{ twenty four } - TAO - { tao's scarf: the story }

〈 exotic fever! 〉☆ saranghamnida. ☆ 〈 exo oneshots! 〉

{ Tao's Scarf: The Story }

{ for HaeKyung }


"I'm sorry."

You laughed brightly, shaking your head in reassurance. As amiably as you could, you craned your neck to look out the window of the restaurant, at the girls hoarding around the blocked entrance and the transparent, glass panes. All seemed to be adorned in some type of school uniform, their pretty features lightly painted over with some kind of make-up. You smiled affably, drawing a snort from Tao as you raised your hand to wave at the onslaught of fangirls shrieking and squealing. "Your fangirls are so cute, why are you apologizing?" you teased, taking a sip of your coffee.

Tao shrugged, leaning back in his seat (he had requested you two sat at the farthest back corner away from the window). He shot them a sideways glimpse before averting his penetrating gaze back onto you. You didn't flinch, you didn't have you; you weren't intimidated by Tao -- you weren't like the others. His eyebrows lessened their heavy scorn and his glare softened upon sight of your jeering smile. Vibrant laughter dropped from your lips and you shook your head in a teasing manner, eyebrows lifting playfully towards your secret lover. "It's a wonder how you have so many fans crawling after you," you remarked wittily, "with such scary looks, I really anticipated more anti-fans than actual fangirls."

"Hey!" Tao whined childishly, jutting his lips out into a pout. "You're so mean!"

You crack a ghost of a smile, a languid smirk thrown towards Tao's direction as you sneakily glanced up at him through the array of your long eyelashes. You both linger in silence, the only sounds filling it being the cafe's soft classical backtrack playing and the sounds of your occasional sipping. You stare at Tao as he sneaks surreptitious glances out the window, his watchful optics examining the girls being towed away by the facility's security. "I really am sorry," he pipes up after the silence seemingly grew too thick for him to bear. "I pulled you out of your house this late at night, only to be bombarded by the fangirls I was hoping to avoid," he whispered, chuckling bitterly in spite of his futile attempt to wriggle free of the famous life.

"I just.. really miss being normal.. especially around you," Tao continued apologetically, finally meeting your eyes. Your shoulders slumped, a sign your were sympathetic, but had nothing else to say. "I know it can't be helped," he replied, answering your silent plea, "but still.. I feel like I'm making you suffer and --"
"Don't say that," you argued vehemently, eyebrows furrowing together with obvious protest. "Tao, I'm not suffering."

His solemn smile fell into a somber frown. "But --"

You sighed, lifting yourself up from your chair and walking over to squat beside him. You glanced up at him meaningfully, your eyes twinkling with earnest candor. "I'm really proud of you," you whispered sincerely. "Watching you up there on stage and enjoying yourself.. hearing you rap, watching you perform stunts and just have fun," you rambled, "it's all so.. amazing." You take the time, indulging yourself happily in the peaceful silence; your eyelids fluttered shut and you could feel Tao caress your hands with his clammy palms, his breath leaning down to allow his lips to touch yours ever so innocently. "I'm not suffering because you're famous, so don't kill yourself over it," you murmured gently against the swell of his plump lips.

You smile at the sound of his breath hitching and chuckled softly under your breath. "It's getting late," you stated blandly.

"You're leaving?" His voice rose higher than normally and he had to clear his throat to recover himself. He abruptly stood up, watching you collect your things. You sigh almost regretfully at the sight of Tao's flustered appearance; a fresh coat of tears sheered over the glass of his pupils, his lips quivering almost like a toddler's during a moment of sorrow. 

You nodded slowly, tucking your hands around the scarf around your neck. Peeling it off, you wrapped it tightly around Tao, who was adorned carelessly in a simple pair of jeans and a single sweatshirt, in comparison to you, who resembled an Eskimo. "Keep yourself warm," you remarked chidingly with a teasing smile. His hands encased yours into warmth, the coolness of his fingertips padding against the heat of your palms. "Can't you stay just a bit longer?" he pleaded.

You released yourself, cupping his cheeks. A giggle played at the back of your throat as you kissed him gently, ignoring the awe-struck stares of the baristas in the corner. "Keep yourself warm and stay healthy," you repeated sternly, looking into his eyes confidently. "Wear this scarf often and think of me when you wear it." You played with the end corners of the simple fabric, reminiscing how you used your own allowance to buy the scarf when you were just a mere middle-schooler. In other words, the scarf meant alot to you, as you had single-handedly earned it for yourself.

"There's going to be times where we can't meet like this so carelessly, and there are going to be times I can't be there in person to comfort you, Tao," you tell him gently. "So just take this scarf and provide yourself with solace whenever I can't be around."
"You make it sound like you're dying," he mumbled immaturely, pouting.
"Well, it's not that," you sang playfully. "I'm just saying --"

"I know," the elder male interjected silently. "I'll wear it often," he promised, "all the time, even. To the airport to interviews, and photoshoots; I'll wear it wherever you want me to, and I'll keep it with me always." He smiled genuinely for the first time you've seen in months and had to hold back a beam as you saw him wrap the other end of the scarf around your neck, so that both of you were indulging in the accessory's warmth.

The close proximity made you blush, the pinkish hue already halfway across your cheeks. His warm breath ghosted above your lips and his muscular arms pulled you impossibly closer, into his chest, where your ear pressed up against where his heart would be. "If you ever see me wear the scarf," he whispered gently, tenderly caressing your flushing features with the back of his hand, "know that you are always on my mind, and that I will be coming to you soon. I don't want you to wait for me too long.. you might get bored and tired."

You kissed his lips, smiling reassuringly up at the young male. "I will never get tired of waiting for you, Tao," you beamed, lacing your pinkies together at your sides.

His voice is soft, warm against your cheek as he pecks your jaw affectionately. "This scarf," he murmured against the heat of your neck, "let it bring us together, and let it keep us close.. always, okay?"


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i realized it never published. omg im going to cry i didnt even save it ashk823tdhsgk GAH TOMORRO WI SWEAR NAFHJ


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Chapter 49: PERFECT ENDING !!!! '-' I LURB U ,, U ARE MY FAV AUTHOR ~~wohoo
moncieletoile #2
JjangJoo #3
Chapter 46: That was so beautiful. I cried and laughed at the same time. Thank you so much! Wait this was for me‚ yes?
zeewei #5
Chapter 43: Gggaaaahhhh Yixing aaahh!!! So cute so fluff ohh I don't know what to says so romantic :) thank you author-nim I'll request again :D
JjangJoo #6
Chapter 40: ..... Yes! I will request again! You do really good with those kind of scene the next one I wonder.. hmm.. I dunno! THANK YOU SOO MUCH!
JensuXP #7
Chapter 39: Aww Sehun.. ur so cute <3