Only Relatives

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Krystal ran up the stairs to the rooftop quickly, and there she saw in the laying on the ground of the rooftop a unconsious Amber blood seeping from his wounds. Krystal quickly dialed 911 as she ran to Amber, slapping him harshly earning a groan from him. "911 state your emergency" said a woman on the phone. "Um...My friend he's...he's bleeding from his stomach and face. I think he might go unconsious again! He has a cut on his face" Krystal replied panicking slightly. "M'am, m'am I'm going to need you to calm down. We are going to need you to try to keep your friend awake and help slow down the blood flow. Where is your location Ms." The woman said soothingly trying to calm Krystal down through the phone. "We..We're at Sm highscool on the rooftop, please hurry" the worried girl replied as she began to take off her jacket pressing it on his stomach wound. "Amber wake up" she said looking at the boy, she sighed and smacked him twice "Oww"the bleeding boy groaned as he opened his eyes slowly. "Stay awake stupid...What happened to you?" Krystal said softly as she kept the pressure on his stomach, she looked at his head and frowned. "Thanks Krys" replied a weak voice that belonged to the boy, Amber then smiled weakly at the girl who's helping him. Krystal caressed the boys face gently and smiled back weakly, her eyes shone with sadness and fear. Tears began to well up in her eyes. "Don't cry princess, nothings going to happen its gonna be alright" wheezed out Amber as he slowly rose his hand to her face wiping away the tear that fell from her eyes. "Ms. I'm going to need you to move" a mans voice said as he pushes her to the side, two other men picked up Amber and placed them on a gurney. "I need to go with him" Krystal yelled after the medics as they begin their way down the stairs to the car. "I'm sorry only relatives can go" a woman said to Krystal. "I'm his girlfriend"
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KBwayback #1
Chapter 3: Hold on Amber .
Need review/poster/trailer/one shot? It's all here in Enticing Perfection. Please do visit. Thanks for reading:

If you think this is disturbing, you can delete this. I won't get angry ^^
Hello! Would you like graphics for your story? Come and check out ∞ Infinite Possibilities ∞ :)
Chapter 3: Liking the plot line, but can you please separate the story into paragraphs instead of grouping it into chucks. It would really help if you space out the conversations too.
Reversable #5
Chapter 3: hohohoho!! this is gonna be GOOD! XD
Junjji #6
Chapter 3: Who paid for those bastard? Is it bcuz amber hot video that why someone want to "destroy" the face and abs? Wondering wondering >< but at least kry said she is his gf lol. Am u could die in happiness now ><
fxcrazy #7
Chapter 2: oh no his abs and handsome face :o
max83262 #8
Chapter 2: update soon please :D
Reversable #9
Chapter 2: update soon author :D
max83262 #10
Chapter 1: interesting story ... ^_^
hope you update soon :D