The day of the bet

Challenge Accepted
It started off normal for Amber Liu, same bed he woke up in and the same mirror he smiled at. After he got dressed into his uniform he went to the kitchen looking for whatever he could find to eat only to find a measly apple. "Alright then note to my y self buy food" the boy said tossing the apple to the side, he then went back to his room and began the search for his wallet and shoes, after a good five mintues he finally made his way out the door and began his way toward school. "Key!" Amber yelled running towards his friend ignoring the fan girls that he passed and straight into the arms of a blonde haired boy who hugged Amber tightly. "Amb I missed you, where have you been? Key said to Amber looking at him straight in the eyes, slowly tilting Amber's head up so now that their lips are only centimeters away. The surrounding girls now cheering at the sight of the two boys. "Kah you two cut it out, come on we need to get to class" said a boy who pushed the two away earning "awws" from the crowd of girls. "Here I thought you loved our bromance" Key said in a almost pouting tone. The three boys began their way to class occasionally giving the girls a suggesting look. Until they made their first stop. "Well Amber I guess this is goodbye, I'll miss you boo" Key said to the boy biting his bottom lip, Amber was going in for a hug knowing the girls watching loved it until he was pushed to the side by none other then Krystal Jung giving him a glare that sent shivers down his back. "Man I'd tap that" Amber whispered lowly but still loud enough for Krystal to hear. -Shmackk it- It all happened so fast that Amber couldn't even understand what happened until he felt his face being to sting. "Damn you okay Amb?" Minho said looking at the boy who was still in shock of being smacked. "Damn how'd she know I liked it rough?" Amber said chuckling as he rubbed his face earning chuckles from his friends. "Man you got problems." Minho said looking at Key who nodded in agreement. "Aye don't judge me, she's my future girlfriend....maybe" the boy said sheepishly."Uh huh I believe you. Tell you what I'll give you that new game you want if you can get ice princess to be your date for the dance." Key said to Amber in a uncaring voice fully knowing he doesn't have a chance in hell with Krystal. "I accept your challenge. She'll be my girlfriend two weeks tops." replied Amber in a serious tone, he then went to class and sat in his seat looking out the window thinking "what the hell did I get myself into? Kyrstal ing hates me" the boy shook his head and sighed.
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KBwayback #1
Chapter 3: Hold on Amber .
Need review/poster/trailer/one shot? It's all here in Enticing Perfection. Please do visit. Thanks for reading:

If you think this is disturbing, you can delete this. I won't get angry ^^
Hello! Would you like graphics for your story? Come and check out ∞ Infinite Possibilities ∞ :)
Chapter 3: Liking the plot line, but can you please separate the story into paragraphs instead of grouping it into chucks. It would really help if you space out the conversations too.
Reversable #5
Chapter 3: hohohoho!! this is gonna be GOOD! XD
Junjji #6
Chapter 3: Who paid for those bastard? Is it bcuz amber hot video that why someone want to "destroy" the face and abs? Wondering wondering >< but at least kry said she is his gf lol. Am u could die in happiness now ><
fxcrazy #7
Chapter 2: oh no his abs and handsome face :o
max83262 #8
Chapter 2: update soon please :D
Reversable #9
Chapter 2: update soon author :D
max83262 #10
Chapter 1: interesting story ... ^_^
hope you update soon :D