool. Her long black hair cascaded down her back with light curls at the tips.

Even though D.O only saw her back, he knew it was you with your mouth rambling on about how you hate the world and how they annoy you to death wanting to blow the whole house down with a bazooka.

D.O cursed himself when he stepped on a twig making a cracking sound alerting you. You spun around searching the bushes. 

"Who's there? Show yourself!" Your voice loud and commanding.



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Chapter 7: Haha!! They got blown away by Sehun's awesomeness
Chapter 6: Lameyoung LOL poor sooyoung and Tiffany is really clingy huh.
Update soon! Fighting fighting!! You can do it!
Chapter 4: To think of it again, D.O did turn away from his responsibility of the other kids. I just realized.
Update soon~!
Chapter 4: Hehe! It's time to party :) Update soon
Chapter 1: i like it :3
Chapter 3: What an evil woman! And I spot fx and that Kara girl! I can't wait to see which idols would appear next!
Update soon!
Chapter 3: WHOA!! Shim Jaerim seems like a bully. Poor D.O! Hopefully he didn't waste his gift on her. Can't wait for the next chapter :D
Chapter 2: This is really good!
Umm... I wonder who that tall man is.
Update soon please!!
Chapter 2: So for 10 years they've been waiting and watching? I guess they really treasure D.O to observe that long. Anyways Kai, is he a detective when he was alive or he just hate her so much? haha
Update soon~ ^^ You can do it!