Chapter 8 - Unfortunate Events

Making Her Mine


"What?" I looked up at him, confused at the unexpected answer.
He stared straight into her eyes and slowly was leaning in. Before he was even a foot away from her, his serious eyes lightened up, "Omona! Your ice cream is melting!"
"H-huh?" I looked down and realized that my hand was covered in melting ice cream that was threatening to drip, "OH CRAP!" I ran out to the back of the shop to the sink to clean my hands. 
I'm such an idiot! How did I not notice my entire hand was covered in ice cream?! My mind trailed back to Jung Min. 
It was... His eyes. They had become so serious... I wonder what he was about to say. Now I'll never know! I sighed and shut off the faucet and dryed my hands on my apron. 
"Why are you sighing?" I looked over to see Jung Min leaning against the door that opened up to the back of the shop. 
"Nothing." I waved it off. 
We both walked into the shop and he looked over to me, "Lets close up the shop, it's getting late and I doubt we're going to have any more customers today."
"Sure." I gave him a small smile and nodded.
After closing up the shop Jung Min asked me if I wanted more ice cream since mine melted... all over my hand...
I declined blushing in embarrassment, so he suggested that we grab some coffee instead. I realized there was no arguing with him because if I declined having coffee with him he'd probably bring up something else. One thing I noticed after getting to know Jung Min in this short time was that... he was persistent. It was a but annoying but he was only persistent towards specific things. When he was, there was no use in arguing with him... at all.
So anyway, here I am now, sitting here in this little cafe with Jung Min. A waitress came over to the little table we were sitting at and asked for our order. "What would you both like?" 
Jung Min raised both his eyebrows at me, cocking his head towards me signaling me to order first. I cracked a smile and looked at the waitress, "Hot chocolate with whip cream please." 
She wrote it down right away and then looked at Jung Min with bright eyes, "And you sir?" 
"The same." He replied, not even looking at her with his eyes still on me. Her face fell a bit but she nodded, "Just a few minutes." He finally looked at her and flashed his million dollar smile, "Thank you." 
The waitresses face brightened again and she stuttered, "N-No problem!" Then she quickly walked away with a red face. And as soon as she left his eyes found me again right away. "Wae~?" I raised my eyebrows at him, "Why are you looking at me like that?" 
I felt I little insecure... And after a long time I felt worried about my appearance. I quickly shot a glance at my clothes and realized how shabby I looked even though I was simply wearing a long faint yellow skirt that went below my knees with a red tank top and white cardigan on top. I hadn't felt insecure since high school had ended which was just a little more then a year ago. How come suddenly now I was worrying about my appearance with Jung Min?
"You're looking pretty." He gave her a small yet breathtaking smile. I widened her eyes and for the second time that day my heart started to race. The first time being just before Jung Min pointed out that my ice cream was melting. "H-huh?"
"Here you go! Two hot chocolates!" The waitress smiled, placing two mugs on the table. "Enjoy!" I quickly glanced at her and nodded, giving her a small smile. She smiled cheerfully and then walked away.
Jung Min reached out for a mug and slowly brought it to his lips and took a sip. He put the cup down and his eyes brightened, "It's awesome!" 
I nodded smiling at his childish attitude, forgetting what happened just a few minutes before. I took a sip out of my hot chocolate and my eyes brightened as well at the sweet and delicious taste of the hot chocolate driving my taste buds wild. "It is."
"And don't do that." I narrowed my eyes at him. 

"Do what?" He asked confused and put his mug down.
"You just charmed that waitress with your smile."
He laughed, "I don't see what's so funny about this." I rolled my eyes.
"It's just that... I didn't charm her!" He continued laughing
I huffed, "Oh please! She was absolutely blushing!" I scoffed at him trying not to laugh as well.
I don't know how it happened, but that night... it seemed like there was just happiness and laughter omitted from the both of us. But as it is, all goods things have to come to an end. And that laughter died that same night when I got home.
"Umma, I'm home." I called out because I knew she didn't have work today.
When I heard no reply I got worried. I rushed into the living room and saw no one there, so I ran into the kitchen. There was no one there either. I pannicked and opened the door to my mothers room.
"Omma!" I stared terrified at the figure of my mother laying on her bed. My sister was sitting next to her and she seemed to have fallen asleep. There was a bucket of water next to her and then I realized there was a towel on my mothers head. "Omma..." I rushed to her side and grabbed her hand."Omma." I whispered the word repeatedly. ~
"Sooyoon?" She opened her eyes.
"De, o-omma?" I began to tear up.
"Don't cry, omma just has a light fever... Omma is just a little bit tired... let omma sleep for a little while. O-omma loves Sooyoon v-very much..." With that she passed out. I quickly felt her forehead. It was burning. I picked up my cellphone and called the first person on my mind.
"Yoboseyeo? Sooyoon?"
"Jung Min! Please help me! My omma!" I was sobbing and got cut off by him.
"I'll be there in five minutes." He said in a serious tone. 

I nodded even though he couldn't see me and continused to cry, "Hurry!" 
I heard the start of an engine before he hung up.
Annyeong chinggu's! Sorry for updating so late! Anyway thank you so much for 10 subs :D I'm so happy! Hahaha and I'm afraid I won't be able to update for a week or two depending on how long midterms are. Wish me luck jebal! T.T I'm afraid I'll fail *sighs*
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Gwenniexbanana #1
Chapter 14: awww this is a really cute story!! :3 can't wait for you to update!
gracie_lee #2
Chapter 14: Ohmigawd, I've been waiting for this update forever! Yay Hyun Joong is back!
Chapter 11: OMO!! Whats gonna happen? I can't wait!>_<
Chapter 12: ..........???? she must be feeling so torn, I feel for you TT!
Chapter 11: OMO! Joongie's a rival here for JungMin?! wow! I really wish I was her hehehe!
iamaflamer #6
Chapter 11: Awesomeness everywhere and wow hyun joong didn't see that coming lol
Haneul0907 #7
Chapter 9: cant wait for the updates...fighting!!
Chapter 8: I hope her mom ets well soon, and please Jungmin hurry!
Chapter 8: good luck dear :)
iamaflamer #10
Chapter 8: I love this chapter keep updating author-nim ^^